Chapter 421

"I'm afraid I have to do it!" Du Ji'an's voice suddenly became gloomy: "I've reached this point, and I can't turn back. Qianqian, you know? Dad has put all his future and family life on the line. You can only succeed, not fail, or don't say dad, the whole family can't live, okay?"

Du Qianqian was startled by Du Ji'an's gloomy face. She couldn't help but step back, but Du Ji'an didn't say a word. Luo qingluan has been eavesdropping outside the window, but he didn't expect to hear this. It seems that Du Ji'an is brave enough.

After waiting for a long time, she finally heard Du Qianqian's voice as thin as mosquitoes and flies, and said softly. It seems that the matter has been settled. Du Ji'an asked Du Qianqian to murder the emperor and queen of Western Chu with poisonous wine on the way to the wedding banquet. If things really succeed, I'm afraid it will be a big mess.

Luo qingluan could almost imagine the situation at that time. Once something happened to the emperor and queen of Western Chu, Nangong Chen rushed in with people and horses. I'm afraid he has arranged in the palace, plus the gunpowder and armaments he has already prepared. If she doesn't know anything, I'm afraid Nangong Chen will really succeed.

After waiting for a while, Luo qingluan didn't hear any useful information in the room. A moment later, Du Ji'an came out. Seeing that there was no news, Luo qingluan quietly left. When she had just arrived at the place where Xu Wei and Xu Lian met, she saw that they had been waiting there for a long time.

As soon as Xu Wei saw Luo qingluan, he immediately greeted her: "Miss, I've heard. They're going to ship tonight."

"Tonight?" Luo qingluan thought, "well, let's hurry up and see what route they take to transport this batch of armaments."

Up to now, Luo qingluan's mission is coming to an end. She has basically understood the details of Du Ji'an's and Nangong Chen's plan. Now she only needs to find out their armaments and the whereabouts of the explosives, and everything is over.

At this time, it was midnight. Luo qingluan, Xu Wei and Xu Lian waited quietly, hiding in a dilapidated wing next to the warehouse with the help of flowers and trees. This time, they waited for a long time and there was no news for an hour. If Xu Wei hadn't received the news, the people in the sheriff's office would ship the goods tonight. I'm afraid Xu Lian would be impatient.

"Xu Wei, is your news accurate? At this time, will they come or not?" Xu Lian glared at Xu Wei and said in a deep voice, "we don't have anything yet. If you let the young lady wait with us all night, I'll clean you up."

Xu Wei said stiffly, "how do I know whether they will come or not? Anyway, I heard it was so. Wait a minute. Didn't they come after the ugly time last time?"

Suddenly, Luo qingluan whispered, "don't talk. It seems that someone is coming."

The shabby little room was quiet. Xu Lian listened attentively. Sure enough, she heard a slight sound of footsteps outside, and there was more than one person. Luo qingluan also carefully leaned out of the window and looked out.

Tonight's moon is bright. Even if it is night, the silver brilliance of the moon shines all the more clearly. A group of people came to the warehouse quickly, and some people looked around, like observing whether there was anyone.

Several people in black directly bent down and pried up several green bricks, and then there was a big hole leading to the bottom. Several people in black immediately walked down the steps, but some people were still outside. Luo qingluan could only continue to hide in the room and could not go out.

After a while, the men in black came out carrying wooden boxes one by one.

"Hurry up and be careful." A man in Black said in a deep voice.

This man was obviously the leader. He commanded the others to move out a wooden box and put it on the carriage. Did not wait. When a carriage was full, a man in black drove the carriage out immediately. Although Luo qingluan wanted to know where they were driving the carriage, the man in black had not left yet, and they could not move rashly, so they could only continue to wait.

After being busy for more than half an hour, these people in black finally ended and put back the green bricks one by one to restore the ground to its original state. The leader in black jumped into the last carriage.

Immediately, the other people in black dispersed one by one and disappeared into the night, as if they had never appeared.

"Miss, they're all gone. Let's keep up." Xu Lian said.

Be sure to find out where they sent these things. This is Luo qingluan's last chance tonight. Even if these people in black will continue to transport armaments next time, it's too late.

She only told Du Qianqian that she would make wedding clothes within three days. Once she couldn't deliver the goods within three days, Du Qianqian would naturally be furious and might disturb Du Ji'an. At that time, Luo qingluan can't hide her identity at all, so she must find out tonight and leave as soon as possible.

Following the last carriage, Luo qingluan watched from a distance. In the dark, the carriage drove out directly from the side door.

"Miss, they're out." Xu Lian whispered.

"I'm afraid I can't catch up with the corner gate. It's faster to go out directly over the wall." Xu Wei immediately said, "Miss, I'm afraid it's dangerous to go out. You'd better go back. Xu Lian and I will follow."

