Chapter 549

"Well, eight million, I want a Wang Siyi, an obedient lover, not an inflatable doll." Mu Nan's eyes are angry, and his mood is always easily affected by this woman.

"Obedient lover, well, as you wish, president Mu, what service do you want?"

Wang Siyi met Mu Nan's eyes, but she had no feelings at all.

Seeing Wang Siyi like this, Mu Nan has no interest. He doesn't want such Wang Siyi. He wants the energetic Wang Siyi, the confident Wang Siyi, and the Wang Siyi who dares to challenge him, not the person who seems to have lost his soul.

Is that how she resisted him?

"Wang Siyi, do you just want to resist me in this way?" Mu Nan stared at Wang Siyi in front of him.

Wang Siyi looked back at Mu Nan: "isn't that the effect you want?"

Mu Nan suddenly let out his breath, released Wang Siyi and retreated step by step: "OK, OK, Wang Siyi, just stay like this!"

With that, Mu Nan turned and left.

The whole villa suddenly became silent because of Mu Nan's departure. The door of the villa was locked by Mu Nan and she was imprisoned again. Wang Siyi leaned against the window and watched Mu Nan's car drive out of the courtyard and drive away into the distance.

Her heart began to quiet a little.

Wang Siyi came out of her bedroom and went to the downstairs hall. There was an old-fashioned CD in the hall, which would release songs from the 1960s. This was the style of old Shanghai. It sounded like a crossing feeling.

Wang Siyi jumped up in the living room. She danced social dance with a slow and elegant pace. Opposite her was an illusory person. Her arm was in the air, as if on the shoulder of an invisible lover.

The footsteps turned gently, and the sad music lingered in her ears. Her heart hurt for no reason, like holding her heart with both hands.

Countless vague figures suddenly appeared in her mind, but she couldn't see clearly.

Finally, her body fell down.

There seems to be a lot of people shouting at her, but it seems to be: "Ding Ding, Ding Ding..."

This picture lasted only a few seconds, and then suddenly disappeared. It was like an unreal dream for a short time.

When Wang Siyi woke up, she found herself lying on the cold floor with her previous nightgown. The song of old Shanghai was still playing in the living room, but it was dark outside.

Wang Siyi stood up, but found that her legs were a little sour and soft, and her head was also dizzy. Although there was heating in the room, it was cold in winter and December after all. After all, it was too cold. Wang Siyi caught a complete cold.

After staying in bed all night, Mu Nan didn't come back. I think she was angry and left.

The mobile phone was also taken away by Mu Nan. It is estimated that many people are looking for her! No, maybe only Wang Zihan! People are most vulnerable when they are ill, not physically, but mentally. At least before that, Wang Siyi has never been so sad. At this time, she regards herself as the heroine in the tragedy. Her fate is bumpy, but Wang Siyi can't guess whether it is beautiful or dead.

She thought of many endings for herself. For example, in this villa, she fell ill but no one found out. She died of illness or even starved to death, because she couldn't get up to cook now, and she didn't know whether there was food here.

If Mu Nan doesn't come again, I'm afraid there's only half of her life left.

Her eyes looked at the alarm clock on the small table at the head of the bed. It was already ten o'clock. She counted the steps of the second hand a little and waited. She knew she was waiting for mu Nan, but she didn't want to admit it.

Mu Nan was sitting in the office, looking out of the window, feeling restless for no reason.

Wang Siyi hates him. It seems that everyone can see it. Thinking of her indifferent expression, like a desperate dying man, he feels that he is some asshole, but even so, he doesn't want to let her go. He doesn't want to investigate why. It's better to think that this is the price she owes him.

At noon, the secretary looked at Mu Nan in the office and didn't come out or eat. He knocked on the door with some worry.

After coming in, he looked at Mu Nan and asked, "Mr. mu, it's time for dinner now."

Mu Nan suddenly remembered that Wang Siyi still didn't eat at home.

Mu Nan took out a key from the drawer and threw it to the Secretary: "buy some food and send it to the villa where I live. Remember not to let Wang Siyi leave."

The Secretary nodded and left, but he was a little envious of Wang Siyi. President Mu didn't eat, but the most advanced thought was her. It seems that her position in president Mu's heart is really important.

An hour later, Mu Nan received a phone call from his secretary in his office, saying that Wang Siyi was ill and very serious. As soon as Mu Nan heard it, her heart suddenly seemed to be suspended.

He picked up his coat and hurried out of the office.

He didn't even think about why he was so nervous about Wang Siyi, because he didn't dare to think about it in his heart. He didn't dare to think that he betrayed mu nianyi emotionally, so he never dared to admit that he really liked Wang Siyi. He could only think that Wang Siyi was too similar to Mu nianyi, so he would get his concern.

After returning to the villa, Mu Nan directly opened the door and ran in.

Mu Nan's secretary is taking care of Wang Siyi by the bed. Wang Siyi just went to bed after taking medicine. She is covered with three layers of quilt, but she is still shaking.

Mu Nan reached out and touched Wang Siyi's forehead. He found that it was hot like a charcoal stove. Then he opened the quilt, picked up Wang Siyi, and ordered the Secretary, "call the hospital and tell them I'll be there in ten minutes."

