Chapter 477

Somebody help her!

Even she doesn't know how to answer these questions!

Please, she didn't give birth to Douding, and she only met Mu Nan in a week.

But how many people will believe these words?

Moreover, Doudou will know the truth and will be sad.

I can't say.

She had to shut up and pretend to be mute.

No matter what the reporter asked, Wang Siyi just didn't speak.

Those reporters couldn't ask anything, so they had to shoot for a while and then leave one after another.

Mu Nan leisurely sat on the sofa in the villa, knocking his right leg on his left leg and watching the live broadcast on TV.

Although the scene was just outside his house, he insisted on watching it on TV.

Looking at Wang Siyi's dead look, he smiled and said, "good." the elegance between his every move seems to be more beautiful than usual. It seems that he is in a good mood.

Wang Siyi came home and saw such a scene.

"Mu Nan, don't you have to go to work?" Mu Nan turned gracefully, looked at Wang Siyi and said faintly, "don't you see the reporters outside? Why do you want to go out?" "I just want to ask you! Why are there so many reporters outside?" "You ask me, I ask who, the reporter's ears are the most smart. You should have known this when you signed the contract. Go and see article 10 of the contract, that's it." hearing the speech, Wang Siyi walked to the bedroom.

She didn't read the contract at all.

That day, because she saw Mu Nan's, and then went back to her room, she had no idea to see the contract. She had already signed her name and yelled and thrown it into the drawer.

Wang Siyi took out the contract, glanced and saw the provisions of Article 10.

10、 If there are media interviews or misunderstood by the media because of their temporary identity, everything should be considered from the standpoint of Douding. When it's time to act, they should cooperate with Party B.


Every treaty above is against her!

And a full list of 20.

Mu Nan is really a profiteer. He only writes what is good for him.

Pervert, villain... Wang Siyi clenched her hands with green veins on her fists.

Mu Nan is really deceiving people! She really... Hates him.

Why did she seem so confused and fall into his hands?

Why do you take the contract and look at Mu Nan and say, "no, I want to modify the contract." "the protest is invalid, and there is your signature on it." Mu Nan leaned leisurely on the sofa and looked at Wang Siyi with a red face.

"I tore up this contract. It's not fair at all. Every one is good for you." "I'm the candidate for you. Of course, I need to make a contract. If you don't agree, you can not sign at that time. Now that you sign, you can recognize it! Besides, I also wrote the remuneration on it, as well as the full package of clothing, food, housing and transportation. In addition, when xiaodouding no longer depends on you, you can find male friends or get married." when xiaodouding no longer depends on you, this is not a specific time!

It's irritating to be so ambiguous.

"Do you want me to wait until Douding grows up and marries a daughter-in-law?" Wang Siyi stares at Mu Nan angrily, as if her eyes were going to spit fire.

Mu Nan nodded: "if you like it, you can do it. Of course, there is another possibility that you don't have to do it again when Douding's mother comes back." ah ~ ~ ~ what's the difference between this and the contract of sale?

Douding's mother?

Douding's mother has disappeared for five years. It's hard to say. I don't know if she is in this world!

Isn't she just soft hearted and greedy for money? Why did she sell herself?

It's all about greed.

Now, she's trapped in an irreparable den of thieves and has ruined her life!

Wang Siyi's face was like a palette, one green and one white.

Mu Nan looked at all this and felt happy.

After five years of repression, did he have this abusive mentality?

With this contract, he doesn't believe she can run with Mu Tang, otherwise, the ends of the earth will be caught back.

If you can't finish the task, how can you leave!

What's more, now that the media know that she is Douding's mother and his wife, Mu Tang will not take her away even under the pressure of discussion.

He also knows that Mu Tang can't forget to read it, so he has been looking for someone similar to her to become his lover over the years, but this woman can't let him take it away. This is xiaodouding's spare mother!

This is what he thought out yesterday.

When Mu Tang saw the news on TV, he had guessed that it was Mu Nan's idea.

Such a multimedia suddenly appeared at Mu Nan's door. He must have called it.

It seems that he has to keep Wang Siyi.

Maybe it's because of xiaodouding, maybe it's because of the double.

But he doesn't want to let go.

He's going to stay here for a while.

He and Mu Nan are different in pursuit of emotion.

He never likes to embarrass others. He just pursues them in his way.

Mu Nan must do anything to keep a person.

No matter what method, as long as you can keep the people you want to stay.

After six years, they seem to have started another round of competition.

It's just that the competition is different from that in the past.

In those years, all three people moved their hearts.

This time it started when none of the three had a heart.

Whose house the flowers fall to remains to be revealed.

Sometimes fate is like a naughty doll, who likes to tease infatuated people back and forth.

Perhaps there is a saying that well said, what you can't get is always the best. The harder it is to get, the more you will cherish it!

... "no matter what you do, your legs are on me anyway. You have no right to interfere with my freedom." why? I'm so angry that I can say anything.

Mu Nan said, "look at the last one yourself." Wang Siyi looked down at the contract in her hand.

20、 If Party A loses his temper and leaves without reason, causing physical and mental damage to xiaodouding, he shall be punished as follows. If he disappears for one day, he will be fined 10000 yuan, which will double to 40000 yuan in two days... 60000 yuan in three days... And so on, Wang Siyi's eyes slowly open.

Big profiteer! Big profiteer.

To threaten her like that.

Bad guy, in this life, she and Mu Nan are at odds.

"Let me ask for leave! I'm going out to relax." "you're the focus of the media now, and you'll be photographed by paparazzi everywhere you go." Wang Siyi's calm appearance, as if it had nothing to do with herself, made Wang Siyi look angry.

Well, she can't go here, she can't go there.

Then she'll go to bed.

Anyway, she likes sleeping best. The more she sleeps, the more beautiful she sleeps.