Chapter 1516

One thing Chen Hui can be sure of is that the metal he and Zhou qiuchu collected is not controlled by the Jin magic, that is, they can't use metal aura to sense and control the collected metal into the desired shape.

Because when Chen Hui collected these metals in that crater, he had tried to extend the metal aura in his body to sense the metal materials around him.

Although we can also sense the existence of some metal substances, we can't sense the gold colored metal at all.

This is the reason why Chen Hui and Zhou qiuchu have to find and collect these metals bit by bit.

Moreover, although the seven level wizard and warrior from the Jin nationality didn't build a stove, they brought tools, such as hammers to forge armor.

The combination of these two points leads to a conclusion that the seven level wizard and warrior of the Jin nationality must have forged this metal by means of manual beating.

However, the forging skills of the Jin clan are indeed superb, much faster than those of the Huo clan.

Chen Hui was not invited and naturally would not go to see how the Jin people forged this kind of armor.

Moreover, when the seven level wizard and warrior of the Jin nationality forged the armor for Chen Hui, the seven level wizard set up the aura barrier to isolate the sound. They forged the armor by beating. They could not hear outside the aura barrier at all.

Chen Hui didn't know how much time it would take for the fire clan to build weapons or the Jin clan to build armor.

Therefore, Chen Hui can only wait patiently.

In about two days, the Jin nationality took the lead in making armor.

For the first time, Chen Hui entered the house specially allocated by the Qing emperor for the Jin people to build armor for Chen Hui.

A set of golden armor, standing there quietly.

The whole armor is supported by a cross shaped wooden frame, which reminds Chen Hui of the world he came to and the plastic models used by clothing stores.

Metal is the color of gold, so the armor is also the color of gold. It really looks like a pair of gold armor.

However, even if the armor is supported by a wooden frame, it is still a very magical thing to be able to stand like a person.

After all, it's just a cross shaped wooden frame. It's not the world that Chen Hui came to, the plastic model.

The seven level wizard and warrior of Jin nationality, standing on both sides of the armor, made a gesture to Chen Hui, which obviously meant that Chen Hui would come close to watch.

When Chen Hui approached, he found that although the armor was designed in a split style, all the movable parts of the human body were not covered by the armor, but in these split style parts of the armor, there was a very thin silk thread connection.

The connecting threads are also made of this kind of metal. These threads run through all the armor, making the parts of the armor connected together.

"Tiger warrior!" The seventh level Wizard of the Jin nationality on the left side of the armor said at this time: "as you can see, these silk threads connect the whole armor. You need to use your blood to identify the LORD with the whole armor by dripping blood along these silk threads!"

Hearing the words of the seven level Wizard of the Jin nationality, Chen Hui nodded silently. He had already seen that these silk threads were not connected at will, but in the form of human meridians. They were just the main meridians.

Chen Hui no longer hesitated. According to the seven level Wizard of the Jin nationality, he cut his finger and put the wound directly on the top of the silk thread in the armour's head bank. The blood from Chen Hui's wound immediately flowed along these silk threads and did not spread on the armour.

It didn't take long for the blood from Chen Hui's wound to flow from the top of his helmet to the bottom of his armor, that is, the foot position.

When all these silk threads were stained with Chen Hui's blood, a strange feeling rose in Chen Hui's heart, as if this armor had life. Chen Hui could clearly feel the existence of this armor.

At the same time, there is a kind of enlightenment in Chen Hui's heart that he can manipulate the armor and wear it on himself.

At this time, the armor suddenly burst without warning, and in an instant it disintegrated. The fragments formed by the disintegration immediately flew away in all directions.

The occurrence of this scene makes the seven level wizard and warrior of the Jin nationality stare big. They have never encountered such a situation.

"This... This..." the seven level Wizard of the Jin clan couldn't say a complete word. He looked at the seven level warrior in front of him.

The seventh level warrior also looked at the seventh level wizard. He didn't know what happened.

This is a situation they have never seen before.

Chen Hui was also stunned in the same place. How could his armor fall apart in an instant?

"Ladies and gentlemen, what's the matter?" Chen Hui came back and looked at the seven level wizard and warrior of the Jin nationality.

"We don't know. We've never met such a situation." The seven level Wizard of the Jin clan immediately replied, and then asked, "tiger warrior, did you feel anything when you recognized the LORD with blood?"

"I feel that I have established a connection with this armor. I can clearly feel the existence of the armor and know that I can control this armor and wear it on myself." Chen Hui replied.

"Yes, it's all like that!" Jin's seven level warrior said: "how can it burst suddenly?"

Chen Hui frowned, shook his head and said, "I can still feel the existence of armor!"

Hearing Chen Hui's words, the seven level wizard and the warrior of the Jin nationality look at each other and look at each other. Their armor bursts in front of them and then disintegrates. These disintegrated fragments fly away in front of them. Can Chen Hui even feel the existence of their armor?

"Tiger warrior, you try to control armor!" The seven level Wizard of the Jin nationality said quickly, "see if you can put it on?"

Chen Hui nodded and then sent out his idea, that is, the idea of wearing armor.

This is not strange to Chen Hui.

Almost in an instant, all the pieces of the armor that had been cracked and disintegrated flew back at a very fast speed and attached to Chen Hui. These pieces attached to Chen Hui exactly according to the position before the disintegration.

After all the pieces flew back and attached to Chen Hui's body, the armor parts, which were originally made of the whole piece of metal, were all in the shape of scales and stacked together.

Chen Hui raised his arm and took two steps. These scaly pieces didn't make any sound of collision.

Chen Hui's mind moved. The armor made up of these scaly fragments changed back to what it had been like before, that is, before it burst and disintegrated!