The Secretary nodded and hurriedly called the hospital.

Every time Mu Nan goes to the hospital, he must say hello to the doctor, find the best doctor in the hospital, wait for mu Nan, and then vacate a luxurious ward.

The Mu family originally had a family doctor, but mu Nan wouldn't go to the villa where Mu Yuntian lived. After all, he didn't want his parents to know that Wang Siyi lived here.

Wang Siyi was so tossed by Mu Nan that she woke up vaguely. It's strange to say that she felt very relieved when she leaned against Mu Nan's arms. Just before she got sick, she was scared cold when she saw him. He always gave her a dangerous smell, but at the same time, he gave her a sense of safety.

Thinking, Wang Siyi suddenly felt whether she liked being abused. Otherwise, why was Mu Nan so bad to her and she still attached to the warmth in his arms!

Mu Nan took Wang Siyi into the back seat of the car, turned to the driver's seat and started driving.

While driving, Mu Nan looked back at Wang Siyi from time to time, but when Wang Siyi opened her eyes, she was a little relieved.

Before long, Mu Nan's car stopped in the hospital parking lot. Mu Nan went to the back door, opened it, sorted out Wang Siyi's nightgown and took her out.

The doctors had already been waiting here. After transferring to the ward, the doctor checked Wang Siyi, but he had a fever and a cold, gave a hanging needle, and arranged to a luxurious ward. One room and one living room were very clean, and Wang Siyi also changed into a patient suit with the help of a beautiful nurse.

When the doctors left, Mu Nan looked at Wang Siyi on the hospital bed and helped her tuck in the quilt corner. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly, looking a little unhappy: "Wang Siyi, are you challenging my bottom line with your own body?"

Wang Siyi's head was still a little dizzy at this time. She was a little puzzled when she heard Mu Nan's words, but when she reacted, her heart suddenly felt a burst of grievance.

Why did she become so passive in front of him, as if she had to rely on him? When did she become so worthless.

Wang Siyi didn't speak, but stubbornly twisted her head to one side.

Mu Nan wanted to get angry again, but he didn't say anything at last when he looked at Wang Siyi's cheeks, which were red with fever.

In fact, he was worried, but his words seemed to blame Wang Siyi for not taking good care of herself.

Wang Siyi stayed for a moment, but felt that Mu Nan didn't mean to leave. She couldn't help reminding him, "don't you have to go to work?"

"It's not your trouble yet?" Mu Nan said coldly, looking at Wang Siyi on the hospital bed.

"There are doctors and nurses here to take care of me. In fact, you can leave."

Mu Nan's heart was a little unhappy. He took time out of his busy schedule to take care of her. Looking at her, he didn't want to, as if he was in the way!

"I don't want a sick bedmate."

My heart is obviously concerned, but when it comes to my mouth, it has become another flavor

Hearing Mu Nan's words, Wang Siyi felt a pain in her heart. Sure enough, this was the only thing he never forgot. At the thought of this, Wang Siyi's head tilted and said coldly, "I'll take good care of my body. You can leave."

The sound was so cold that it didn't seem to have any temperature. Did Wang Siyi say that? Even Mu Nan was a little frightened.

Wang Siyi really didn't want to see Mu Nan or hear him. She simply pulled the quilt up and covered her head.

A moment later, Mu Nan seemed to stand up from the bed, followed by footsteps.

Wang Siyi breathed a sigh of relief. He should have left!

Carefully opened the quilt, a head stretched out, looked at Wang Siyi like a researcher, with a strange expression on her face: "is the air inside very good?"

This person is no one else, but mu Nan who has been there all the time.

Wang Siyi's face was a few centimeters away from his face, and even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.

Wang Siyi's face became more red, but fortunately, because she was having a fever now, others would not think much. Naturally, this other person refers to Mu Nan.

She thought he had left! Yuankai's footsteps just now were from the other side of the bed to this side. He just walked around the bed.

"Why don't you go?" Wang Siyi asked mu Nanzhi.

Mu Nan picked his eyebrows and was obviously unhappy: "my feet are on me. If you want to go, stay."

Mu Nan plays a rogue way, and Wang Siyi has no move. She can only close her eyes and pretend to sleep. She wants to wait for a while. When Mu Nan feels boring, she naturally leaves.

But half an hour later, Mu Nan really didn't mean to leave. Wang Siyi couldn't pretend to sleep. He wanted to be transparent! But he opened his eyes or closed them. He was in front of him. Even if Mu Nan left, it was estimated to be the same.

Her memory is very poor, especially now, but mu Nan's image is still there, so close your eyes and Mu Nan's appearance can be remembered clearly.

Mu Nan had better go to the living room after turning around in the bedroom. She turned on the TV in the living room and watched it with interest. Wang Siyi lying in the hospital bed room was itchy. Mu Nan hated it here, but as soon as she left her side, she was empty.

Wang Siyi is definitely the kind of abused. Just a few hours ago, she was not like this. No wonder that even "adults" become as vulnerable as children after they get sick.