Chapter 349 Unexpected Meeting

Martin's face softened a little bit as he glanced at Belinda. "Are you sure? We just have to go out once?"

"I'm sure, I'm sure! And then, I'll listen to whatever you have to say."

"Fine. But you have to hold my hand and stay with me all the time, understood?"

"I know, I'm not a kid. Do you think I'll get lost?"

Martin didn't say anything. Belinda had not gone out in a long time, and he truly worried about her.

But on the other hand, seeing how happy she was, he didn't want to say anything that could upset her.

Jeremy hung up the phone and made sure there wasn't anything important he needed to do. After giving his assistant some instructions, he left the office.

He got into his car and made another call.

Angelina was surprised to receive Jeremy's call. This was the first time Jeremy contacted her ever since their last meeting, she thought he already ditched her.

"Where are you? Can I come see you?" Jeremy asked politely and gently.

Jeremy could hear Angelina talking to her friends to excuse herself. "I'm in school. Graduation is coming up, so I have to hurry and finish my thesis. But I have already finished my part," Angelina explained.

"Oh, then is it okay for me to come see you there?"

"Sure," affirmed Angelina.

"Great. Wait for me there then."

"Okay, Jeremy, see you soon," Angelina hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Angelia found her two companions were watching her with hostile eyes.

Two of her friends approached her with menacing smiles. "So tell us, who was that guy who called just now? Our school beauty who was always cold and proud spoke to some guy in such a gentle and sweet voice. Oh, my God. This is definitely breaking news."

A petite girl clinging to a guy's arm was also looking at her inquisitively. The next thing Angelina knew, she was surrounded by onlookers trying to pry on what was happening

er Sammy disappeared, Angelina turned back and walked towards the gate of the school.

As she was waiting for Jeremy at the gate, a silver Rolls-Royce stopped in front of her.

Jeremy got out of the car and came to her side. Gently he asked, "Have you waited long?"

"No, I just got here," Angelina smiled timidly.

"Get in the car then," Jeremy opened the door for Angelina and walked around to the driver's seat.

As he said that, he opened the door for Angelina and helped her get into the car. After that, he walked around to the driver's seat.

On his way to their meeting place, he had been thinking about how to tell Angelina about his invitation.

It took him long to mention to her anything about his family.

He was very excited whenever he saw Angelina, and he didn't want to overwhelm her. He had been waiting for the right time to talk about it until now.

Now his family had requested him to bring her back to meet them today no matter what.

He gripped the steering wheel tight as he tried to get the words out of him. "Angelina, would you like to meet our mom and dad? They miss you very much. After they learned that I found you, they have been wanting to come to see you, but they are afraid it would be impolite and scare you."