Chapter 482 Nothing To Explain

Andrew owned a lot of villas, but this was his personal favorite. Few people entered this place, and Andrew kept everything clean and in perfect order.

Johnny was no exception, and he had to wait outside.

Claire was mopping the floor in the living room when she saw Andrew coming back. Just as she was about to greet him, she saw Andrew holding a someone in his arms. It was Ashley.

Andrew also saw Claire. He shook his head at Claire and accompanied Ashley upstairs.

Andrew put Ashley on the bed. He lovingly wrapped a quilt around her, as she lay there.

Andrew had been away for some time, and he missed the little routines like this. He missed taking care of Ashley.

Looking at Ashley's sleeping face, he kissed her on the forehead.

"Just sleep here. When you wake up, the business of the company should be settled by then." Andrew said to her.

Andrew left the bedroom and saw Claire in the living room. He stopped and gave her specific orders. "Cook some food for her when she wakes up. And don't make it too greasy. You know how Ashley doesn't like a lot of grease in her food. Cook enough for dinner. Ashley's lost a lot of weight. She needs to eat more."

Andrew had always been a firm boss. He always liked keeping everything in order, and his employees and servants knew it.

This was very different to the way he treated Ashley. He doted on Ashley all the time.

Claire nodded her head. She was about to say something, but Andrew turned his back on her, and walked away.

Andrew did not tolerate incompetence, and wanted his orders followed to the letter. Ashley was the only person he was patient with.

'Miss Mu had been gone for a while. Where had she been staying these days? Poor girl. She did lose a lot of weight, ' Claire thought.

When Arya came to talk to Ashley last time, she was just a servant so she couldn't help Ashley.

Claire felt sorry for Ashley. Now that Andrew was back, she hoped that Ashley would feel better.

Claire went to the kitchen and made some millet porridge for Ashley to eat when she woke up.

Andrew told Johnny, "Inform everyone concerned, of a meeting in half an hour."

Johnny replied, "Okay."

Johnny drove the car and informed the com

erently and said, "No.

Mr. Li, you'd better think about how to explain what you have done to President Lu."

Kelly didn't know Ashley's real identity, but after this incident, she had a good idea who Ashley was.

However, Mr. Li knew very well who Ashley was, and her standing in the Lu family. Or at least, he thought he knew Ashley.

He didn't know Ashley and Andrew had married. The Lu family only told him that Andrew was seduced by Ashley.

They had paid him well to get Ashley out of the picture.

After all, she was just a mistress. When he took the job, Mr. Li didn't think too much of it.

Everyone in the room heard what Kelly said. There was no way that Mr. Li could keep silent about this now.

"Explain? What's there to explain? I did nothing wrong.

I even requested for Ashley to return to work immediately. It's not my fault if she doesn't want to return to work yet. Can you blame that on me?"

Mr. Li had been worried and nervous all day long. He wouldn't tolerate anything like this from Kelly, especially now.

Kelly didn't say anything. She gave Mr. Li an indifferent look and left.

"What's wrong? What was that all about?"

one of the executives asked.

The incident with Kelly and Mr. Li would not go unnoticed. Many of the executives were already whispering and talking about it with each other.

It was inevitable that disagreements would arise within their ranks, but there was something about this one that seemed different.