Chapter 256

Dragon took out a pink mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to her: "you'll use this later."

Mu nianyi also wanted to refuse. Long obediently said angrily, "if you refuse again, I'll be angry. This is a gift I gave you. It's all right."

Mu Nian knew that she couldn't refuse. I had to put my cell phone in my hand.

"Remember my number. Otherwise I can't reach you."

The Dragon finished and settled the bill at the counter.

Looking at the back of the dragon, Mu Nian sighed. It seemed that she was going to enter their life. This was her hunch.

Ten years ago, she still remembered the car accident. Her car and grandpa's car were pushed into the cliff by a super truck. Grandpa died on the spot. When she opened her eyes, she was already in the hospital, and she could no longer hear grandpa's voice. No one ever called her Ding in her ear again.

Her eyes could not see the beautiful world at that time.

She was in the dark and was later picked up by a man.

Although she knew the man well, she didn't like him at all. She was a son adopted by her grandfather after her father died. The man asked her to call him uncle.

Grandpa didn't know why he liked him so much that he arranged him in Grandpa's company.

As for many things later, she didn't dare to think. It was like a nightmare. She ran in the bottomless black abyss.

But three years later, her eyes miraculously improved, which she did not imagine. Within three years, she was arranged by her uncle to an American village, far away from New York, where there was only one old mother taking care of her.

In those nightmare days, she desperately missed Mu Tang on the other side of the ocean.

She grew up slowly, and the yearning became stronger and stronger.

My uncle visited her and only met her once. At that time, she could not see the beautiful world, but the man's voice rang through her ears.

"You have a good rest. When you are well, all the property of Li's group may be yours in the future."

She didn't remember what the man behind said. Although she couldn't see it, she could still feel the sneer from the corner of his mouth when the man said this sentence.

After grandpa died, all the property of the Li family went to him.

However, these were nothing. Once, she seemed to hear her mother's voice. Although it was not very clear, she could recognize that the woman gave birth to her mother. But she didn't come to meet herself. That day, she lay in bed and shed tears all day.

Later, her eyes were better. When she saw the world around her, she knew she had nothing.

She also grew up slowly. She always remembered the agreement with Mu Tang, so every time she was bullied by the person who adopted her, she told herself to bear, to bear. Mutang is waiting for her.

Mu Nian looked at his wrist. There were scars left on her by the man who raised her.

The phone in her hand suddenly rang. She came out of her memory with a strange number on it.

She took it and picked it up. There came a girl's sweet voice: "read one, did you sleep?"

Mu Nian shook his head and said, "it's you. What's up?"

"I can't sleep. Can you come with me?"

Mu Nian thought about it and agreed.

Long's lovely home was not very close to her. She took a taxi and said the address. Soon, the driver took her to the door of the villa.

She said her name and the gatekeeper let her in.

She once came, but it was only many years ago. When she came here again, the story that seemed to happen yesterday still flashed in her mind.

"Read one." long ran out in his pajamas.

Mu Nian smiled: "hello."

The Dragon took her arm and said, "Why are you polite to me? Come in quickly."

Mu Nian followed her into the room. It was filled with all kinds of toys that girls like. Mu Nian looked at it again and again.

"My father bought these for me, but my father has been very busy recently and has no time to accompany me at all. Brother mutang is the same. I seem to be the only one left in the whole villa. I can't talk to the servants. They don't know anything. Now, you can come and accompany me. By the way, have you quit your job in that coffee shop?"

Mu Nian nodded and said, "I quit in the afternoon."

Long obediently narrowed his eyes with satisfaction: "don't worry, I'll give you double your salary, as long as you can accompany me."

Mu Nian raised his lips slightly: "why can't you sleep so late?"

Long obediently took Mu Nian and lay on the bed: "don't go tonight and talk with me."

Mu Nian was a little embarrassed. Long obediently shook her arm: "sister, just accompany me."

Long Guai is still the same as before. Such a character always makes life less annoying, simple and kind.

Mu Nian nodded.

Seeing Mu Nian nodding, long obediently smiled like a child, put his hands around her and shouted happily, "great, great."

"Look at you, still like a child."


Hearing this, long obediently released mu nianyi's body and stared at her: "do you... Do you know me?"

Mu nianyi knew that he had said something in his heart for a moment.

Now she is mu nianyi, not Ding Ding. She is not familiar with long guai, so she shouldn't say such words.

"Don't I know you now? Although I haven't been together for a long time, I can see your character, lively, lovely, simple and kind, so I'm like a child."

Hearing the speech, long Guai understood that maybe she was really childish. In the eyes of outsiders, she was a child. No wonder brother mutang had always regarded her as his sister.

"I'm not a child anymore. I'm almost engaged." long pouted his mouth, and his pink face looked even more lovely.


These two words make mu nianyi's heartstrings tremble. Long is engaged. Who is his fiance?

The Dragon nodded obediently and looked happy.

"Yes! My father has discussed with Mu Tang's parents about the engagement. They plan to marry the two families to make a good marriage between Qin and Jin."

Sure enough, as she expected, does it make sense for her to come back with all her hard work?

He doesn't need her anymore. How can he take his childhood promises seriously.

"Nianyi sister, what's the matter with you?"

Looking at mu nianyi whose face suddenly turned white, long asked with concern.