Chapter 355

I swallowed what I had planned to say at the moment of meeting here.

The feeling of reunion after a long separation broke out and turned out to be so deep.

Throughout the restaurant, they both cried like tearful people, attracting people around them to look at them one after another.

After calming down for a moment, Wen Xin looked at Mu Nian and said, "where do you live now?"

Mu Nian took a sip of coffee, looked at Wen Xin and said, "I live where I work."

"What do you do now?" Wenxin continued.

Mu nianyi looked a little unnatural and didn't know how to answer.

Wenxin stopped asking, but put his hands on the table, took mu nianyi's hand and said, "otherwise you'll work in Mu Tang's company, and then I'll help you arrange your residence."

Mu Nian pulled back his hand and smiled reluctantly: "no, I'm doing well now, really."

Wen Xin sighed and continued: "your child has a hard life and has experienced so many twists and turns. It's really difficult for you. I thought you would go all the way with Mu Tang, but I didn't expect that heaven failed..."

Although he didn't say it directly, the clever mu nianyi had thought of something.

"Aunt, Mu Tang and I have no fate. It's no wonder who. And now he has children and can soon form a happy family. I won't disturb them. As long as... He's happy."

Wen Xin looked at Ding Ding in front of him as if he had seen himself that year.

As long as the other party is well, it is sunny. I would rather hurt myself than others.

At this time, the warm heart is like a stone blocked, which makes her stuffy.

The palm and back of the hand are all meat. Let her hurt someone. Ding Ding knows too much. Although it saves her some trouble of persuasion, it hurts too much.

"Ding Ding, if you need any help in the future, come to us. I've discussed with your uncle Yuntian. We're going to live in China. When Xixi school contacts, we'll make a decision."

"Hee hee?"

Wenxin smiled: "I forgot to tell you that Xixi is the daughter of Yuntian and me. She is ten years old this year."

"Congratulations. I didn't expect you to have another daughter. Life must be very happy."

Wen Xin nodded, looked at Mu Nian and said softly, "you will be happy in the future. Believe me, all the twists and turns will pass, and you will find your happiness."

Warm eyes, with warm soft light, make mu nianyi's heart warm.

She also believes that after the storm, she will see the rainbow, so no matter what, she will work hard to live. Over the years, she has survived alone and will be afraid of anything. Even if she is alone, she will live well, just to reassure those who care about her.

We talked with Wen Xin from the afternoon until it was getting dark.

When I looked at the time again, it was already more than 8 p.m.

Wen Xin looked at his watch on his right wrist and said, "look, I forgot the time to chat. I forgot to invite you to dinner. Aunt, please go to dinner."

"No, aunt, it seems that you haven't called your uncle all the time? I think he's in a hurry now."

After Mu Nian reminded him, Wen Xin seemed to remember. He immediately took out his mobile phone from his bag and said, "God, it's terrible this time."

The bold look is exactly the same as when you were young.

Mu Nian smiled and said, "hurry back! Uncle Yuntian is worried."

Wen Xin was embarrassed when he heard the speech: "let's have dinner together next time!"

Then he stood up.

Watching Wen Xin drive away and wave goodbye, mu nianyi has a little loss and loneliness in his heart.

The lights in this city are dim, but none of them belongs to her.

A black Audi stopped beside her. Driver Liu came out, looked at Mu and asked, "Miss mu, do you want to go back?"

Mu Nian nodded and got into the car.

Sunan's villa.

From time to time, a few laughter came from the villa.

"Ann, I didn't expect you to find a buyer so soon. Before, you always said how extensive your contacts were. We didn't believe it. I didn't expect things to go so smoothly this time." Feng held a bottle of beer in his hand, looked at Ann and said.

Ann smiled and nodded: "I'm lucky this time. Someone just needs it, but I delayed the delivery time to half a month later. Long Feiyu sent someone to check it tightly during this period. We need to be careful."

"I know. I've thought about it, so I'll do it as you say." Su Nan said faintly.

He is not interested in doing the business, but he needs to give them an explanation and can't let them go in vain.

And they lived and died with him, and were willing to help him so much. His heart always owed them more or less.

You, an, Feng and Yun, the four brothers who grew up with him, went through life and death together when they trained when they were young.

However, in the foundation, they are not controlled by the same person.

The four of them belong to the board of directors, while he belongs to Su Rongkai. Apart from the identity of a few friends, in fact, the relationship between them is subtle and complex.

But the young people put all these aside and only care about the friendship of a few people. Such a spirit is really valuable.

The foundation has four families. Each family has its own shares and belongs to the leader of the foundation. Among the four families, their forces restrict each other so as to achieve a certain balance.

There are no boys in the four families, all of them are girls. In order to select the future son-in-law for their family, that is, the future heirs of the family, they find excellent boys from all over the world for training, and an, you, Feng and Yun are selected from many people.

If one day, when the restriction balance of the four families is lost, maybe the four people will become enemies, but they don't want to think so much now.

Several people drink wine and collide with each other. They are drunk today.

Ann didn't know how to suddenly say, "Nan, didn't you live with a girl last time?"

Su Nan sank her eyes: "I left early."

Hearing the speech, an nodded clearly: "no wonder I saw her in the street today, and I was still with Xiao Liu next to Uncle Rong."

Hearing the speech, Su Nan was a little surprised and hurriedly asked, "what did you say you saw?"

Looking at Su Nan's nervous look, an said, "I'm surprised to see Xiao Liu pick her up in a coffee shop. Is she uncle Rong's person?"

"You see clearly?"

Su Nan sat up from the sofa, grabbed Ann across the table and asked.

Ann nodded quickly, almost frightened by his momentum.