Chapter 580 Thank You

Ashley forgot to bring her resume and they decided to go back to get it.

Ashley felt ashamed for having dragged Tony here to help her look for a job. He had already taken the time to accompany her and she even forgot her resume. It was a complete waste of time.

Ashley didn't mind, but perhaps Tony had something pressing to do.

Ashley looked at Tony who was walking next to her.

Although he was a few years younger than Ashley, he was much taller than her.

When Ashley wanted to look at him, she had to raise her head.

"I'm so sorry for having wasted so much of your time today," Ashley said to him.

Tony heard what she said, but he didn't seem the least bit affected. He pressed her lips and said, "No, I'm okay. I would have stayed at home if I had not come here. It's good to go out for a walk."

"Anyway, thank you for coming with me. I appreciate it," said Ashley.

They took the elevator to the sixth floor. After they got out of the elevator, Ashley said goodbye to Tony and wanted to go back to her apartment.

But all of a sudden, she heard Selma's voice, which frightened her so much that she almost dropped her key.

Looking at Tony coming out of the elevator, Selma asked in surprise, "Tony, where have you been? You haven't been at home for a whole day. Did you hang out with your friends again?"

Selma didn't see Ashley coming back with Tony. She just saw Tony come back so late, so she asked him.

Ashley couldn't help but take a look at Tony when she heard Selma's words. Coincidentally, Tony was also looking at her.

Ashley looked away awkwardly.

She turned around and saw Selma.

"Hi, Selma."

Selma finally noticed Ashley who was now quite embarrassed for Tony. "Ashley? You're back? Just now?"

Ashley nodded at Selma. "Tony went with me to look for a job today. That's why we came back late. Please don't be mad at him."

Looking at

r loved. He felt relieved.

Besides, Ashley's resume seemed to be very good.

He didn't expect that she had such potential as she looked very young.

She used to be a manager in a company. He didn't know why she had ended up like this.

After going through Ashley's personal information, Collin decided to hire Ashley.

Colin felt that Ashley would be quite capable of handling the job. Colin also believed that Ashley would get along well with his young master.

Collin put the documents away and took a taxi.

He believed the young master would be very pleased with what he was going to report.

Collin drove to the outside of a private house and parked the car. The plate outside read "Woodland". Collin took out a card to open the gate.

"Tinkle, tinkle."

Collin rang the doorbell twice. The front door was opened in front of Collin.

Collin came in and closed the door behind him.

"Mr. Tang."

Upon hearing his words, the man sitting on the sofa opened his eyes and glanced at Collin coldly.

"What? What are you doing here? I don't pay you to hang around here. Don't you have better things to do than to show up at my doorstep?"

Collin was speechless.

'Well, you are the young master, and I just came to report some news, '