
On the second day, Chu Jiang went to the high school that he had attended with Wen Xin previously, Mu Yang High School.

Chu Jiang stopped his car in front of a teaching block and got off his car.

The surrounding girls broke out into a flurry of discussion.

The Principal adjusted his black-framed glasses and looked at Chu Jiang: "You are a new student? Or a teacher? "

Chu Jiang directly sat on the sofa in the Principal's office and said: "Your former student, Chu Jiang."

"Chu Jiang..." The principal was stunned for a moment before he looked at the man in front of him with a surprised expression.

Of course he remembered Chu Jiang, it was just that … He frowned slightly and asked after a long while with a smile on his face,

"It's been so long since I've seen you, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to investigate someone." Chu Jiang cast a sidelong glance at the principal, and said without any sort of roundabout way, not even bothering to change his words.

Why didn't you go to the Police station to investigate? The Principal looked at Chu Jiang and asked somewhat angrily.

"I just need to come to your place. Can you find a girl that went to school here with me for a year? Her name is Liu Xu. " Chu Jiang leaned his income on the table in front of the principal and said.

"I'll help you look for those girls called Liu Xu that year." With that, the principal stood up and went to a bookshelf behind him, where he pulled out a few folders.

In the end, he passed it to Chu Jiang and said, "Find it yourself! There are names and graduation photos of each of them. "

Hearing that, Chu Jiang carried a few documents and sat on the sofa to look through.

He flipped through all four folders, but couldn't find the girl. Could she have lied to him?

He raised his head and handed the folders in his hand to the principal, asking, "Are all the students here?"

The principal looked at Chu Jiang and said, "If there isn't, then she is already dead."

After a while, the Principal suddenly raised his head and looked towards Chu Jiang: "The girl you're looking for can't be Liu Xu, the girl who died five years ago!"

Hearing that, Chu Jiang looked at the Principal and asked: "Do you have her picture?"

The principal nodded. "Yes, but not in this file."

"Hurry up and find it."

The Principal looked at Chu Jiang's anxious face and became a little scared. He stood up and said to Chu Jiang: "Wait, I'll find it for you."

As he spoke, he turned around and found a folder on the bookshelf.

"This is a picture of the students who had an accident at school."

Chu Jiang caught it and flipped it open.

In the end, he found a photo of that girl. It looked very similar to the one he had seen before, except this time, the smile on Liu Xu's face was more gentle.

He looked down below at the cause of death, and his eyes became deep.

Died in a car accident on Valentine's Day. Five years ago.

He remembered what Liu Xu had told him: "Don't you remember me? I sent you chocolate on Valentine's Day at school. "

Chu Jiang had stayed in this school for one year, and that year's Valentine's Day was also the day of Liu Xu's car accident. In other words, Liu Xu had already died, so who exactly was that girl?

He looked at the family background description below, which showed only one father, an engineer.

"Liu City." He lightly read the name on it. Was this the name of Liu Xu's father?

That girl who looked similar to Liu Xu should be related to her. Then, it seemed that he needed to find Liu Xu's father in this investigation. Perhaps, he could find some information.

He didn't think that a small matter would be able to find out so many stories. Now, he began to suspect, was this really just a small matter? It was really only a move that made Wen Xin disappointed in him, or that made Wen Xin disappointed in him, or perhaps caused him and Mu Yuntian to have an even greater conflict. Thinking up to this point, he felt a chill down her spine.

Chu Jiang left the Principal's office and conveniently recorded down Liu Xu's home address and her father's place of work.

He didn't know what kind of conspiracy the person behind him was up to, but he had to grab the person behind him in order to make things clear. This kind of passivity almost made him suffocate, and he hated this kind of feeling.

As he thought about how the throttle under his feet had reached its limit, the car started to move even faster.

The car finally stopped at a company.

This company building was a bit shabby. It seemed that no one had repaired it in many years.

Chu Jiang opened the car door and looked at the address in his hand, confirming that it was indeed here.

He walked into the narrow corridor of the company and headed straight for the stairs.

Passing through the corridor on the third floor, Chu Jiang found the last office and knocked on the door.

The person inside said in a low voice, "Come in."

Chu Jiang walked in and looked at the middle-aged man on the desk and said: "I am here to look for your engineer, Liu Cheng."

Hearing that, Master looked at Chu Jiang and said: "We do not have that person here."

Chu Jiang was a little confused, the information clearly stated that this was the place!

"The one who worked here five years ago. Is he gone now?"

"Let's go!" We don't have this person here. " The man coaxed Chu Jiang impatiently.

It seemed that there really was nothing left, but this person's attitude was really vile.

Chu Jiang walked out of the door and looked around. This company was really depressed, it seemed like it was in a bad mood.

He stomped down the stairs and just as he walked out of the door, he heard someone call out to him from behind, "Wait!"

Chu Jiang stopped and turned to look at the man behind him and asked: "Are you looking for me?"

The man nodded.

The man was around 50 years old, and his appearance could be considered simple and honest.

The man looked at Chu Jiang and asked: "Are you really looking for him?"

Chu Jiang nodded: "Do you know him?"

The man looked up and down at Chu Jiang and said: "I recognize you, you are the CEO of the Star Aviation Company."

Chu Jiang did not deny it.

"I can tell you about him, but I need you to promise me one condition." The man said to Chu Jiang.