Chapter 1572

Chen Hui slowly opened his eyes and then shook his head. He felt dizzy and dizzy!

After a while, Chen Hui relaxed and looked around to see clearly the surroundings of his current place.

The first thing that catches Chen Hui's eyes is the beating flame. The flame comes from a brazier and lights up the surroundings. Chen Hui is sitting on the ground at this time. He wants to move his body and stand up, but he finds that he can't do it. Because Chen Hui's hands have been carried to the back, and his back depends on him. He also feels cold.

Chen Hui looked down and saw that his body was a thick iron chain, and the cold feeling behind him made Chen Hui know that he should be tied to something made of stone.

What Chen Hui thought was right. At this time, he was tied to a stone pillar.

Chen Hui looked around and found that it was a stone chamber with only one iron gate. There was no one else in the stone chamber, only Chen Hui himself.

In other words, nine Yan and Su Yin were not locked in this stone room.

There was nothing in the stone room, and the glowing brazier was in the corner.

Moreover, the stone room is muggy and the air is very dirty.

According to Chen Hui's judgment, he was imprisoned by the dragon people in a cell similar to the basement!

Chen Hui slowly closed his eyes and carefully recalled the situation before he lost consciousness. He was having a dinner in the Dragon Palace. Finally, he drank a glass of high alcohol, which is called xianrenzui. It seems that there is something wrong with that glass of wine.

But don't they also drink the Dragon King of the East China Sea?

Chen Hui tried his best to recall the situation before he lost consciousness. Before he fell to the ground, there was a vague scene, which was also the last scene before he lost consciousness!

The scene, though vague, is extremely important.

Because in this vague memory, there are three vague figures, all unconscious and fainting to the ground like Chen Hui.

Chen Hui was only accompanied by Jiuyan and Suyin in the East China Sea this time. There were only three of them. Except for Chen Hui himself, the vague scene in his memory was that three people lost consciousness and fainted to the ground. Obviously, in addition to Jiuyan and Suyin, one of them, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, also fainted!

Chen Hui just thought a little and knew who this person was, not someone else. It was Aoqi, the third princess of Donghai dragon clan, because although the memory of that moment was fuzzy, it was actually not a fuzzy memory, but Chen Hui's vision was blurred and he could not see clearly. In this moment of blurred scene, Chen Hui could determine who fainted by the position of the three people who fainted.

Naturally, Jiuyan and Suyin don't have to say much. They accompanied Chen Hui, and they must have been in the way of the dragon. In the vague scene, they fell beside themselves, while the other figure was opposite to Chen Hui, and it was diagonally opposite. At that time, Ao Yi was sitting in this position.

Having this vague memory can provide Chen Hui with some judgment. Ao she is a man with simple mind. She is in the way of the dragon people. She should not have been aware of and participated in the detention here.

However, this is only a more likely judgment, not a 100% conclusion.

Because after arriving at the Dragon Palace, although aoshe entertained Chen Hui and some of them before the banquet, aoshe left them for a while and went to the Dragon Palace storehouse to look for the storehouse of tianwai xuantie. This period of time was enough for aoshe to plan with the Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Chen Hui made a comparison between the two kinds of Keneng, and believed that the first one was more likely, that is, Ao did not know about it and did not participate in it.

The other is less likely.

The reason for this judgment is that Ao's performance has always been relatively simple.

If aozhe's simplicity is pretended, it's nothing to be wronged because of the dragon's way.

Chen Hui really felt that he was very unjust at this time. Although he had a misunderstanding with AO Bing, the second prince of the dragon clan, he also caused a little contradiction with Ao Yi. However, this kind of misunderstanding or contradiction is not hatred at all.

Moreover, whether the Dragon King or the prince of the East China Sea is good, everything is normal at the banquet, and there is no hostility at all.

Why on earth did the Dragon attack themselves?

think of stealing on seeing sb . 's money?

See your armor magical, want to own it?

Chen Hui thought silently that this is a possibility, but cocoa's ability is not very great, because although the dragon people appear as human images, they can change as their noumenon.

Once changed into noumenon, their dragon scales are the best armor, and they don't need to covet their own armor.

Moreover, no matter Jiuyan or Suyin, because they are fox people, they don't like to wear armor. It's because when they are in danger of life, they will change into noumenon to fight or retreat!

Only those fox people with low accomplishments will wear the leather armor that Fox people are good at making. The purpose is to strengthen their own defense ability, and increase their chances of survival in case of danger.

The noumenon of the Dragon nationality is a dragon, which can also be changed into noumenon. Moreover, Chen Hui also saw how strong and powerful aozhe was when he changed into noumenon Qinglong.

Therefore, Chen Hui does not think that wearing armor will help the dragon people, but the dragon people, like the fox people, can change the species of ontology. When their accomplishments are higher, armor will be a burden, or the power that armor can provide is not as great as that of changing ontology!

Chen Hui can't think of the reason why the dragon people are hostile to him.

However, one thing is certain, that is, Chen Hui is still useful to the dragon people at this time. Otherwise, he must have been killed by the dragon people instead of being imprisoned.

At this time, there is no one else. Chen Hui has nothing to deal with but to think about his current situation.

The first thing you want is to get out of trouble.

However, Chen Hui tried to find that all the auras in his body were imprisoned. No matter the auras in Dantian Qi sea or the five elements aura, they could not work normally in his body!

It's no surprise. After all, since the dragon people have imprisoned him here, they will certainly imprison his accomplishments.

Then Chen Hui tried to feel his armor.

Fortunately, although in the underground dungeon, it is able to sense the armor.

When Chen Hui was thinking quietly, he only felt that the object he was relying on was slowly warming up. This warming up was not caused by Chen Hui's body temperature, which warmed the cold stone pillar. It was because the stone pillar was indeed warming up, which had exceeded Chen Hui's body temperature and made Chen Hui feel the temperature.

Chen Hui was pulled to reality by this feeling from his own thinking, and immediately touched the stone pillar with his hands that were carried behind him. After touching, Chen Hui determined that he was tied to the stone pillar.

However, the temperature of the stone column is still rising, and soon, Chen Hui soon felt hot!

Chen Hui's cultivation at this time is imprisoned, and the aura in his body can't play a role. If the stone column continues to heat up, it will definitely be scalded.

Even at this time, the temperature is enough to burn ordinary people.

Chen Hui was not scalded at this time, because Chen Hui had practiced the martial arts of the wood clan, and his body was tempered to a certain extent.

After all, the warriors of the five ethnic groups are trained by martial arts, and the role of martial arts is to polish the body and make the body strong!

At this time, Chen Hui can't help but secretly regret that he shouldn't show his martial arts skills some accomplishments in a clever way as a cover for others, but should really hone his martial arts skills.

You know, Chen Hui is just a third-order martial arts cultivation at this time. Although he has a fifth order martial arts cultivation after Tianlei was added to his body, it's because of Chen Hui's aura, not because of the five ethnic warriors' down-to-earth cultivation of martial arts, which improves his physical strength.

After a short time, Chen Hui just couldn't stand the heat, so he tried to move outward to keep his body away from the stone pillar.

Just as Chen Hui had just moved a little distance away, only his arm had to touch the stone pillar, the iron gate made a sound and was pushed away from the outside.

No one else came in. It was the Dragon King of the East China Sea and the prince Aoquan!