Chapter 512

Since the last time he sneaked into the Western Chu and accompanied Han Xun to calculate Luo qingluan, which triggered a series of subsequent crises, Bai Yixuan did not have a moment of peace of mind even if she returned to North Vietnam.

Because the last plan failed, Han Xun did not abduct Luo qingluan. With empty joy, Han Xun was angry with Bai Yixuan and hurt her by mistake. But after all, the two have been deeply entangled. Bai Yixuan is after all the queen of Hansen. Although they seem to be separated, Hansen still returns with Bai Yixuan in despair.

For half a year, Hanson was emotionally unstable and moody. While sending people to investigate Luo qingluan's whereabouts, he vented his anger on the officials, causing people in the court to be in danger and panic.

Just at this time, the Lancang River, the largest river in North Vietnam, overflowed and burst its embankment, engulfing farmland on both sides of the river and flooding counties within a radius of hundreds of miles. Han Xun was so angry that he immediately copied and beheaded Jiang Guang, the Sheriff of Huayang County, who was hardest hit, and ruled out Imperial Envoys to go to the disaster relief.

In the harem, Bai Yixuan was angry and angry. She was hurt repeatedly and never recovered. At the same time, the southern Wei state sent envoys to bring materials to rescue North Vietnam. After learning about Bai Yixuan's situation, the emperor of the southern Wei Dynasty remembered that he had loved his daughter under his knee. In a rage, he asked the envoys to take away the relief materials and ordered the emperor of the northern Yue to treat Bai Yixuan well, otherwise he would meet with soldiers.

This led to worse relations between Han Xun and Bai Yixuan, but on the surface they had to make a harmonious gesture. In order to alleviate the domestic disaster, Han Xun wrote to the emperor of the southern Wei Dynasty that the two countries would form an alliance and make friends forever. Bai Yixuan would always be the queen of North Vietnam. Only then did the southern Wei emperor ease up and re aid the floods in North Vietnam.

After this delay, Han Xun's people finally found Luo qingluan's whereabouts. She had returned to the West Chu. Nalan night led his troops to besiege the city and won the military power of Western Chu. At the same time, the new emperor of Western Chu ascended the throne and changed his country name. Han Xun was idle again. It was not easy for long. Unexpectedly, Nalan night was attacked by Nalan night waving his army north.

Just after the flood, he killed a group of corrupt officials. The people in the North Vietnamese Dynasty were unstable and the household was empty. For a moment, even the military pay could not be collected. Han Xun was helpless and furious. He could only open the inner warehouse and took out his own private bank to replace military pay. At the same time, the whole country recruited soldiers. When all this had not been completed, the news came from the front line again: the border city Sulan had been occupied by the western Chu!

At this moment, the whole North Vietnamese officials were flustered and offered advice to either seek peace or fight.

The moderates, mainly a group of Qing Liu imperial Shi Yan Guan, wrote to Han Xun one after another, saying that if Han Xun hadn't acted recklessly and deliberately sneaked into the Western Chu to sneak into Nalan night, the king of Chu, he wouldn't have been counterattacked so quickly by the Western Chu. The 200000 troops of Nalan night, the God of war of the Western Chu, came fiercely. I'm afraid they came to avenge this time.

Hanson was furious. Although he knew it might be true, how could he admit his fault when he thought about it? At the thought that the ministers dared to say that he was not. If it were not for the inconvenience of killing at this critical time, I was afraid that he would cut off a number of disobedient heads.

The faction headed by the Minister of war and the Minister of punishment said that the hatred between Western Chu and North Vietnam has a long history and can no longer be reconciled. Nalan led his troops to the north this night. It was clear that he wanted to completely destroy North Vietnam. If he didn't fight back, North Vietnam was afraid to destroy the country.

It is a difficult problem to meet military needs such as food, grass and pay. Only after experiencing the flood, the North Vietnamese Treasury has long been empty. If it were not for the assistance of the southern Wei Dynasty, I am afraid it would be difficult to get through the flood.

