Chapter 200

Wen Xin hopes that Mu Tang can live a happy life. If Mu Tang stays with her all the time, it may be disadvantageous to his growth to some extent. After all, Mu Tang is just a child.

"When I don't want to go to class, you can't force me to go to class. You know, if I often stay with a group of children, I will become mentally retarded sooner or later."

Wenxin had to nod and agree: "OK, but you can't often find reasons not to go to class."

Mu Tang should go to class and learn like other children.

But mu Tang had promised, and she was relieved for the time being.

The next day, Wen Xin took Mu Tang to the best noble school in city B. last night, Wen Xin inquired online. This school is relatively good. Although the charge is a little higher, it is not a problem for her.

Mu Tang frowned all the way to the school gate. He disdained and said, "Wenxin, this is what you call an aristocratic school."

Wen Xin nodded: "yes, you just stay here first. I've talked to the principal of this school. He will take care of you more."

Mu Tang sighed, "I don't like restraint. What if I don't like the headmaster?"

Wen Xin hurriedly said, "Mu Tang, you should be good. If you really can't stay, just call me."

A fat middle-aged man came out of the school. When he saw the warm heart, his eyes looked at each other, and there was a strong desire.

Mu Tang shook his head: "Wen Xin, this man is lecherous."

Wen Xin smiles bitterly, but since he asks others, he can't be too rude.

"Hello, Mr. Cheng. I'm Wenxin."

President Cheng smiled at Wen Xin: "Hello, Wen Xin, this is what you call Mu Tang."

Mu Tang didn't look at the fat headmaster at all. His face was unhappy.

Mr. Cheng didn't notice Mu Tang beside him at all, but looked at Wen Xin and frowned. Can such a headmaster make those children grow up healthily?

Mu Tang said coldly, "principal Cheng, your mouth is flowing to Wenxin's sleeve."

President Cheng was embarrassed for a while, then patted his chest and said, "Wen Xin, don't worry. Give him to me. I will make him outstanding and take special care of him."

Wen Xin didn't say anything, but looked at Mu Tang: "Mu Tang, is there a problem?"

Mu Tang shook his head: "no problem, I like excitement."

Wen Xin nodded. She at least believed that no one could bully Mu Tang.

Looking at Wen Xin's disappearance, President Cheng bent down and asked, "your name is mu Tang, isn't it?"

Mu Tang didn't answer, but just snorted.

"Is that your sister?"

Mu Tang is noncommittal. Wen Xin has explained clearly on his way to the hotel and described their relationship as sister and brother.

"Is she married? Does she have a boyfriend?"

A trace of disgust flashed in mutang's eyes and walked in.

President Cheng's face was very ugly, but he still took Mu Tang to a classroom.

At the moment, there is a lot of noise in the classroom.

Dozens of seven or eight year old children are fighting.

As soon as principal Cheng appeared, the classroom was quiet.

But soon, the voices of discussion flared up again.

"Wow, look, the child is so handsome."

"How cool!!!"

Mu Tang's cold appearance increased his popularity index.

President Cheng was very surprised. Never before had a child attracted so many people's attention when he first arrived in the class.

He coughed twice and said loudly, "let me introduce you. This is the new classmate in our class, Mu Tang."

"Listen to your name." a seven or eight year old girl with a pigtail said softly.

Mu Tang squinted at the past and was a beautiful little girl.

He threw his eyes away, and the little girl immediately bowed her head shyly.

President Cheng explained to the teacher again, answered a phone call and left in a hurry.

Mu Tang is arranged to sit in the middle of the classroom. This is only one of the classes, but mu Tang can still see that everyone here is wearing famous brand clothes and noble temperament.

Why did Wen Xin send himself here? He also introduced to the people here that they have a sister brother relationship. In his heart, Wen Xin's position is his mother's position.

Mu Tang listened to the teacher yiyiah on the podium, completely without any interest.

He held his cheeks in his hands and thought, what is Wenxin doing at this time?

"Mutang." a weak little girl shouted in her ear.

Mu Tang frowned and looked around. He saw that the beautiful little girl stuffed him with the note in her hand.

"Childish." Mu Tang didn't answer the note and continued to put his elbow on the table in a daze.

The little girl was a little angry, pursed her lips and looked like she didn't admit defeat.

"If you ignore me, I'll let the headmaster expel you."

Mu Tang looked at her disdainfully and said coldly, "I hate people threatening me most."

The child only felt a cold look, and she didn't dare to speak.

Mu Tang suddenly stood up and walked towards the teaching room.

The teacher on the platform was stunned: "Mu Tang, what are you doing?"

Mu Tang left a sentence: "I'm going back to find Wen Xin."

When Wenxin returned to the villa, she had been worried about whether mutang could adapt to the life of noble school.

All morning, her heart hung on Mu Tang.

When you turn on the TV, you are not in the mood to read. When you pick up a book, you are not in the mood to open it.

She couldn't stand the days when mutang was no longer around.

Wenxin finally couldn't stand it. She was about to go out when the phone in her hand suddenly rang.

Inside is a strange number.

"Hello, is it Wenxin?" the other party is a strange and slightly hoarse boy.

"Hello, are you..."

"I'm Dr. Tang from XX Hospital. I hope you can come to the hospital right away."

Wen Xin was very surprised: "excuse me, what's the matter?"

"There is something wrong with mutang children. You need to come and deal with it."

Warm heart's brain buzzed and went blank. What's the matter with mutang?

Too late to think, she quickly picked up the car key and ran out.

As soon as Wen Xin arrived at the gate of the largest hospital in B city, he was picked up by a white nurse.

"What happened?" she asked anxiously.

The nurse shook her head: "I don't know the specific situation. Dr. Tang will tell you."

Followed the nurse around a corner and entered a special ward.

On the hospital bed, Mu Tang's pale face made Wen Xin's heart pull up.

"Mutang, what's the matter with you? Don't scare me."

Next to him, a doctor in a white coat wearing a mask slowly took off the mask. When he saw Wenxin, he paused and said, "you are miss Wenxin."

"It's me, doctor. What happened? Why, Mu Tang would do this?"