Chapter 655

Qin Zhan always smiles when he looks at Qin Ye. He seems very amiable. I don't know whether it's because Qin Ye is the youngest generation of Qin Hong's family or other reasons.

At this time, hearing the question from Qin ye, the old man Qin Zhan not only had the same smile on his face, but also showed a look of appreciation in his eyes.

Because every question of Qin Ye is on the point, which shows that Qin Ye is smart enough.

Not everyone can set foot on the road of practice, and even if they set foot on the road of practice, the qualifications of each person in practice are different, and the realm of cultivation they can achieve is naturally different.

Old man Qin Zhan has been working in Qin Ye's body with his true Qi. After examining Qin ye, Qin ye can step on the road of practice.

In other words, Qin Ye is not an insulator of Qi.

In this case, Qin Zhan would judge Qin Ye's qualification, which is basically based on his physical qualification.

Every time Qin ye asked a question, he was smart enough, which naturally made old man Qin Zhan appreciate it more, because intelligence is also a part of a person's qualification!

It's also a person in practice. One is smart and the other is stupid. The smart one will definitely enter the country much faster than the stupid one. Even if the stupid one has a good constitution, it's useless.

There is a saying that diligence can make up for clumsiness, which means that the acquired diligence can make up for congenital deficiencies and defects.

That's right and wrong!

Right, diligence can make up for clumsiness. It needs to be built on the condition that there is no big difference. Take the matter of practice. One is a little smarter, and the other is a little more stupid. Then, the stupid can really make up for this awareness through his own diligence.

However, when the difference is too big, the four words "diligence can make up for clumsiness" are not tenable. Naturally, it is not right. For the same two practitioners, one is too clever, and the other is too stupid. No matter how hard he tries, he can not make up the huge gap through diligence.

To be more extreme, there are two people. One is the insulator of true Qi. If he can't feel the true Qi all his life, he will not be able to enter the path of practice. The other is not the insulator of true Qi. If he can feel the true Qi around him, he will be able to enter the world of practice. In this extreme situation, the four words "diligence makes up for self-improvement" are meaningless, Because some innate conditions, not acquired diligence can make up for the lack.

"Good question!" Old man Qin Zhan nodded and said, "I'm looking for this magic weapon to find an answer, a real answer, an answer to the cultivation world, why no one can survive and rise again!"

"Can you find the answer through this magic weapon?" Qin ye asked again.

Old man Qin Zhan shook his head slowly and said, "I don't know. My cultivation now has a life span of 500 years. It's coming to an end. I'll try any method I can think of. Otherwise, when my life span comes to an end, it's meaningless, because I'll be buried underground."

By this time, Qin ye had already learned a lot about the practice. At least, he could make a choice.

Qin Ye's life span is long enough to reach 500 years. After all, he is just an ordinary person. Such a long life span is very attractive to him.

"Laozu, if I set foot on the road of practice, will you help me?" Qin ye asked with a smile.

"Ha ha!" Hearing Qin Ye's words, old man Qin Zhan laughed heartily and said, "you are the descendants of the Qin family. If you step into the practice world and become a person in practice, your ancestors will spare no effort to help you, because I don't know whether I can find the answer. If I can't find it, the descendants of the Qin family can have a descendant of me, It's also something to be gratified about! "

The meaning of Qin Ye's question is very obvious. He is very moved to enter the practice world.

At this time, Zhang Yan pulls Qin ye to her side and stares at Qin Ye fiercely. Obviously, she doesn't want her son to enter any practice world.

Everyone's point of view is different, so is the point of view. Zhang Yan's mother thinks that the Qin family is well-off, and her son doesn't have to enter any spiritual world. It's the most serious thing for her to get married and have children honestly.

"Laozu, can I step into the world of practice?" Qin Hong asked at this time.

Old man Qin Zhan went to Qin Hong and put his hand on Qin Hong's head. His true Qi came out of his palm. However, his true Qi could not enter Qin Hong's body.

Old man Qin Zhan took back his hand, shook his head slowly and said, "you have no chance to practice, because you can't feel the existence of true Qi."

Seeing that Qin Hong was still puzzled, Qin Zhan turned to Qin ye and asked, "what did you feel when I just put my hand on your head?"

"I feel a warm air flow in my body!" Qin Ye immediately replied.

Old man Qin Zhan looked at Qin Hong and asked, "now, do you understand? I use my own true Qi to test your body. My true Qi can't enter your body at all. If you can't feel the existence of true Qi, it's not due to practice. In our practice world, your situation is called true Qi insulator. It's rare for your son to feel true Qi, Don't make the matter of practice so simple! "

Qin Ye wants to say something, but Zhang Yan pulls her again.

Qin Ye turns and looks at Zhang Yan. Zhang Yan stares at Qin ye again.

Obviously, Zhang Yan didn't want Qin ye to enter the practice world!

However, Qin Ye himself wanted to enter the practice world, because longevity was too attractive to him.

On the one hand, it was his wish, on the other hand, his mother's disapproval. Qin Ye was in a dilemma and couldn't make the decision.

Old man Qin Zhan didn't urge him either. Although Qin ye could enter the practice world, he had to make his own decision whether to enter the practice world or not.

Qin Ye was silent for a long time. Then he looked at old man Qin Zhan and asked, "ancestor, do you have any age limit when you step into the practice world and practice with you?"

Hearing Qin Ye's question, old man Qin Zhan laughs again. This little guy is really clever and cunning. When he asks this question, his little 99 has already revealed it. He can't understand it more clearly.