124 1.3.46: Herbal Tea

Hours later, it was already time for them to go. Xiao Yunhua had worn the dress they picked out earlier and kept a simple look overall. She was ready to begin her plan too.

They drove to the Zhou Mansion and were greeted by Zhou Lu with a smiling face. 

"You know, grandfather expected just you. I think he'll be a tad bit... surprised to see a visitor with you." 

"But I specifically said 'we' yesterday."

"I guess he purposely ignored it."

Xiao Yunhua smiled awkwardly and tugged for them to go inside. Once they went in, Zhou Elder saw them both and greeted Zhou Ming.

No matter how angry Zhou Elder was at the heir for disobeying him, he was still his favorite grandchild. Zhou Eldress greeted them both and was ignored by Zhou Ming in return.

Even though Xiao Yunhua wanted to do the same thing, she couldn't, so she smiled in return, shocking the old woman. 

Zhou Eldress knew the girl didn't like her, so why was she being polite today? She glanced at Zhou Ming who was speaking to his grandfather.

Did he have another plan?

Her snake-like eyes flickered with a wicked gleam. If this was indeed the case, she would allow the bastard to entertain her. 

Xiao Yunhua saw Zhou Yaoyao joining them and was immediately shot a glare by the girl. She could feel the hatred from here. Despite that, Xiao Yunhua was stunned to see the girl looking worn out and tired. Thirty minutes later, Zhou Eldress ushered for a housekeeper to get her usual herbal tea. Xiao Yunhua used that moment to ask for directions to the restrooms, smiling sheepishly. 

She followed the housekeeper to a restroom and thanked the elderly woman. Once she was out of sight, she sneaked out and followed the housekeeper to kitchen where the herbal tea was made. As she was making it, Xiao Yunhua pushed a vase outside and made it loudly crash. As the housekeeper rushed outside to see what happened, she whisked her physical body in the dimensional space and her soul out in the real world. She creeped in the kitchen by going through the door. Pulling out her physical body and the vial, she poured it all quickly in the tea. Once again, she left her physical body in the dimensional space and her soul left the kitchen, towards the restroom. 

Once she was in the restroom, she finally took out her physical body for the last time and occupied it. She felt incredibly dizzy, but presumed it was because she was switching back and forth between her physical and soul form. She walked back to where they were conversing and took her seat. Her dizziness intensified and she gripped the seat, preventing herself from vomiting in front of them. 

'Why is this happening?'

> Xiao Taotao disappeared and Xiao Yunhua watched the old woman raise it to her lips. 

First, she must feel anger because her recent plans were not working. 

Second, she must feel fear because her future and wealth is uncertain with such threats. 

Finally, her heart must burn with the darkest hatred, enough to want to kill others herself. 

Xiao Yunhua watched the colors shift from red to purple to black, all in the blink of an eye. Oddly, no one else but her noticed the sudden change in the herbal tea and the old woman didn't shift or show any indication either.  Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

Knowing that it took a bit to process and begin, Xiao Yunhua clenched her fists and endured, despite her dizziness and headache. And so, a peaceful evening dinner went by without any more events.

Xiao Yunhua and Zhou Ming bid them adieu and left, not knowing a huge storm was brewing thanks to that small cup of tea...