Chapter 609 All Pointed To Her

"We both know that only you and I have seen the design drawing for the competition in M Country. Sarah also knows that I'm not much of an illustrator or even a painter. You're the more talented one, someone who could make a perfect copy of her designs.

"As for Zena, she has never even gotten close to getting a look at these designs! You're the one who's more privy to Sarah's designs and techniques! With all that said, tell me, are we really wrongly accusing you here?

Sarah's been nothing but nice to you since you entered this company. Why did you do this to her? How could you even steal her work?!"

With all the evidence stacked against her, it was generally asserted that Ashley was the plagiarist!

Ashley looked around at everyone in the company. They were all staring at her with unfriendly and judgmental eyes.

Plagiarism was something that was taboo in the world of fashion design.

Being a talented designer or having very good designs didn't matter. Once a work is plagiarized it could spell the end of the career of the accused.

It is much worse for a budding or aspiring new designer when exposed as a plagiarist. He or she would be criticized by the entire design community..

Ashley felt like she wanted to just vanish. Everyone had now assumed she was just that, a plagiarist.

Ashley felt a slight pain in her belly, but she still managed to compose herself. She held the wall for support and looked the crowd in the eye saying, "I didn't steal any design!

If I really did, wouldn't I want to hide it and cover it up? Why was it so easy for the evidence of my so-called "plagiarism" to be found?

Design theft is taboo in design. You know it, and of course I know it too. So why would I do it so easily that everyone would immediately see it? That would be silly!"

The crowd seemed to quiet down after Ashley spoke. It seemed as if her words had managed to resonate with the crowd. Perhaps they would see reason now.

No one could be so stupid to copy someone'

e one who introduced her to Sarah.

I don't think Sarah will want to see Ashley again. So Trina, you'd better dismiss her."

Trina responded, "I will take care of it. Don't worry. Ok, everyone! Go back to your places now. It's time to work."

But nobody took any action.

Trina frowned and asked in a stern tone, "Now what? You guys just went to M Country for a while, and now you don't listen to my orders anymore? Are you actually disobeying my orders here?"

"Trina, why don't you just fire her already? She's already done enough trouble!" one of the others said.

"That's right. What if one day Ashley does the same old trick and steals our designs again?" another person from the crowd agreed.

Trina tried to maintain her calm disposition, but deep inside, she was confused and lost in thought.

When Collin had asked Trina to take care of Ashley, she quickly assumed· that something bad would happen in the near future.

At that time, Ashley appeared hard-working and obedient. She seemed to be the perfect fit as an assistant to Sarah.

Because of this Trina did not pay much attention to the doubts in her mind.

Ashley could hear the crowd speaking among themselves but she could hardly understand what they were talking about.

"I'll say it again. All of you, go back to your desks. Now!" Trina demanded.