Chapter 511 Prepare For A Blind Date

If Ashley hadn't seen how the family got along with each other when she had been at Amaia's home, she would have assumed that Amaia was just a subordinate of Kelly.

Amaia closed the door after entering Kelly's office and turned to face Kelly with a bright smile. She asked, "Mom, have you heard about Ashley's situation?"

Kelly looked up from her desk and quirked her eyebrows. "We're at work. Please present yourself better.

Be professional," she argued, before turning back to her desk. Amaia had to remember that she shouldn't act so informal at the company.

Rolling her eyes, Amaia took one of the seats in front of the desk and plopped onto it. "Nobody else is in the office, and your blinds are drawn. Don't be so cautious, Mom!

Anyway, do you know something about Ashley's identity? Please tell me about it," Amaia pleaded as she crossed her arms in front of her.

Kelly narrowed her eyes at her daughter. "Why are you worried about her? Please, Amaia, if she really is seducing our CEO like what the stupid internet is telling you, would you still be friends with her?"

Her daughter returned the same expression as she huffed. "Mom. Ashley is my friend. I don't like it when you talk about her that way. Besides, I trust Ashley with my life, you know. I know she wouldn't do such a thing."

Seeing that her mother was either too busy or too willing to ignore her, Amaia sighed loudly as her shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Fine, I'll look into it myself." She resigned, before finally making an effort to stand and leave the office.

Watching her daughter's receding form, Kelly sighed and threw her pen to the desk. "Okay, fine. Stop."

Amaia didn't stop but sped up instead.

"I'm sorry. I talked about your friend like that," Kelly apologized as she sat straight in her chair.

Amaia let go of the door handle and looked at her mother expectantly. "Good. Ashley is not that kind of girl. You should know that. Also, the CEO is a smart man! I doubt he'll ever allow himself to be seduced so easily.

Don't you remember? Many women have already come before. All of them attempted to seduce him, but have you seen a single one of them succeeding?"

Amaia challenged as she looked at Kelly inquisitively.

If there was ever an award for people who protected their friends, Amaia would

Ashley are married like you claim, then I'm sure he'll do something about it. There's no one better to solve this problem except for him."

Amaia nodded in agreement before she smoothed the creases of her clothes.

"Well then. I'd better get to work," she said before excusing herself.

Her mother hummed before crossing her arms together in front of her chest.

"See you after work? We can go home together."

"Ew, no thanks," Amaia protested, "I don't want to see you and Dad together right now."

Kelly feigned a look of shock before dramatically holding her hand over her mouth. "Honey! How could you say that?

But you know what? Fine! Just go home and change! Dress up. Let's go eat out somewhere nice tonight!"

Amaia raised her eyebrows suspiciously at her mother. "Hm? what's up?"

"Oh, you'll see. I have something planned out. Now hurry and get to work!"

Kelly ordered and watched her daughter head for the door with a confused expression. As soon as she sat at her desk, she reevaluated the photos of the young men sprawled in front of her.

As scandalous as it seemed, it was actually for Amaia. Amaia was 25, but she had never had a relationship before. Kelly was growing anxious over her daughter's rather non-existent love life.

It was a good thing that her husband, George, had suggested taking her out on a blind date. But it was only a secret between the two spouses. He just didn't want Amaia to disturb them at home.

If Amaia had any idea about what they were planning, she would only make a scene!