
As the two of them talked, the lights in the operation room went off. Xin Rou was pushed out of the operation room, only to see her forehead, chin, and face was bandaged up, her face was bruised and bruised, she seemed to be severely injured.

"How is the doctor?" Wen Xin pulled a female doctor and asked.

"You guys go and pay the operation and hospitalization fees first!" The doctor looked at Wen Xin and said.

Wen Xin sat down beside the sickbed, looked at Xin Rou who had her eyes tightly shut, and said: "Although I have hated you and hated you, but I still hope that you can survive, you must survive!"

After Mu Yuntian paid the admission fee, he walked to the door of the ward and happened to hear what Wen Xin had said. He felt a little gratified in his heart, her Wen Xin was always so kind, and had never changed.

He walked into the ward and placed his hands on Wen Xin's shoulders as he said softly, "Don't worry! She'll be fine. "

Wen Xin nodded, the two of them looked at the bed, and sincerely prayed that she would be safe.

"I'll take care of her here for a few days!" Go back and busy yourself first! " Wen Xin said as he looked at Mu Yuntian.

"No need, I've already asked the hospital to find a nurse. We just have to come see her a few times a day. Ding Ding will be leaving in two days. She wants us to stay with her for a few more days." Mu Yuntian said softly.

Wen Xin was a little hesitant: "But I'm also worried about her."

"I know your relationship with Xin Rou isn't that good, and perhaps it isn't appropriate for you to be here either. I'll find someone suitable to take care of her, and I've already informed her home's nanny.

Wen Xin nodded. Xin Rou had always hated her so much, if he opened her eyes and saw her, she would probably be even more angry.

"Alright, I'll wait for the nurse and the nurse to come before I leave."

Mu Yuntian nodded his head, he did not have a hard heart, it was already considered good that he could do all this for her, but even if he did not know everything that she had done all these years, there were still some things that he understood, if not he would not divorce her, and furthermore their relationship would not be at peace.

Not long after, someone knocked on the door.

Outside the door stood Xin Rou's home's nanny.

She looked at Mu Yuntian and said: "Thank you for taking care of her."

The nanny was around fifty years old, around the same age as Mrs Xu. She had a kind face and looked very friendly.

"That's only natural. Since you've come, we'll leave first." Wen Xin looked at the lady in front of him and said.

The woman nodded. "Thank you."

Mu Yuntian nodded and dragged Wen Xin out of the sickroom.

After leaving the hospital, Wen Xin's heart was in slight discomfort. She turned to look at Mu Yuntian and said: "I originally thought that I hated Xin Rou a lot, but seeing how injured she is, I suddenly feel like I can't hate her anymore. Although she is against me, she didn't do too much harm to me.

Mu Yuntian did not speak. He knew that Wen Xin was very simple, with a very soft heart, she did not know much about what Xin Rou had done.

After returning home, he saw Ding Ding and Mu Tang playing in the courtyard. When they saw Wen Xin and Mu Yuntian, they surrounded them.

"Wen Xin, Yun Tian, can I take Ding Ding on a cruise tomorrow?" Mu Tang said as he looked at the two.

Mu Yuntian smiled and nodded: "Alright, you can play whatever you want."

"Dinner is ready, time to eat." Mrs Xu looked at the people in the courtyard and shouted.

"Let's go eat." Mu Yuntian said as he carried Mu Tang who was lying on the ground.

Wen Xin followed closely behind, her hand holding onto Ding Ding.

Every minute that they could gather together was precious, so they had to live happily ever after.

The dinner was very sumptuous, filling the entire table with dishes that Ding Ding liked to eat. Mrs Xu helped Ding Ding to put some dishes on the plate, and said: "Child, eat more, these are all things that you like to eat."

Wen Xin and Mu Yuntian also helped to pick up the dishes, while Mu Tang who was by his side no longer fought with Ding Ding for the dishes he liked.

Ding ding looked at the plates full of food and said to the few of them: "Thank you for taking care of me all this time, this is my happiest day, after I leave with grandfather, I will miss you all, and I will definitely not forget you all, and Mu Tang, you must wait for me to come back."

Mu Tang nodded his head and said in an aged voice: "If you want to eat more, you will only need to eat more."

Ding Ding nodded her head and used a pair of chopsticks to pick up the food from the bowl before placing it in her mouth.

Looking at all of this, Wen Xin didn't know whether to be happy or sad in her heart.

After each of them finished their meal, they sat on the rooftop of the villa and watched the sun set in the distance.

It was already autumn, and the weather had gradually turned cold. It had already darkened just after six o'clock, and it had been a long time since the family had watched the sunset. The sunset was so beautiful and peaceful.

The sun had set and the sky was slowly set. Wen Xin asked the Mrs Xu to bring Mu Tang and Ding Ding back to their bedroom.

The phone on Mu Yuntian's body rang, it was very ear-piercing in this quiet evening.

"You said she woke up?"

Receiving the call, Mu Yuntian's mouth formed a happy smile.

After hanging up, Wen Xin looked at him and asked: "Has Xin Rou woken up?"

Mu Yuntian nodded his head: "Just now, the hospital called to say that she has woken up."

"Then, should we go and see her?"

"Let's go tomorrow!" You must be tired today, rest early! " Mu Yuntian supported Wen Xin down the stairs. How does Xin Rou feel now? Is there anything wrong with it? " An old lady in her fifties looked at Xin Rou who was lying on the sickbed, and asked in concern.

Xin Rou who was on the bed opened her eyes and looked at the lady in front of him with a confused expression.

did not speak for a long time, the nanny looked at her in panic: "Did you hear what I said?"

"I can hear you, but... "But who are you?" Xin Rou's voice was somewhat hoarse.