Chapter 722

Xiao Yuqi did not expect that Luo qingluan would come uninvited.

Looking at the smiling woman in front of him, he was surprised. He was looking for some reason to see her again, but she came by herself.

"Why is Princess Chu here? Please sit inside."

Immediately let someone serve tea. Xiao Yuqi personally welcomed Luo qingluan in. The two sat down in the main hall. Luo qingluan was not polite. He casually said that he had something to ask. He picked up a tea cup and drank two drinks, looking like a long talk.

"I don't know what Princess Chu wants to ask?" Xiao Yuqi smiled faintly.

"Oh, nothing. I'm just idle and curious. Prince Xiao's residence doesn't look like a temporary place to settle down." Luo qingluan looked very casual, looked around and looked at all kinds of furnishings in the hall.

This is a modest three entry courtyard. From the outside, it is an ordinary rich family. It seems that a thousand liang of silver can be set in green bricks and black tiles, Zhaobi courtyard, ear room patio and left and right wing rooms.

But inside, there was another scene.

The furnishings of each place, including a pot of flowers, a stove of sandalwood, etc. in Duobao Pavilion, and even every corner, are not only clean, but also designed by famous experts, elegant and unique. The small courtyard rooms look fresh and elegant, pleasant and livable.

Xiao Yuqi smiled: "naturally, I can't hide the eyesight of Princess Chu. This house belongs to the third uncle of the palace. Before coming to Western Chu, the palace thought it was inconvenient to live in Honglu temple, so he went to him and asked for the house. It's not expensive, 100000 Liang of silver."

100000 Liang is not expensive? Only Xiao Yuqi can say this.

To be in the capital of Western Chu, we have changed other houses in other areas, which is equivalent to this, but at most 10000 or 20000. However, Luo qingluan must also admit that Xiao Yuqi's house is really good. Although the sparrow is small and has five internal organs, even she can see it. It's really a price and a goods.

"No wonder Prince Xiao doesn't go to Honglu temple. If I have such a good house in Dongwan, I won't bother you to entertain me next time." Luo qingluan smiled and looked relaxed and comfortable.

Maybe she should be glad that Xiao Yuqi lives here. Otherwise, if he still lives in Honglu temple this time, I'm afraid that Yao Fangzheng, the panicked Temple secretary, will show flaws in front of him and may be detected.

"By the way, does Prince Xiao want to propose marriage for the third prince to the third princess when he comes to Xichu this time?"

Luo qingluan said faintly, his clear eyes fell on Xiao Yuqi's face, as if he wanted to see through something, "if not, why did the three princesses go on the day when the three princesses recruit relatives, and they were so eager to replace others?"

When Luo qingluan talked about business, Xiao Yuqi moved his mind and said with a smile, "this is also a coincidence. My mother has always wanted her third brother to be concubine Zheng for the past two years, but he is stubborn. My father wants him to be calm for two more years, so as not to miss the happiness of other women. But it happens..."

He shook his head with a smile and looked handsome: "the third brother followed me to Xichu, but fell in love with the third princess at first sight and had to marry her. Since he has this heart, I can't stop him as a eldest brother. I just hope he can be sensible from now on and don't be so out of tune."

"Now your majesty has promised the marriage of the third prince and the third princess of Xiao. Just wait for the Ministry of rites to prepare and send the credentials to his majesty Dongwan. Prince Xiao, congratulations." Luo qingluan smiled and seemed to think of something again. "By the way, why didn't you see the third prince Xiao? Did he go to see the princess?"

There was no doubt about her. Xiao Yuqi nodded: "yes, since the position was determined, the third brother has gone to the princess house these two days, and the palace can't persuade him. Although there should be more and more defense between men and women before marriage, since the third brother is so interested in the princess, the palace only hopes that the princess can restrain him and control him."

Taking the opportunity, he finally turned the topic to Xiao Tianci: "Princess Chu, last time I visited the palace, I didn't say a word."

"What does Prince Xiao want to say?" Luo qingluan looked at him.

Without opening his mouth directly, Xiao Yuqi patted his palm, Yan Wu immediately understood, went out for a moment and came in again. There was already a tray in his hand and put it in front of Xiao Yuqi. The latter picked up the box, looked at Luo qingluan and said, "Princess Chu, the palace carefully asks you one thing. If Princess Chu is willing to promise, the things in this box will be counted as a gift of thanks from the palace."

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed afraid of Luo qingluan's misunderstanding and immediately said, "of course, if Princess Chu is inconvenient, the palace will not force it. This gift will be given to Princess Chu by the palace. Quan should come to Western Chu this time and bother the king of Chu and princess Chu for hospitality."

This is polite. I know Xiao Yuqi has been to the capital of Western Chu for several days, but I haven't heard where he has gone to play. Luo qingluan and Nalan night don't have time to greet him because of the missing treasure these days. Where can we say hospitality?

