Chapter 238

"But when I think about the baby in my belly, what should she do? I didn't find your body on the ship. I was thinking, maybe you were buried in the sea. I was very desperate. Later, someone took Mu Tang away and inherited all your inheritance. I'm not convinced. I'm a woman. Is it easy for me? The baby in my belly is your own flesh and blood, so for the sake of the baby in my belly, I tried my best to find out the news about that woman. Huang Tian lived up to his heart. I finally found it. "

Yu Yan cried with a runny nose and tears.

Mu Yuntian frowned. Are these all true? He grabbed his hair and couldn't think of anything at all.

"Dad, when will you meet Mr. Yu?" Mu Tang was equally surprised.

In his consciousness, although he didn't like this woman very much, she was indeed a very kind person. At that time, because of his warm heart, he and his father had never been on the Mid Autumn Festival, but the woman prepared rich meals for them personally.

Wenxin's heart is very bad. Now she doesn't know what to do.

"You woman, leave quickly." mutang can't stand it. If this goes on, dad and Wenxin's marriage will be completely ruined today.

At this time, Wenxin's face turned white and her body was shaky. She was clenching her teeth and holding on.

Mu Yuntian stood in front of Wen Xin: "I have to do something, but I don't think I'm that kind of person. Don't frame me here."

Yu Yan sneered: "frame up? Hehe, I thought you really liked me. Although I know you have such a favorite woman, you and I have had a relationship, and I am five months pregnant. Do you want to be responsible now?"

Warm heart looked at Mu Yuntian. The man's painful look made him heartache.

"Cloud sky, why don't we..."

Mu Yuntian suddenly raised his head, his sharp black eyes emitting a faint light: "no, no matter what happens today, you must become my woman and my wife."

Yu yanmeng bumps into Wen Xin. Wen Xin can't hide. His body Slams and hits the next column.

Her eyes blackened, and in her ears were Mu Yuntian, Mu Tang, and Ding Ding's scream.

"Warm heart."

"Warm heart."

"Warm heart, mom."

A glimmer of light appeared in Wenxin's sight.

She groaned as if she were lying on some soft bed.

She slowly opened her eyes and saw a haggard face.

"Wenxin, you're awake." the face was excited.

"I, what's wrong with me?" Wenxin said weakly.

"You're fine. You're just slightly injured."

Mu Yuntian holds Wenxin's hand. He has been in front of Wenxin's hospital bed all day and night. Wenxin finally wakes up.

Wenxin's fingers moved, and then he found that there was a drop on his wrist.

"Be careful, don't move." Mu Yuntian's eyes were concerned.

"Hehe, I'm fine." her head is still painful, and the picture flashed in her mind.

"Cloud sky." Wen Xin gently called.

Mu Yuntian sat beside her and put Wenxin's hand on his cheek.

Warm, very considerate. He likes the feeling, the temperature.

His fingers gently rubbed the palm of her hand. They didn't talk to each other and looked at each other.

"Well, she..." Wen wanted to ask what happened to Yu Yan's woman. If the woman was really pregnant with Yuntian's child, would she give up?

When I think of these, Wenxin's heart is a burst of pain.

Mu Yuntian knew Wen Xin's thoughts and comforted: "don't think too much, I'll find a way to solve it."

Wenxin nodded. Mu Yuntian took a lunch box from the table: "Wenxin, I just bought it. It's still hot. Try it."

With that, Mu Yuntian opened the lunch box, which was black chicken soup for nourishing the body.

He helped Wenxin well and put a pillow behind her to make her lie more comfortable.

"Come on, I'll feed you."

He gently put the spoon to his mouth, blew it, and then fed it to Wenxin.

Wen Xin looked at the warm scene in front of him and smiled bitterly.

She is no longer a 17-year-old girl, and she has seen too many things for so many years. She never thought there would be such a happy moment.

Even if she is not with Mu Yuntian, she will firmly remember this moment in her heart.

"What are you thinking?" looking at Wen Xin's eyes, Mu Yuntian was worried. "Wen Xin, don't think nonsense. You, me and Mu Tang, we will be together forever."

Wen Xin nodded and murmured, "well, we will be together forever."

Help Wenxin lie down again, and Mu Yuntian sits next to her.

"You're weak. Have a rest. I'll be with you."

Wen Xin closed his eyes and Mu Yuntian's smell came into his nostrils.

She dreamed. In the dream, she, Mu Yuntian and Mu Tang lived happily in a forest full of small flowers.

Looking at Wen Xin's sleeping face, Mu Yuntian's heart calmed down.

That day, Wen Xin was hit by Yu Yan against the wall next to him. Due to excessive force, Wen Xin's head was bleeding.

At that time, Mu Yuntian was almost crazy. He hurriedly made an emergency call and sent Wenxin to the hospital. Wenxin had been in a coma because of excessive blood loss.

"If something happens to Wenxin, I'll let you repay ten times." his cold eyes bleed.

Yu Yan was frightened to stay there and watched Mu Yuntian run out with warm heart.

Mu Tang Dingding followed closely behind him.

The warm heart's blood finally stopped, but the doctor said that her body was still very weak and needed to be recuperated for a few days.

His hanging heart finally settled down. Wenxin can't have an accident, absolutely not.

Outside the door, footsteps came softly.

Mu Yuntian raises his head and sees Li Mo and long Feiyu come in.

"How about Wenxin?" long Feiyu asked.

"The doctor said there was no serious problem, but he needed to recuperate for a few days."

Li Mo frowned, "what's going on?"

When the news of Wenxin's injury reached their ears, they had to come on the spot.

But because the charity activity was not over at that time, I couldn't get away for a while.

Seeing that Wenxin's face recovered some blood color, Mu Yuntian sighed: "it's all my fault. I don't know what's going on."

Mu Yuntian told the story again, with helplessness in his tone.

Li Mo reproached and said, "if you say you, you can't change your bad temper. Wenxin is a good woman. You should know how to cherish it."

Mu Yuntian's eyes stared at the sleeping Wenxin. He knew that he had made great mistakes before. Wenxin was willing to forgive him and be with him.