Chapter 321

Aunt Liu Ye rubbed the ointment on mu nianyi's face, leaving no gap.

Mu nianyi's face was like wearing a dark green mask.

A smell of medicine got into mu nianyi's nose, which was choking.

"I'm not used to it at the beginning. Just wait for a long time."

"Aunt Liu Ye, do you often smell these herbs?"

"Don't talk, you talk. The newly masked mask is cracked again."

Aunt Liu Ye added some ointment to Mu nianyi's mouth and said.

After doing this, she put the clean bowl aside.

"I've been used to dealing with these herbs since I was a child, but I seldom toss about them now. Now I'm interested in those beautiful flowers and plants."

After a while, Aunt Liu Ye said, "have a good rest first! I'll go to work first."

Then he stood up and went out of Mu nianyi's door.

Mu nianyi lay in bed and looked out of the window. Aunt Liu Ye was getting farther and farther away.

She always felt that Aunt Liu Ye had some more mysterious colors at this time.

For example, she didn't expect a woman who planted flowers to be able to do medical skills, and just looked at her and recognized that she was poisoned by people. Although there are people with good traditional Chinese medicine in modern times, she felt that she should not have aunt willow leaf's use of medicinal materials, okay!

Anyway, it's that feeling. People who feel like her medicine are more mysterious.

Mu Nian, lying in bed, fell asleep as soon as he thought about it.

Unexpectedly, although the medicine smelled a little bad at first, it had a calming effect after smelling for a long time, because mu nianyi didn't have a nightmare today.

Liu Ye knocked on the door several times outside, but she didn't answer. She pushed the door in directly.

Mu nianyi in bed is sleeping soundly.

She sat down by the bed and gently removed the ointment from her face.

The red acne on her face shows some signs of swelling. It looks good. If she hadn't used this medicine, her face would be red and swollen now!

Who in the end put this hate on her, which is bound to disfigure her?

And how did this girl get involved with the Communist foundation?

Liu Ye looked at mu nianyi's face and stood up after a daze.

Go back and leave.

When Mu Nian woke up, he felt his face refreshing. After touching it, the ointment on his face was gone.

She opened her eyes suspiciously, sat up from the bed, and then took a mirror to look at it again and again.

She remembered that she did not take off the ointment mask on her face.

Her eyes flickered to the small bowl on the table, only to see some shavings left behind.

Did someone come?

Is it aunt LiuYe?

Thinking of her, she hurried out of the door.

Aunt Liu Ye lives in a small house on the other side of the lavender field. Mu Nian runs all the way to the small house.

Through the beautiful sea of lavender flowers, Mu Nian knocked on Aunt Liu Ye's door.

After a while, Liu Ye opened the door and looked at mu nianyi. He was not surprised and directly let mu nianyi into the room.

In aunt willow's room, a smell of lavender lingers in the air and smells refreshing.

Aunt Liu Ye brought a stool and handed it to Mu nianyi: "sit down!"

Mu Nian sat down uneasily.

She came here for the first time. She looked at the small but clean hut and said to aunt LiuYe, "aunt LiuYe cleaned up the room beautifully."

"Do you just want to see here?" aunt LiuYe smiled at Mu Nian and asked.

Mu Nian sat up and looked at Liu Ye: "I've come to thank Aunt Liu Ye. You're so kind and concerned about me, so I really don't know how to thank you."

Liu Ye smiled: "it's fate that we can meet, and it's right to help."

At the moment, Mu Nian felt that the willow leaf was like a hidden expert in the world. It was so charitable and indifferent to fame and wealth. It was that temperament that made people feel peaceful and peaceful.

Mu Nian thought for a while and finally couldn't help opening his mouth: "aunt willow leaf, can you teach me to learn herbal knowledge and let me be like you."

"Like me? Look at what you said. I just know a little about medicinal herbs. I can't help."

Liu Ye said so, but mu nianyi didn't believe it. She always felt that she was not a simple person.

"Aunt LiuYe, please, teach me! You see, I don't know why I offended people these days. If someone poisons me one day, I can detoxify myself, can't I?"

Liu Ye looked at mu nianyi. Although she was wavering, thinking of her identity, she had to refuse and said, "if you really want to learn, you can go to a place specializing in traditional Chinese medicine. Why should I be an old woman to teach you? I, a barefoot doctor, don't have a professional certificate."

"I don't rely on this to support my family. I just want to use it one day. Besides, aunt LiuYe is so young and beautiful. What's an old woman! Although aunt LiuYe is modest, I know you are much better than those so-called professors of traditional Chinese medicine. Can I beg you?"

As soon as Mu Nian pestered Liu Ye, he couldn't refuse, so he had to promise: "I'll see if your qualifications are OK first. Take this compendium of Materia Medica back and see how many herbs you can know in a week."

Mu nianyi happily took it over. Although she didn't go to school much, her memory was still good. Although it was impossible to understand all such a thick book, it was still no problem to remember some. Anyway, she had to study with her best efforts.

Seeing mu nianyi as happy as getting a baby, Liu Ye thought to herself that if she really had this talent, she could teach her.

Liu Ye looked at Mu Nian outside the window, skipping through the flower fields with medical skills, with a loving smile on his face.

Once she was so simple and happy! But since she met him, she has become another look.

Thinking, sighed, turned around, stood in front of the bookshelf, pulled out a book, and saw that the bookshelf was opened from both sides.

The back of the bookshelf is empty, and below it is a staircase that extends directly below.

Liu Ye took a flashlight in his hand and pedaled down the stairs.

I saw her finger gently press on the wall, and the bookshelf closed automatically again.

Willow leaves turn on the light in the basement, and the light lingers around the whole room like day.

There is a table and a circle of wooden shelves in the room. On the shelves are some bottles and cans, and some instruments are supported on the table.

Among them are microscopes and some nameless medical devices.