But Xiao Yuqi's attitude is very good. Luo qingluan refused last time just because it is difficult to cure and doesn't want to ask for trouble. But now, she doesn't intend to refuse if she wants to find out the secret of the stolen treasure from Xiao Yuqi and Xiao Tianci.

"Prince Xiao is really very polite. I don't know what's the matter. I might as well tell you. If I can help, I won't refuse." Luo qingluan smiled and watched Xiao Yuqi open the box in his hand. Sure enough, it was the Millennium human ginseng that he took to the king's house of Chu last time!

Finally, when Luo qingluan said this, Xiao Yuqi said the situation again, His face was more or less embarrassed: "that's it. Princess Chu, the third brother of the palace is really ridiculous. It's his fault that he didn't follow Princess Chu's medical advice. The palace and his parents scolded him. They wanted him to learn a lesson and talk about it later, but... Now he has made a marriage with the third Lord. If his majesty knows, he's afraid he'll misunderstand something, it's not very good."

Luo qingluan frowned slightly. Luo qingluan smiled and looked at the ginseng in the box, as if carelessly: "I see. But Prince Xiao, since the third prince already knew that he had a hidden disease, he still had to recruit relatives, why didn't he worry about the disclosure? After all, it was hidden for a while, and the princess will know it after all."

With a dry smile, Xiao Yuqi became more and more embarrassed: "this... The third brother is not thoughtful and impulsive. The palace has scolded him. However, it's so far. I hope Princess Chu will help him once. If you can cure the third brother's hidden disease, the palace will be grateful..."

"Prince Xiao, don't say that. It's very polite."

Luo qingluan smiled and looked at the ginseng in his palm. "To tell you the truth, even for the sake of this millennium ginseng, I promised. Although there are some troubles, the hidden diseases of the third prince are not incurable. It takes more effort."

Xiao Yuqi immediately stood up and arched his hands at Luo qingluan: "then thank Princess Chu. I'll thank you for my third brother first."

"By the way, do you want the palace to send someone to find the third brother and let Princess Chu show him? After all, it's still urgent. If you can cure it earlier, it'll be earlier, otherwise your majesty will know about it. I'm afraid that by then..."

Feeling more and more that Xiao Yuqi took care of Xiao Tianci, Luo qingluan said quietly, "since you have received Prince Xiao's gift, you should hurry, but since it is a hidden disease, you need some special methods. When the third prince comes back, please bother Prince Xiao and let him come to the king's house of Chu."

"Well, please Princess Chu."

He always sent Luo qingluan to the door and watched her get on the carriage and go away. Xiao Yuqi returned and said, "go and find the third prince right away and let him go to the king's house of Chu."

Yan Wu immediately asked someone to go, and then whispered, "prince, why didn't you keep Princess Chu just now and talk about another thing?"

As soon as he reached the second step, Xiao Yuqi slowed down slightly and turned to look at his confidant: "don't you see that Princess Chu has something on her mind? Today is not the time to talk about this."

"This..." Yan Wu thought about the situation just now and looked ashamed: "my subordinates are clumsy and don't see anything."

Walking on the handrail, Xiao Yuqi's eyes were clear. "You think, the king and Princess of Chu were not interested in the gifts brought by the Palace last time when we went to the prince of Chu's house in person. But this time, Princess of Chu said that even for the sake of thousands of years of ginseng, she would treat the three princes. Don't you see her change?"

Seeing Yan Wu's silence, he seemed unable to figure it out. He said in a deep voice: "Princess Chu took the initiative to come to the door, but didn't say anything. Instead, the palace asked her to help. Isn't that the opposite? Unless she has something hard to say, or deliberately came to test us, otherwise... She has ideas about the marriage of the third prince and the third princess."

"In short, she had something in her heart, but she didn't tell the palace."

Yan Wu immediately said, "then, your highness, do you want to go down and inquire?"

Xiao Yuqi shook his head: "no, she is a smart person, alert and intelligent. If she is found out, I'm afraid there will be bad things. Since she has promised to treat the third prince, we don't have to do much. If she needs help from the palace in the future, she will come back."

When he returned to the hall and sat down, Xiao Yuqi just took a sip of tea and thought of something: "by the way, go and remind the third prince that this opportunity is rare. Don't fool around and annoy the princess of Chu. If you destroy the last opportunity, don't cry in the palace!"

"Yes, your highness, that belongs to me." Yan Wu hugged his fist, turned back and left.

On the other hand, in the princess's mansion, Xiao Tianci thought of the rejection yesterday, and his heart was somewhat hung.

Yesterday, he brought Dongwan's specialties and some treasures to Nangong Waner. He just wanted to meet her and talk to her to cultivate feelings. After all, the two people's business has been settled and will be husband and wife in the future. Unexpectedly, Nangong Waner didn't see her at all. She directly asked someone to return the gift and told him not to bother her again.

It's so easy to pass the marriage recruitment. Where will Xiao Tianci give up?