Chapter 213 Andrew’s Anger

After hearing out Claire, Ashley decided not to go to Memory Bakery, and stayed home instead.

Claire picked up a bowl of porridge and walked up to Ashley. "Miss Mu, you must be hungry. Mr. Lu asked me to cook something light for you. So, I've made a bowl of porridge. Taste it, please."

Ashley looked at Claire in surprise and asked, "Mr. Lu?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Andrew?" she asked, wanting to reconfirm.

Claire nodded.

Ashley was baffled. "When did he come back?" she asked.

Claire shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I don't know. Mr. Lu was already home when I came here in the morning."

Ashley finally stopped quizzing her and said, "All right."

She felt energized after eating the porridge, so she went to the bathroom for a quick shower. After a refreshing shower, she dressed and walked out of the bedroom absentmindedly.

Just as she walked out of the door, she bumped into a man.

She yelped in pain, rubbing her forehead with her hand.

'What is this man made of? How can his body be so hard?' she thought irritably.

She held her forehead and looked up to find Andrew staring back at her. She gazed at him pitifully.

Her eyes were red and teary. The tip of her nose had also turned red from the impact. She looked like she had been roughed up by someone.

Seeing her in such a state, Andrew frowned. He felt guilty for being so careless. He suddenly found his little wife so delicate that even a small little bump could make her cry. "How are you feeling?"

Actually, it was just Ashley's body reacting. She wasn't really crying. Anyone who suddenly bumped into someone would be in this state.

She nodded and said, "I'm fine."

After a beat, she asked curiously, "When did you come back? Didn't you say that this business trip would last at least a week? Today is just the seventh day but you are at home now."

"I returned as soon as I finished all my work there."

Ashley smiled brightly and said, "Congratulations!"

Andrew raised an eyebrow and asked, "What?"

"Congratulations! You got the new deal," she explained happily.


s time for you to have some food now. You can continue working later."

Ashley thought about his stomach illness. She had seen him in pain when he had a stomachache a few days before. His face had gone pale and he was so weak that he could hardly speak.

Andrew didn't expect Ashley to come in to the study at that time. He was astonished momentarily, but quickly snapped out of it and continued working. He was ignoring her.

There wasn't any emotion on his face, not even anger.

But Ashley could clearly feel his anger.

"Have some food, please. I will explain everything to you about last night," she urged gently.

"Mr. Lu?


Darling?" she called out sweetly.

But even that didn't work. Andrew continued working without glancing at her.

She didn't know what else to say at that moment.

'Wow! He is really upset right now, ' she thought.

Ashley hadn't noticed any change in him. When she called him "darling," Andrew had stopped what he was doing, just for a few seconds.

However, Ashley, who was immersed in her own thoughts, didn't notice this teeny tiny pause.

Getting no reaction from him, she strode over to his side and turned his computer screen away so that Andrew had to look straight at her.

Turning the screen was as far as she dared to go. She was not going to be so brave as to turn off his computer. She didn't want to test his patience.