For a moment, Hanson had a splitting headache and stayed up all night.

At the time when Han Xun had the biggest headache, Bai Yixuan seemed to forget that he had been seriously injured by Han Xun and took the initiative to ask the emperor of South Vietnam for help. Soon, one million taels of silver arrived, and Hanson sincerely thanked Bai Yixuan for the first time. But at this time, an urgent military situation came from the front line. Nalan night's army broke through Shuyang city. The first batch of troops sent to support were defeated by Nalan night again. 50000 troops fled in rout, and 800 Li urgently asked for help.

Hanson didn't expect how fierce Nalan night's counterattack was, but he never wanted to surrender. In addition, he always regarded Nalan night as a love enemy and wanted revenge more and more.

The consequences have been ignored. Han Xun is trying to fight with all his strength, but he didn't expect Bai Yixuan to come.

"Hanson, you should calm down. Dealing with Nalan night is not a victory for many people." The faint voice echoed in the palace, looking cold and echoing. Usually, he didn't like to see Bai Yixuan appear in front of him. However, since Bai Yixuan took the initiative to ask the southern Wei Dynasty to help North Vietnam tide over the flood last time, Han Xun looked at her again, and his eyes were still a little more patient.

After several months of recuperation, Bai Yixuan's injury has basically healed, but her face is always pale. In addition, Luo qingluan destroyed his face before, and even if the pimples on his face were eliminated, they left indelible marks.

Bai Yixuan covered her face with a light veil and reluctantly blocked her, making Han Xun unable to see through her.

"What are you doing here?" He doesn't think Bai Yixuan will help him this time. Hanson's face is a little stiff. Facing Bai Yixuan, Hanson's mood is always complex.

Like him, this woman has a deep mind and ruthless means. She will do anything to achieve her goal. If she hadn't been the queen of North Vietnam and tied to his fate, I'm afraid she would kill him without hesitation?

At the critical moment, Bai Yixuan still knows how serious it is. It was only in the recent flood that Bai Yixuan asked the emperor of the southern Wei Dynasty for help. Even now Han Xun knows that the situation is urgent, he said he would not let Bai Yixuan help again.

Moreover, the last one million silver aid given by the southern Wei emperor was not for nothing in North Vietnam. All kinds of trade tariffs and later material returns add up to almost one million. In sum, North Vietnam did not get much benefit from the southern Wei Dynasty, but borrowed it in advance.

Even if Bai Yixuan could persuade the emperor of the southern Wei Dynasty to help North Vietnam again this time, Hanson could almost imagine that he would have to pay an enormous price to win the help of the southern Wei Dynasty. Otherwise... Facing Nalan night like killing God, I'm afraid the southern Wei Dynasty is also guilty.

Even in the face of Hanson, Bai Yixuan always wore a veil and said in a cold tone: "after fighting with Nalan night for so many years, he has been in contact with Nalan night both openly and secretly. Think about it, how many times have you gained the upper hand in front of Nalan night? If you still use all the troops of North Vietnam to fight Nalan night, the result may be predictable now."

"Why, you mean I'm destined to lose to Nalan night, and North Vietnam will break the country, don't you?" Hanson was immediately angry. Originally thinking about Bai Yixuan's kindness last time, he wanted to be nice to her, but as long as he listened to her, Hanson couldn't control his anger because of his undisguised contempt and disregard. Even if he loses, he will never surrender, let alone watch Nalan night arrogant. Using all kinds of methods, Hanson also wants to fight with Nalan night!

With a faint look in his eyes, Bai Yixuan glanced at Han Xun's angry face, but Bai Yixuan didn't care about his tone, His hands folded in front of him and said calmly, "it's time for you to be angry. Although I was once a man of the southern Wei Dynasty, now that I have married you, I will live or die with the North Vietnamese Communist Party. This time, Nalan is fierce at night. The new Emperor of Western Chu has only been in power for three months, and he led the army to attack. I'm afraid he has long wanted to completely solve his gratitude and resentment with you."

