Chapter 225

Long Feiyu said: "this may be an organization, but it's very mysterious. Most people can't detect it. Of course, it's just the words of a family in the news. We don't know what it looks like."

"Mutang, it's time for dinner," Wen Xin reminded.

Long sat on the side, holding chopsticks in his hand.

Long Feiyu asked suspiciously, "darling, why don't you eat?"

Long Guai suddenly cried, "Dad, I made a mistake."

"What's the matter?"

"I showed your picture to Aunt Wenxin."

Wen Xin and long Feiyu's faces were red. Long Feiyu said awkwardly, "I'm right..."

"It's okay."

The whole table was immediately embarrassed.

"Uncle, you'd better tell me about the mysterious organization?" Mu Tang broke his embarrassment and asked.

Long Feiyu coughed twice: "if you pay attention to this organization, you can see it in many places, such as Sherlock Holmes's novels and some descriptions in books. In addition, they control most of the world's property and have their existence in some big banks in the world."

"It's amazing," sighed mutang.

Long Feiyu smiled: "you should listen to the story. Whether it exists or not is far from us."

"But I still want to hear it," mutang said with interest.

"All right. Mutang, it's time to eat."

Mu Tang had no appetite at all, and his interest was suspended by long Feiyu.

Long Feiyu looked at him helplessly and said, "well, let me tell you more. This organization also controls the IFB, CIA and British * * Affairs Bureau in the United States. No one can surpass them."

"How awesome." Mu Tang's face looked fascinated.

Wen Xin looked at Mu Tang silently. When was the child interested in these things.

But long Feiyu didn't go on: "that's all for today, otherwise aunt Wenxin won't be happy."

In a room, the man in black stared at Bai Jiaxuan coldly.

"You should know the end of betraying me."

Bai Jiaxuan sneered: "ha ha, I've seen that you're not pleasing to my eyes. I don't like that others have been pressing on my head to shit and pee. Today, I'm going to solve you. Even if there are powerful people behind you, what's the matter? Strong dragons don't press local snakes. In city B, only I can say.

The man in black suddenly smiled: "it seems that you want to betray me for a long time."

Bai Jiaxuan said coldly, "you found it yourself."

With that, he said to his men in black with several pistols: "solve him."

The man in black snorted and came to Bai Jiaxuan like lightning. His wrist turned over and the gun in his hand butted Bai Jiaxuan's temple.

"Put the guns down."

Bai Jiaxuan's forehead was sweating. He didn't expect the other party's speed to be so fast.

"Put down, put down the gun." Bai Jiaxuan ordered his men in a trembling voice.

"Boss Bai, since your life is over, what's the use of keeping you? Your Bai's group should be left to me."

Said, his index finger holding the gun moved, Bang

Bai Jiaxuan's blood splashed on the spot and his heavy body fell to the ground

His men were stunned and forgot to do it.

The man in black scanned the gun in his hand: "Bai Jiaxuan is dead. If you follow me, what you have now and what you will have. Otherwise... You will bury him."

Several of Bai Jiaxuan's men looked at the body of Bai Jiaxuan lying on the ground. Their faces were bloodless and they didn't know what to do.

The cold eyes of the man in black swept each of their faces, and no one dared to look at him.

One of them jumped out of the crowd: "we are willing to follow you and regard you as the boss."

Seeing someone take the lead, the others followed and said, "we are willing to take you as the boss."

The man in black smiled, wiped the gun on his hand and guessed Bai Jiaxuan's body.

"You all go down," said the man in black in a flat tone.

After those people retreated, the man in Black said coldly, "come out."

Yu ruohai has been hiding under the bed for half a day. He came in to hear something about him. Unexpectedly, a stranger killed Bai Jiaxuan.

He slowly climbed out from under the bed and stared at the man in black.

"Shall I call you Mr. Yu or Mr. mu?" the man in black hooked his mouth.

"Who are you?" Yu ruohai frowned.

"You don't care who I am. I think you come here this time to find out why you lose your memory?"

Yu ruohai was stunned: "who are you?"

The man in black smiled, "I said, you don't know me, but I know you."

Yu ruohai looked at him defensively. The man killed Bai Jiaxuan under the eyes of so many people, which is enough to show his horror.

The man in black did a good job in the chair and said faintly to ruohai, "sit down."

Yu ruohai stood still. The man in black smiled: "you have many questions in your heart. I can answer them for you."

Yu ruohai frowned. This man is really terrible.

Even now, Yu ruohai still didn't see his expression clearly.

His face was blurred and seemed to be wearing something.

"Are you looking at me?" the man in Black said with a smile.

"You're always rude to people with a mask?"

Man in Black: "but that's what I look like."

Yu ruohai looked at him suspiciously. His face didn't seem to be wearing anything.

"Let's get down to business," said the man in black.

Yu ruohai sat opposite him and looked at the people in black. Their eyes looked at each other for a long time. He said, "you are really different."

"Different?" Yu ruohai looked at him.

"I want to introduce myself first." the man in Black said faintly.

"I'm from an organization, the Communist foundation. You may not have heard of it. I can briefly introduce it to you. We don't have many people, but we are all over the world. The whole world is under our control. We can say that we planned many major events in the world."

Seeing Yu ruohai's suspicious look, the man in black sighed, "believe it or not, I believe it anyway."

"What do you want to tell me?" he was not in the mood to listen to the joke of the man in black

"I want to tell you about your true identity."

Yu ruohai was surprised: "my true identity? You seem to know me very well. Why?"

The man in black smiled and said, "I'm just interested in you."

Yu ruohai certainly won't believe this sentence, or his sentence is not the real reason. Interest may only be part of it. People in black must have another purpose.