Luo qingluan pondered a little, shook his head and said, "no, if I can't find out their route, I can't sleep well when I go back. I still have to watch." And she has other considerations. If she can find out the other party's route tonight, she doesn't have to go back to the sheriff's house at all. The next day, she can send someone to inform Fang Gu to leave, and then find an excuse to say that she can't make wedding clothes. At that time, Du Qianqian won't be useful even if she loses her temper again.

Listening to the sound of the carriage outside the wall, Xu Lian was a little worried: "Miss, I'll take you out. Be careful."

Then she hugged Luo qingluan and flew up to the wall. Xu Wei looked around and flew up with him, and then the three fell into the street again.

Luo qingluan tidied up his clothes and immediately said, "hurry up."

Along the way, Luo qingluan three people fell far behind, always keeping a distance of 30 feet. Neither too far to lose, nor too close to be found by the other party. Although the other party kept walking through the streets, but because it was night, a little movement could find that Luo qingluan and they were not worried about losing.

A patrol guard was also found on the way, but it was obvious that he had been ordered long ago. He would not check the carriages of this team on the street in the middle of the night, but pretended not to see them and let them go directly.

Soon, the carriage drove to the dock and stopped.

"Miss, isn't this where we got off the ship when we came?" Xu Lian said, "do they want to go by water?"

"It's possible." Xu Wei said.

Soon, all the people in Black got out of the carriage and began to carry wooden boxes onto a ship moored at the dock. The people on the ship seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and a few boatmans came to help. The lights on the ship were dim, and they seemed to be trying to hide something. These people in black didn't even say much, so they just carried the boxes.

"I really want to go by water." Luo qingluan finally understood.

Why were cargo ships requisitioned when they first arrived? I'm afraid the other party just wanted to use civilian ships to transport armaments, so as to achieve the purpose of hiding. The merchants who had been requisitioned would only think that the Prefecture was used to transport Du Qianqian's dowry, and would not doubt it at all.

"What should I do now, miss?" Xu Lian asked.

According to the speed of these people, it will not be long before all armaments and explosives will be transferred to cargo ships, transported to the capital and handed over to nangongchen. If you want to know their route, you must follow, but it's risky. If you are found, your life may be in danger.

At the thought of this, Xu Wei immediately said without waiting for Luo qingluan to speak: "anyway, the young lady can't follow this time. It's too dangerous. The subordinates of the prince can't explain what happened."

Luo qingluan naturally knew this, and she didn't intend to go to school in person. Just know the route from which the other party delivers the goods. At that time, let the dark night hall send some brothers with good water properties to follow along, and then bring dark harriers to facilitate the transmission of information. Once you arrive in the capital, immediately inform the people in the capital to take the goods, and then control these people, so as to effectively prevent nangongchen's conspiracy.

Xu Wei and Xu Lian are eager to say what they think. As long as Luo qingluan doesn't go out in person, they have no opinion. Let Xu Wei watch here. Xu Lian and Luo qingluan hurry back to inform Chen Dong and immediately send people from the dark night hall to meet Xu Wei.

As for the latter, Luo qingluan didn't have to worry about it.

She just needs to deal with the aftermath of the sheriff's house.

Without going back to the sheriff's house, Luo qingluan returned to the inn courtyard again. The next morning, she arranged someone to inform Fang Gu to leave. After casually making an excuse, the people in the sheriff's house didn't expect that the two embroidery women would sneak away, while Fang Gu only thought that Wu Fangji had other tasks, and she was taken by the people of the dark night hall to work in an embroidery house in nearby Changshu County, which would not be found by Du Qianqian's people.

The next evening, there was news from the dark kite. It is said that these cargo ships have been entering Changshu County along the waterway, and then drove straight to the suburbs of the capital to berth. The people in the dark night Hall who had been lying in ambush here were caught off guard. Forty or fifty servants of the sheriff's house were completely captured. There were some casualties during the fighting, but it was insignificant compared with the harm caused by nangongchen's rebellion.

Luo qingluan received a reply from Nangong Qing, saying that the pill brought to Nalan night last time might have been lost on the way and was not found on the dark kite. She asked her to make another one and send it as soon as possible. Luo qingluan believed it. He had no doubt about Nangong Qing, and didn't know that Nangong Qing had been controlled by Nalan night at this time.

In a hurry to cure a wound medicine, Luo qingluan also said with the letter about the secret transportation of armaments by the sheriff's house and nangongchen. At the same time, he also asked about Nalan night and where he recovered from his injury

Only this time, when the person in charge of the dark night Hall who usually contacted Nangong Qing could no longer contact him, he didn't think of anything at first. After four or five days, he couldn't find Nangong Qing's whereabouts, so he thought of whether something had happened.