Just after that, Bai Yixuan's tone changed, and her meaningful eyes flowed through Hanson's face like water, "Moreover, I'm afraid if he didn't know about Luo qingluan and the last time you attacked Nalan night, the counterattack of the Western Chu wouldn't be so fast. In the final analysis, it was Hanson who caused Nalan night's anger, so he attacked just after the flood in North Vietnam and when the Treasury was empty."

"You just want me to admit that it's my fault in front of all the people, don't you? Even if I do wrong, so what? The whole North Vietnam is mine. I can do whatever I want. It's not Bai Yixuan's turn to teach you a lesson!"

He knew Bai Yixuan had bad intentions for a long time, and Hanson broke out when he couldn't control it.

It seems that except in front of Luo qingluan, he can have the greatest patience, the most gentle tone, and try his best to control his temper. Except for the first time, no matter who it is, Hanson has a hot temper and can't control it.

"I came to you today not to argue with you, but to let you understand the scale and weakness of Nalan night."

Bai Yixuan's eyes flashed cold, He said in a deep voice, "this weakness is Luo qingluan. Don't you understand now? It's too late to mobilize another army. You don't know Nalan night's ability. Unless we can have three times more troops, we don't want to beat him at all. Moreover, the West Chu side has been fully prepared for Nalan night's active attack."

He gasped violently. Hanson tried to calm himself down. He took his eyes back from Bai Yixuan and fell to the ground, as if his strength was out of control. The most critical time is now

Han Xun knows that what Bai Yixuan said is true, but even if it is, so what? Even if Luo qingluan is the inverse scale of Nalan night, can he catch Luo qingluan and threaten Nalan night to retreat? It's not realistic! If he could find Luo qingluan, he would not have to endure such a long period of lovesickness. Even now he knows that Luo qingluan has escaped the last sneak attack and returned to the Western Chu from Dongwan, it is almost impossible to deceive her again.

And... Even if he catches Luo qingluan, he is reluctant to kill Luo qingluan to threaten Nalan night.

Seeing Hanson's silence, Bai Yixuan didn't stop: "therefore, if you want to solve the crisis in North Vietnam, or even the counter offensive, you must deal with Nalan night's weakness. His only weakness is Luo qingluan. This is our only chance!"

"Do you want me to send someone to sneak into the Western Chu to catch Luo qingluan in the king's house of Chu and threaten Nalan night?" Han Xun sneered: "I don't have such great skills, and my hand can't stretch out so long! If I can enter the territory of Western Chu and catch Luo qingluan, can I directly assassinate the emperor of Western Chu? That's more once and for all."

"Haven't you thought about detour? You can't think of a more euphemistic way except to do it directly?" As if very disappointed, Bai Yixuan said coldly, "if we can't catch Luo qingluan, won't we think of a similar way? We just want someone to check and balance Nalan night. Even if we really catch Luo qingluan, do you think she will cooperate?"

With a sudden pat on the imperial case beside him, Hanson was impatient: "if you have anything to say, you don't have to beat around the Bush and satirize me that I'm not as good as you!"

Seeing the decadence and helplessness in Han Xun's eyes, Bai Yixuan seemed a little happier. A flash of edge flashed in her eyes and said in a voice: "I started to prepare as early as a month ago, but I didn't expect this day to come so soon."

Then she clapped her hands and gave a crisp applause: "come in."

I don't understand who Bai Yixuan wants to let at this time. Hanson frowned and turned to look ahead.

For a moment, the light footsteps sounded. When the bead curtain sounded, a slender jade hand picked up the bead curtain and came in. Han Xun was almost stunned with his slim body, elegant in white and beautiful face without powder.

He never thought that the person who came in was Luo qingluan, whom he had missed for a long time! How could it be? How could she appear in the North Vietnamese palace? When did she fall into Bai Yixuan's hands?