Chapter 1279

It's not that there is no basis for Chen Hui to say so, but that the first mural Chen Hui saw was the fox ancestors, who led the people to besiege an evil animal.

Since these murals are the life records of the fox ancestors, some of the great things she did must have been depicted on them.

This can also be confirmed by the frescoes seen above.

First of all, it is absolutely a great event for Fox ancestors to learn art from teachers. Moreover, learning art from teachers is the beginning of everything, which is depicted in the beginning.

Then, the fox ancestors' cultivation was successful. Naturally, it was impossible for her to stay on the top of the holy mountain for cultivation all the time. The next two things she did were to rule the fox first, and then the whole ORC. This achievement was achieved by the force of cultivation.

Why did the fox ancestors do this? The murals do not show it. Maybe they did it passively. That's nothing to say.

If you take the initiative to do so, it shows that the fox ancestor is a very ambitious woman. After her cultivation, she went down the mountain to realize her life ambition.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this.

After all, if you succeed in cultivation but don't do anything, you will become a royal night tour.

In such a world, I'm afraid it will be the choice of many practitioners, and the fox ancestors are no exception.

Su Yin and Jiu Yan, together with Chen Hui, went to the next mural.

"You guessed wrong!" Jiuyan said with a smile after seeing the mural.

This mural does not have any fighting scenes, but a mural with no color, no characters, only environment and landform.

"This is to express that the living environment at that time was very poor!" Chen Hui looked around and said, "only this mural has no color, no characters, only environment and landform."

"You mean no color means bad environment?" Jiuyan looks at the mural and asks.

Chen Hui nodded and said, "I think so. Because of the environment and landform, the best way to express the abominability of murals is not to use color. If this mural also has color, it will not have this feeling. What's more, it will make people who watch the murals feel that it is not so wonderful. It can't be connected with the life story of your ancestors, and it has no color, It just shows that the living environment is very bad. Your ancestors should fight for the living environment when they fought against the evil animals! "

Hearing Chen Hui's words, Jiuyan said nothing more.

Su Yin is nodded, she also has this feeling, very agree with Chen Hui's point of view.

"Go and see the next one!" With these words, Chen Hui goes to the next mural.

Jiuyan and Suyin follow Chen Hui to the next mural, which is the one Chen Hui saw before.

Su Yin frowned and said, "this kind of evil beast has never been seen before!"

The reason why Su Yin directly called it evil beast is that what the murals express is that the fox ancestors led so many people to fight against this beast, but they can't see that this beast is falling behind. It must be a vicious beast. It's a meaning to call it a vicious beast. It's ok to call it a vicious beast.

Chen Hui didn't look at the mural carefully before. He stood in front of the mural. After looking at it carefully, he found that although the scene of the mural was fighting, it also depicted the environment.

The fox ancestors led the people to besiege the beast, but the environment was in an open space. At the edge of the open space, many trees were depicted, and the edge of the mural was directly depicted.

The key is that most of the fox ancestors turned their backs to the trees. To be exact, they should be in the direction of the forest, while the evil beast was facing the forest.

It can be seen that this evil beast must have been driven out of the forest or induced by the fox ancestors.

This beast should live in this forest.

The trees on the edge of the mural are also colorful, but they are not green, but black!

Seeing this, Chen Hui said, "I probably know what this beast is."

Hearing Chen Hui's words, Su Yin and Jiu Yan all look at Chen Hui.

Chen Hui said: "in my world, this evil animal is a kind of evil animal in myths and legends. It's called red eyed pig demon. The most obvious feature is that it has a huge body, pig head and dog body. It has black hair, hard spines and blood red eyes. This evil animal can see objects clearly in the dark."

After a pause, Chen Hui said: "in addition, the red eyed pig demon likes to live in a shady place and eat rotten corpses. Look at the trees on the edge of the mural, the color is black, which means it must be a very gloomy forest. Because the red eyed pig demon has been staying in a shady place for a long time and eating rotten corpses, its teeth are covered with cold poison! It is said that people who have been bitten by the red eyed pig demon will die within three days if they are not treated in time. "

"Why did our ancestors fight against such evil beasts? Or, why did our ancestors deal with evil beasts? " Nine Yan don't understand of ask a way.

"Look at the portraits in the murals, there are a group of people charging fiercely, the closest to the naked pig demon!" Pointing to the characters in the mural, Chen Hui said: "it can be said that facing such a big beast, they are more fearless of death than others. I think this must be a certain group of orcs. They should be attacked by this naked pig demon often, or they can't bear to be disturbed. Their anger has accumulated to a certain extent under the leadership of your ancestors, Besieging this naked pig demon, they must be pioneers, and fearless of death. "

"You mean our ancestors fought for the rest of the orcs?" Nine Yan continues to ask a way.

"Of course, after all, your ancestors are the leaders of the orcs and have unified the orcs. Everything of the orcs is her duty." Chen Hui spread his hands and said, "rights and responsibilities complement each other. How can we convince the public if we only enjoy rights but not fulfill responsibilities?"

Su Yin nods silently, which is the same as the fact that she and Jiu Yan are the patriarchs of the fox clan. They just magnify it several times.

As for nine Yan will ask, because she never take responsibility seriously.

In fact, it's not right to say that Jiuyan doesn't take responsibility seriously. Instead, Jiuyan decentralizes her power and gives some people of her ethnic group great rights to manage the clan power, while she is happy to be at leisure.

Only when there is something that can't be solved, Jiuyan will come forward to solve it.

The decentralization of power means that Jiuyan's responsibility is not so heavy, but Su Yin's is not. Su Yin's management of her small ethnic group is very organized, and her sense of responsibility is naturally deeper than Jiuyan's.

"Look at the next one!" With these words, Jiuyan goes to the next mural first.