157 2.1.8: Custom for a Daughter to Learn

When Xiao Yunhua was cleaned by the servants, she felt that they were scrubbing her body a little too hard during her bath. Her suspicions were further increased when she saw the look of contempt on their faces. It seemed like the illegitimate daughter was even below a servant! They looked at and regarded her like she was trash, unworthy of being in their attention and care.

Seeing how the Duchess despised her, it was a given why the servants didn't like her either. They had already chosen their side and knew that an insignificant bastard wouldn't and couldn't survive for long. 

As she got out of the bath, she felt her skin burn and her arms were red from being overwhelmed. She wanted to curse them but realized she would be out of character. However, her eyes widened when she realized Ingrid was not there. So, she turned around and gave an intimidating glare to the servants who froze. How did a seven year old harbor such a cold glare? Thus, when they dressed her, they were much more gentle and made sure to take care without being too rough. 

She was dressed in somewhat luxurious clothes, but Xiao Yunhua knew that the daughter of a Duke household could easily—and was supposed to—get more extravagant clothes. Nonetheless, she would slowly make sure to tame these servants to avoid Ingrid's suspicions if she did it too suddenly. She was escorted by the servants to the dining room, where she met Ingrid on her way. The old woman looked to be much cleaner as she wore new clothes. They were still the clothes of a servant, but in much condition than her clothes that she wore when they traveled to the capital. 

She wanted to ask if Ingrid wanted to come with them, but suddenly realized that she couldn't open her mouth because the servants next to her shot a glare at Ingrid, reminding her to not be on their way. Xiao Yunhua realized that albeit Ingrid came with her, she would probably be a servant here. Only she would truly experience a different life...however, but the way things were going, it seemed like her life would possibly be more difficult than a servant. 

She snickered. 

At least she wouldn't be ordered around by a little tyrant! Though she felt guilty being here in her stead. But she had no time for pity, she was on a mission! With that thought, she straightened her back and walked with a good posture, surprisingly the servants. They didn't think a village-raised daughter knew how to walk elegantly. Perhaps she had some hope after all. 

When she reached the dining room, she noticed everyone already sitting, waiting for someone. Xiao Yunhua realized that they were waiting for her! Her eyes flickered around the room and noticed that servants, including Alistair, were obediently waiting at the corners of the room, trying to make themselves as inconspicuous as possible. They were there to make sure that during dinner, their masters didn't need or lack anything while making sure to not disturb them. 

She noticed a young boy who didn't look older than ten years old with ebony-black hair and a pair of green eyes—strikingly simular to the Duchess—who stared at her. His gaze didn't harbor resentment nor curiosity. He was just cold and looked at her like she was just a stranger. A small smile appeared on his face. It was magnanimous, like he was doing her a favor by smiling at her despite being her superior. His behavior was much older than his actual age should've behaved like. By his similar appearance to the Duchess, she could only assume that he was her son. Xiao Yunhua immediately marked him as someone she should avoid. 

Her earlier hunch had been correct when he had been introduced as her older brother, Augustine Maximus Warrington, the only son and heir of the Warrington Clan. Her 'father' tried to engage her in conversations but soon realized that his daughter was not very talkative, surprisingly against the rumors he heard about while she was in the village. 

As she the Duchess, she didn't even look at Xiao Yunhua, treating her like air. Her son followed along with his mother and ignored her too. 

Their attitudes were evident that she was not welcome, not that Xiao Yunhua cared. She didn't need to be hindered by a fake family anyways. She picked at her peas, a bit disgusted by the lack of flavor. Yes there was much more food than she had ever seen ever since she transmigrated to this world, but it wasn't tasty. Unfortunately, it was accurate because there weren't much flavor or spices in the world, Europe particularly, except maybe in Asia. Alas, Xiao Yunhua didn't study history too much so she wasn't sure. However, if GKY had such food, did that mean the country with the spices and delicacies was Ayrelie? But wouldn't there be trade between the two countries? 

She shook her head and cleared her thoughts. She shouldn't worry too much about politics or such unless she was in the midst of it. Right now, she was just a seven year old daughter who had to worry about a nobleman's son. She didn't realize that they had stared at her shaking her head and found her a bit odd. It was a good thing that they assumed it was her behavior from the village, otherwise, Xiao Yunhua would have a hard time explaining her antics. 

Towards the end of the dinner, Xiao Yunhua wanted to excuse herself, but the Duke spoke again. "Violetta, it is custom for a noble daughter to go to another family to learn etiquette and such beginning with the age of seven—"

"Your Grace, you must not." The Duchess coldly interrupted. "Such is only for the pure-blooded of the noble clans. Surely you jest and aren't serious about..." her sentence faltered but everyone had already filled in the gaps of what she was going to say. 

Surely not an illegitimate bastard. 

"Well, how else do you think she must be raised?" The Duke coldly refuted his wife. He had obviously noticed her dislike towards Violetta and thought she wouldn't be so harsh on a child, but clearly he hoped she would grow out of her petty phase. It seems like this wasn't the case yet. 

"Seeing how the noble household had only prepared for Vi..." The Duchess' choked on her words and her eyes filled with tears. She cleared her throat and continued, "for Vivienne, then we mustn't disrespect them and send another. The only solution is to learn here." There were some audible snickers from the servants, but it wasn't clear who. What was clear was what the Duchess was suggesting. She wasn't going to let the illegitimate daughter make connections nor have a proper upbringing. She would isolate the girl. 

The Duke didn't want to agree, but he was sure his wife would keep pressing about the issues of 'proper rules' hence he could only sigh and silently agree. Education was education, no matter where it was learned. 

Xiao Yunhua didn't understand why it mattered so much, but based on their reactions, apparently it mattered a little too much. The Duchess was clearly doing all this in spite of her daughter, not just her husband having a secret child with someone else. It seems like the Duchess valued her daughter a lot. 

Xiao Yunhua wanted to feel pity for her, but couldn't feel pity for someone who orchestrated the murder of a child to help the case of her dead one. 

Thus, after that decision, the dinner had ended on a sour note as everyone went back to their respective rooms...