Chapter 245

"Are you?"

Mu Yuntian also looked at him in surprise. This man is a little similar to Li mo.

"I'm looking for Li Mo, chairman Li." Mu Yuntian said.

The man frowned, "what can I do for you?"

"I have something I want to discuss with him. Are you?"

The man introduced himself: "I'm Li Ji, the son of chairman Li."

Mu Yuntian has never heard that Li Mo has such a son. The sudden appearance of the other party caught him off guard.

"Hello, where is chairman Li now?"

Li Ji was silent for a moment. Sadness hit and his eyes suddenly turned red: "Dad, he's gone."

"What?" Mu Yuntian and Wen Xin were surprised, and Mu Tang behind him was worried: "you said Grandpa him?"

Li Ji's eyes swept over Mu Tang, sighed and said, "it's a bad time for you to come. A week ago, my father had a car accident. Now, I'll manage the industry he left behind."

Wenxin's heart was sad. She murmured, "where's Ding Ding?"

"Ding Ding she..."

"Ding Ding, what's wrong with her?" Mu Tang panicked and asked, dragging Li Ji's sleeve.

Li Ji said sadly, "Ding Ding was also blind in the car accident."

Mu Tang's body shook. He bit his lips tremblingly and cried, "Mom, this is not true. Dad, what he said must be a lie."

Li Ji wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with a paper towel: "I think you should be the best friend mentioned by Ding Ding, Mu Tang."

Mu Tang nodded vigorously, "where is Ding Ding now? I'm going to see her."

Li Ji shook his head and said, "Ding Ding doesn't want to see anyone now. She hasn't been able to accept the current situation of blindness at this time."

"Please, take me to Ding Ding." Mu Tang cried and begged.

Li Ji smiled bitterly: "it's not that I didn't take you, but that I promised Dingding that if I took you, she would no longer recognize my uncle." Li Ji's voice was helpless.

"Why?" Mu Tang's tears couldn't stop flowing. Why did Ding Ding lose his sight? How long has it been and why so many things have happened.

"Can't we really see Ding Ding?" Mu Yuntian still asked.

"Well, I don't have to lie to you. You'd better go back."

"No, I want to stay here until Ding Ding gets better. I want to accompany Ding Ding." Mu Tang begged and looked at Mu Yuntian, "Dad, let me stay."

Mu Yuntian raised his head and looked at Li Ji.

Li Ji sighed: "it's no use for you to stay. Ding Ding guessed that you might come back, so he told me that if she was well or could accept the fact of blindness, she would go to you. Now, if you had to see her, she would be very sad."

Wen Xin took Mu Tang to his arms: "Mu Tang, listen, I know you are very sad, but you have to believe that Ding Ding can be strong."

"But why doesn't she tell me anything? I can accompany her?" Mu Tang sobbed.

"Because Ding Ding doesn't want to worry you or make you sad"

Mu Yuntian frowned: "I want to ask, where is xinrou?"

When something like this happens, xinrou, as Dingding's mother, can't help but know.

Li Ji was stunned: "you ask my sister. I haven't heard from her yet. She has been missing for a long time."

Li Ji seems unwilling to mention xinrou. Like Li Mo, it seems that xinrou is not liked by them.

These were naturally expected by Mu Yuntian. However, Ding Ding had such a thing. He looked at Wen Xin, whispered a few words in Wen Xin's ear, and Wen Xin quickly nodded.

Mu Yuntian then turned to Li Ji and said, "I want to take Dingding to our side and let's take care of her."

Li Jimei picked up the corner and suddenly smiled: "do you want to take Ding Ding away?"

Mu Yuntian nodded and listened to Li Ji's tone. It seemed that Bing was not happy.

"Well, I'm afraid not. I'm Dingding's relative. How can I rest assured of leaving Dingding alone at home?"

Wenxin begged, "don't worry as soon as possible, we will take care of Dingding dutifully, not to mention..." she didn't go on, she could feel how great a blow Dingding's blindness was to Mu Tang.

"No way." Li Ji's tone was cold and had no initial enthusiasm.

"Please, uncle," mutton begged.

"If you have nothing to do, I'll be busy first." then he turned and walked in.

Mu Yuntian looked at Li Ji's back and was at a loss.

"Dad, do we really leave Ding Ding?"

Mu Yuntian smiled bitterly: "Mu Tang, because Li Ji is Dingding's relatives, and we are outsiders for Dingding after all."

"But you are also Dingding's father and mother." Mu Tang shed tears.

"What now?" Wen Xin looked at Mu Yuntian, hoping that he could come up with a good solution.

"Let's settle down here first, and then find a way," Mu Yuntian said.

He found a hotel to stay. Mu Tang stared at the TV. Although his eyes had been staring at the TV, his heart didn't look at it at all. He was thinking about Ding Ding. What should Ding Ding look like at this time?

The next day, Mu Yuntian went to Li Ji's company. He inquired about their company's relevant information on the Internet. He just saw that their company was hiring, so he tried to get in.

Wen Xin and Mu Tang are waiting for news in the room. They are also worried and waiting.

Wen Xin comforted Mu Tang and said, "Mu Tang, your father and I will find a way to get ding ding to our side."

Mu Tang opened his tearful eyes: "is it true?"

Wen Xin nodded: "when did I cheat you?"

Mu Tang's heart comforted a lot. If he didn't find Ding Ding, he wouldn't go back.

The interviewer opposite Mu Yuntian was quite satisfied with Mu Yuntian's performance.

"Very good, you are very suitable for our company, and we also need management talents like you now. You can come to work tomorrow." the interviewer is a middle-aged man about 30 years old, almost the same as Mu Yuntian. He probably had a good impression of Mu Yuntian and soon hired Mu Yuntian.

When Mu Yuntian returned to the hotel, Mu Tang fell asleep in Wen Xin's arms.

Wen Xin made a silent gesture, and then put Mu Tang gently.

Walking outside, Wenxin asked, "have you got any news?"

Mu Yuntian nodded: "I asked some people inside. They all seem to know Ding Ding's existence, and they have a good impression of Ding Ding, but they said they haven't seen Ding for a long time."

Wen Xin was stunned: "what does this mean?"