Chapter 1552

Although it's not dusk yet, it's also late afternoon. Chen Hui and Zhuang Han discussed with each other about how to deal with this sea monster octopus, and they were ready to go.

Chen Hui, Jiu Yan and Su Yin stayed in the shade because they had nothing to do.

"Are you sure?" Su Yin asks after they leave.

"I don't know. Try it!" Chen Hui said.

"Why are you helping them?" Nine Yan don't understand of ask a way: "for these three dragon silk?"? I don't see how much you value the Dragon silk. How much you want it

Chen Hui slowly shakes his head. He will agree to help the shark people, obviously not for the sake of Long Xiao. As for why, Chen Hui has never thought about it carefully.

At this time, hearing that Jiuyan asked this question, Chen Hui thought about it carefully and said, "maybe it's because of their appearance!"

"What do they look like?" Nine Yan don't understand of ask a way.

"Yes, they are no different from human beings!" Chen Hui said: "today I saw sharks attacking boys, so I instinctively wanted to help them!"

Hearing Chen Hui's words, Jiuyan turned his lips with disdain and said: "although they look the same as human beings, they are always the shark people, not the real human beings! Even human beings, why can't they be killed? Don't humans still hunt? The mackerels feed on the fish in the sea. Why can't the big fish and sea monsters feed on the mackerels

"I know what you say. The chimaera are a link in the chain of marine life." Chen Hui sighed and said, "human beings and foxes are all part of the terrestrial biological chain. There is no such thing as who has a high status or who has a low status! However, you have to admit that there are always differences. "

After a pause, Chen Hui said: "whether we compare the sharks we saw before or the wild animals on the land, we are very different from them. That is, we have wisdom, and we don't act by instinct. Whether these sharks or sea monsters or the wild animals on the land, we are different from them, In fact, they act by instinct, and they belong to a group without wisdom! "

Hearing Chen Hui's words, Jiu Yan doesn't know what to say, but takes a look at Su Yin.

Obviously, in Jiuyan's opinion, she and Su Yin are both fox people. To argue with Chen Hui on this issue, Su Yin should be on her side.

However, Su Yin is calm and doesn't like to argue with others. Seeing Jiu Yan looking at himself, he just smiles and doesn't say anything.

"There is no absolute fairness in your world or in the world I come from." Chen Hui saw that Jiuyan was still a little puffy and said, "what you said is right. I'm just a little bit more analytical. Fairness is only relative. You don't know much about the world I came from. Just talk about your world. Just talk about your fox family. Why are your two blood groups born with their own abilities? But ordinary fox people can't? "

Seeing Jiuyan's head askew, Chen Hui continued with a smile: "if you zoom in a little more, you'll come to the fox and the ORC. Why are the two main blood lines of the fox? The fox members born will show their wisdom as they grow older, but the other orcs are not? As far as the world is concerned, the group with wisdom is obviously different from the group without wisdom

"According to you, the group with wisdom is stronger than the group without wisdom?" Nine Yan counter asks a way.

"That's not true." Chen Hui explained with a smile: "it still reflects the saying that fairness is relative. The wisdom of the intelligent group is stronger than other groups, but it is not necessarily stronger than other groups in other places. For example, the shark is more powerful than the shark, but the strength is in the aspect of physique."

"The fox clan is also like this. Compared with other orcs, let's just say the origin of my title, tiger warrior. I killed a tiger at that time and got the title. How big is the adult tiger?" Chen Hui said: "you know better than I do. Compared with tigers, foxes' physique is extremely weak. Therefore, this is a kind of relative fairness. God has given them strong physique, but deprived them of their wisdom. They can only act according to their instinct. They are thirsty for water and hungry for hunting!"

Chen Hui then handed Jiuyan a bowl of fruit wine and said, "it's not like this, whether you fox people or we human beings. Although we are weak, we can store food and transport drinking water from the water source to our houses. This is the wisdom of life."

Chen Hui pointed to the male mackerel children who were still on the beach, half of them in the sea, and their upper body was exposed to the sun. He said: "although the mackerel family is not the weakest in the vast sea, it is not the most powerful. It is more difficult for them to deal with the sharks. What they call the sea monsters, There is no way to deal with it, but they still live in this area! "

"Yes, why don't the chimpanzees move?" Su Yin asked at this time.

"The sea is different from the land. Although there are many islands in this area, there should not be many similar areas. This should be one of the reasons why they do not migrate." Chen Hui explained: "another reason is that even if they migrate away, who can guarantee that the sea monsters will not chase them? If they move to another settlement of their own ethnic group, they will bring disaster to other people of the same kind. This is also a manifestation of wisdom! "

"If an animal is in danger, it will only flee!" Su Yin nodded and said, "it's very likely that he will escape to the same kind of living place."

"So I say that the chimpanzees are no different from us. They are all intelligent." Chen Hui said with a smile: "I decided to help them without thinking because they look like human beings. If you really want to say they look like human beings, you two are really no different from human beings. Moreover, it's absolutely right to put them in the human world!"

Women love beauty, and fox people are no exception.

Hearing Chen Hui's praise, Su Yin just smiles faintly, but Jiu Yan smiles, obviously very happy, and doesn't continue to entangle with Chen Hui. Instead, she pats Chen Hui on the shoulder and says, "I love that!"

Chen Hui smiles and shakes his head, saying nothing.

Su Yin said at this time: "what do you want the shark people to prepare so many strong ropes for? Are you going to capture this sea monster alive? "

"I have this idea!" Chen Hui nodded and said, "the Dragon tendon in the legend should be related to the dragon people, but does it exist? Where will it be? We all don't know. The chimaera don't seem to know much. This sea monster should be a living creature in the deep sea. Otherwise, its huge size has no place to hide. I want to catch this sea monster alive and study it! "

"What else can this one tell you?" Nine Yan pie pie mouth to say.

"Not necessarily." Chen Hui replied: "the leader of the chimaera said that the elder of the chimaera family had been here, but this sea monster did not appear, which means that this sea monster may have wisdom, or this sea monster can instinctively sense that there is something stronger than it on the island!"

After a pause, Chen Hui continued: "in any case, our best way is to find out. That's why I want to capture this sea monster alive!"

"With your strength, I'm afraid you can't catch this sea monster alive!" Nine Yan curled his lips and said: "according to what you said before, the strength of this sea monster should not be underestimated!"