160 2.1.11: Seven Years Later

When Xiao Yunhua thought years, she was correct. The evil woman had locked her up for seven years, not to see the light of the outside nor actual people other than the servants. Every day, she would be giving lessons from etiquettes to how to curtesy properly to learning to read and write. Of course, since Xiao Yunhua had the mentality of an eighteen year old, it didn't take her long to learn everything.

Especially the reading and writing portion, though she had had some trouble since it was English. Even speaking it was foreign to her, but it was natural for the body was she in, so she adjusted quickly. She spoke the language very fluently and elegantly, it was hard to tell that her actual self struggled during school with it. The Duchess was surprised at her fast improvement but for her plan to be perfect, she needed the girl to be perfect. Hence, seven years of perfecting attitude, posture, behavior... it all went by in an agony for Xiao Yunhua but a flash for the Duchess. She expected the village girl to struggle, but she was doing decent.

Now, at fourteen, it was impossible to discern that Juliet had grown in a village. She was every bit of a lady as those noble girls raised in the capital. Her blonde hair and grown out and her features had become a lot more developed. She had grown taller and become more mature. Her facial features...hadn't changed much. This frustrated Xiao Yunhua but she was still continuing to look average, which defeated the point of her beauty system.

Alas, Xiao Taotao reminded her that she couldn't get a partial Beauty Boost until she succeeded with a target. She was annoyed and sure that Dominic had probably forgotten about her, or at least the little girl his carriage had almost run over.

Despite finishing her training with the Duchess, the woman had ceased to allow her to go anywhere, so it was the same routine except now she wasn't stuck learning about sitting up straight and eating like a lady.

Personality wise, the fourteen year old Violetta went from reserved to cold just like the Duchess herself. It seemed to the servants that she had inherited the ways of the Duchess and her collective behavior. Even Ingrid was shocked to see the shy girl transform to a lady with no expressions. Speaking of Ingrid, she and Juliet had grown somewhat distant as the Duchess forbid for the old woman to meet Juliet in case she got distracted and wouldn't learn properly. Xiao Yunhua was secretly relieved because she didn't want to be attached to anyone like she was in her previous world. Though she worried that Ingrid would expose her true identity if she was reckless enough and cause them both trouble. Or if they had grown distant enough to where Ingrid didn't care enough to keep the secret.

Augustine had actually chosen to leave her alone, possibly under the threat of his mother. She was relieved that she wouldn't be annoyed by him and he was doing his own thing. So for the duration of seven years, the amount of times she had seen him could be counted on her fingers. The Duke she saw seldom, mainly because the Duchess isolated her and he was usually busy, so that didn't help the matter. He had pretended to be fatherly for the first week or so before forgetting he had her as a daughter. Not that she cared. He probably had an objective just like everyone she interacted with. She wasn't going to be naïve and allow anyone to take advance of her this time.

Currently, she sat in her room, mindlessly thinking about how to finish this world quickly because she hated the lack of technology that came with it. As a novel and tv fanatic, even in her first world, she had time for self-indulgence. But it was possible that her next world wasn't going to be modern either... meaning she had to get used to it now.

She sighed and her throat itched. Ever since she was ten years old, her throat would itch unnaturally and she would get an urge to drink something to quench her thirst. It would only happen around her birthday but for some reason, after her fourteen birthday, it's been more and more frequent. Xiao Yunhua tried to ask Xiao Taotao about the reason, but the little fairy wouldn't budge and kept telling her that the reason was something related to Juliet's condition.

Even after wanting to use points, the little fairy wouldn't dare. Apparently, it was too big for mere points as a compensation. Xiao Yunhua brushed it off as possibly having an incurable disease or maybe she was overthinking it.

But her throat really, really was dry and itchy! She opened her mouth and yelled for a servant to bring her the coldest water she could find. The servant was used to it because the young miss had been demanding for such every year around the same time, but not as much as her recent birthday. The young miss was already fourteen, meaning her engagement was going to happen very soon, including her marriage next year. Despite her apathetic behavior, the young miss was very kind to the servants, so they had grown somewhat dependent and fond of her. They knew that if the young miss was not there, then they would go back to the tyranny of Alistair who had quieted down along the years when he had seen the Duchess take the girl under her wing.

Once the servant brought the drink, Xiao Yunhua gulped it quickly and sighed in relief. Her throat was still itchy, almost like she had drank the wrong remedy, but it was significantly better than before. But as Xiao Yunhua was ready to leave the room, her throat itched again with an overwhelming thirst that brought tears to her eyes. She clenched her fists and took a deep breath, hoping it would go away. Somehow, a miracle occurred and her thirst did go away, like it had heard and obeyed her.

She closed the door behind her and a servant rushed up to her, relieved to have found her. "The Duchess summons you to the main room."


"Unfortunately I do not know young miss. The Duchess just urged for you to be quick."

Elegantly, Juliet raised her hand and straightened her posture, "Alright, lead the way."