Chapter 1121

Chen Hui's description of the doctor was not well understood. Ying frowned and thought for a while before he asked, "is it like the old wizard who asked you to learn our language?"

Chen Hui learned the language of the world. That old man, with his crutch in his hand, touched Chen Hui's forehead. In only one minute or so, Chen Hui learned the language of the world.

Chen Hui's feeling at that time was that a heat current appeared, which lasted about a minute.

Obviously, it's a magic spell.

Hearing what Ying said, Chen Hui frowned and asked, "how are you treated when you are sick or injured?"

"The wizard healed with witchcraft." Shadow immediately said, "but witchcraft doesn't work in all cases."

"Can you be more specific?" Chen Hui asked immediately.

In Chen Hui's view, the wizard mentioned by Ying is the practitioner in the modern society where he lived before. You should know that the practitioner can use the real Qi in his body to cure people's diseases. Even ordinary people can not cultivate the insulator of real Qi, and can also use it to achieve the purpose of curing diseases.

Unless the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, and life is at an end, in this case, Qi is useless.

But from what the film says, the world's witches are obviously very different from those in practice. At least, they can't use witchcraft to cure diseases, which is very different.

Ying pondered for a while, organized the language and explained the problem to Chen Hui.

After a long time, Chen Hui kept nodding his head. Through this narration, Chen Hui had a general understanding of the world, the way of practice, and the medical conditions of the world.

First of all, there are two kinds of practitioners in this world. One is a wizard like an old wizard, and the other is a practitioner like shadow and friend. They call them warriors.

The specific cultivation methods of wizard and warrior are not clear. Chen Hui didn't ask them in detail, but the difference between them is very simple.

Witches know witchcraft, which is similar to the magic of people in practice. When they fight against people, whether it's attack or defense, they are mainly witchcraft. Compared with warriors, they are much weaker and stronger. They are just a little better than ordinary people.

Warriors can be compared with warriors. They are strong and powerful in attack, but they can't use witchcraft.

In the ethnic group, the status of the wizard is higher than that of the warrior.

In fact, it's easy to understand that there are few witches and many warriors in every ethnic group, and the rarity is the most important aspect.

On the other hand, according to the story of Ying, it's not hard to know the fact that the Sorcerer's sorcery attack belongs to the category of sorcery and has a large attack range. As long as it is within the range covered by sorcery, the attack will work. In other words, the Sorcerer's attack is group damage, but the warrior can't. It can only solve the enemy by force, which is basically individual damage.

In contrast, the status of a wizard is naturally higher.

There is another difference. When it comes to healing, witches can use witchcraft to heal, but they can't.

Through the narration of the film, Chen Hui fully understood that healing refers to trauma, such as being bitten by wild animals, being injured by swords and so on. To be more thorough, witchcraft can only be used to treat trauma.

The level of wizard is different, and the severity of trauma is different.

As for doctors, there is no such profession in the world!

In other words, no one can see a doctor. After getting sick, they have to fight hard and survive on their own physical fitness.

Even if the world's food is pure green pollution-free products, but people eat grains, and in this era of worrying health environment, how can they not get sick?

Isn't the mortality rate of illness in this world extremely high?

Chen Hui thought of this and asked this question.

Unexpectedly, Ying shook her head slowly and gave a negative answer. The death rate in this world is not as high as Chen Hui imagined.

Of course, Chen Huiwen is very skillful, so that the film can understand. After all, the death rate is a word that the film can't understand.

Ying's answer is not how high the death rate is, but a description of the number of deaths that she can't understand. Death that Ying can't understand is actually death due to illness.

The reason why the death rate is not high is cultivation.

This is a world of national cultivation. As long as you become a warrior, you will rarely get sick, or the chance of getting sick is very small.

Witches are not sick at all.

Through this difference, Chen Hui has a little judgment in his heart. The practitioners in this world, as he knows, are divided into two. The wizard takes the way of practicing Qi, and the warrior should take the way of forging body.

It's hard to say whether this is true or not, but on the whole, it shows such a phenomenon.

In any case, if you are strong, you will seldom get sick. If you have strong resistance, you can get through the headache and fever.

"Is the skill practiced by a wizard different from that practiced by a warrior?" Chen Hui asked at this time.

The shadow nodded.

Chen Hui continued to ask, "how can we determine whether the clansman is a wizard or a warrior?"

Since there are different systems of skills, it means that before they enter the road of cultivation, they should determine whether they are witches or warriors and teach them the corresponding skills.

Moreover, judging from the village where the film is located and what the film describes, there are few witches, so we can't make a mistake in distinguishing between witches and warriors.

"There's a blood test." Shadow said: "through blood testing, we can distinguish the difference between the wizard and the warrior."

Hearing what Ying said, Chen Hui nodded silently and didn't continue to ask, because the blood test should be their secret, not Chen Hui's.

Although Ying didn't continue to explain the blood test in detail, she said to Chen Hui, "the blood of the five ethnic groups are different. The people of the Mu nationality have the blood of a wizard. They can only practice the witchcraft of the Mu nationality, and so do the other four."

"So it is." Chen Hui nodded silently. Each of the five ethnic groups has its own witchcraft. Only the Witches of each ethnic group can practice it.

"What did you do that night by sneaking to the west?" At this time, Ying looks at Chen Hui and asks.

"I ate one of the building pills." Chen Hui took out a porcelain vase, poured out a foundation building pill, handed it to Ying and said, "don't eat it. This is the pill I made in my world. I don't know what effect it will have on you."

"What's the use of building a foundation?" Shadow nodded, looked at the stone in his hand and asked.

"Let me step into the world of practice and become a man of practice." Chen Hui explained: "according to my world practitioners, if the foundation is built successfully, the life span can reach 100 years old, and all kinds of diseases are not born!"