Chapter 320 Lena's Fake Act

Ashley wasn't going to tell Andrew the reason why. She knew that Lena had her eyes on Andrew. Quite simply, Ashley just wanted to take Andrew along to annoy Lena. She could be very jealous sometimes. She didn't like the fact that Lena had a thing for her husband.

Ashley pulled Andrew's sleeve and said, "I just want to see her. Can we please go?"

Andrew never had the heart to say no to Ashley. No matter what Ashley wanted to do, he would totally do it with her. If Ashley wanted to set the house on fire, he would help her carry the fuel. There was no way for him to refuse Ashley.

They bumped into Raymond outside of Lena's room. Surprised to see him, Ashley lifted one of her eyebrows. She assumed that Raymond had been taking care of Lena.

It seemed to Ashley that they had the perfect relationship.

However, Ashley wondered what expression Raymond would have after finding out what Lena was really thinking.

Ashley was very excited to see how this was all going to turn out.

However, she didn't have much time to imagine Raymond's expression because Andrew had turned her towards him.

Glancing at Andrew's handsome face, Ashley could sense that he wasn't very pleased.

Ashley didn't know why.

She looked at Andrew for a second time. She sensed that he was a bit jealous.

Andrew had an unhappy and jealous look on his face.

Ashley couldn't believe that Andrew would show her such an expression.

As Ashley's began to wonder why Andrew looked like that, he pulled her even closer and whispered to her, "Don't look at him. Just look at me. I look much better than him."

When he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Ashley's. His voice was soft and magnetic. His eyes were so full of love and affection that Ashley could barely think about anything else.

Looking into his eyes, she nodded.

Andrew was finally satisfied, and the unhappy expression on his face was gone.

Raymond noticed Ashley and Andrew too. After Ashley's last visit, Lena wasn't in a good mood. Especially after hearing what Ashley had said to Lena, Raymond wasn't happy with her either. Lena's baby was also his.

He just had a glance at Andrew. Then he looked away.


wasn't overly happy about the way Lena was looking at him. He had had no idea why Ashley wanted to come here.

If Ashley didn't like Lena, Andrew would make sure that Lena would never show up in front of her face ever again.

Ashley held his hand to comfort him.

It worked. Andrew did feel better. However, he still felt very uncomfortable.

Andrew didn't want Ashley to put her eyes on Lena. Even though Lena was a woman, he still didn't like it because he didn't like Lena.

The uncomfortable look that Andrew gave Ashley made Lena believe that her words had affected Andrew's view of Ashley.

She thought that she was right. No man would want to share his bed with an evil-hearted woman.

Lena felt confident with her plan.

However, she failed to realize that Andrew didn't even glance at her since he walked into the room. So it was a wonder why Lena felt so confident.

She was delusional and consumed with her daydreams. But in Lena's warped, evil mind, it was a beautiful dream.

When she didn't hear a comment back from Ashley, Lena said, "Sis?"

Ashley turned her head to Lena and asked, "What?"

Lena didn't say anything. She just bit her lips and looked at Ashley in tears.

Ashley didn't know what she had done to make her look at her in such a miserable way. It was obvious to Ashley that Lena was going to frame her for something terrible again.

Ashley let go of Andrew's hand and went to Lena. "How do you feel?"