Chapter 395: Guess the box

Remember [New] for a second,! "I want to know where the Mad Titan Thanos is now?"

Russell said calmly.

The collector, who was still smiling just now, suddenly became extremely serious after hearing Russell's words.

"Mr. Bradley, are you kidding me?"

The collector asked with a serious face.

"Do I look like I'm joking?"

Russell asked back.

The collector did not speak, and looked at Russell with a serious expression.

After a few seconds of silence, he said slowly: "Mr. Bradley, I'm sorry, this deal, I can't make this deal with you."

While it's not known what Russell could come up with, the collector turned down the deal.

He does have a morbid collecting habit, but that doesn't mean he will be desperate for collecting.

What can be done and what cannot be done, the collector knows very well.

Not only him, but also his brother Gao Tianzun who likes to arrange various powerful beings to fight.

In terms of strength, Thanos definitely meets Gao Tianzun's requirements for gladiators.

But he definitely won't fight Thanos' idea.

To be precise, he not only would not fight the idea of ​​Thanos, but even his subordinates, such as Obsidian Five and Gamora, etc., he also would not.

In the vast universe, there are many powerful beings.

Among these people, some are absolutely not to be offended.

If you have to count the top combat power in the universe, Thanos may not be considered.

But if one were to pick the craziest of these powerful beings, Thanos would definitely be on the list.

Thanos is a lunatic who kills half the life of the universe at one time in order to complete his plan.

Even if the collector and Gao Tianzun are the elders of the universe, they don't want to have anything to do with Thanos.

"Mr. Tiwan, don't you want to know what kind of reward I can give this time?"

Russell didn't take the collector's rejection to heart and continued to ask.

"I know you have a lot of things in my hands that are worthy of my collection, but the things you want to trade are too dangerous."

"If I tell you the location of Thanos, there is a high probability that the ignorant will become the next target of Thanos' attack."

"As for me, it may also become a stepping stone to establish his murderous reputation."

The collector said with a serious face.

"The tyrant is indeed very strong, but I think Mr. Tiwan, in front of him, won't have the power to fight back at all, right?"

Russell said lightly.

"It's not a matter of fighting back."

"He's a lunatic, and a powerful lunatic."

The collector shook his head and said.

After seeing the collector's performance now, Russell frowned slightly.

Should not be!

Although the collectors in the movie universe are also weak, the collectors in the movie universe are not so afraid of Thanos.

In the movie universe, collectors offered a price of 4 billion to buy the cosmic spirit ball in Gamora's hands.

Although the Cosmic Spirit Ball failed to fall into the hands of collectors in the end, judging from the fact that he dared to acquire the Cosmic Spirit Ball from Gamora, it can be seen that he is not particularly afraid of Thanos.

It's impossible for a collector to not know what's in the Cosmos Orb, and it's impossible to not know the price of stealing something from Thanos, but he still does it.

This only shows that he is not afraid of Thanos.

In this universe, however, collectors are reluctant to trade with Russell for even a specific coordinate.

No matter from which point of view, the collector's performance is a bit too conscientious.

After thinking quickly for a few seconds, Russell sighed slightly.

Since collectors are unwilling to trade Thanos' coordinates with him, it's better to change a deal.

In addition to the collector, there is a man in the land of ignorance who knows how to find Thanos.


Although Gamora has now defected to Thanos, as the first adopted daughter of Thanos and the most important adopted daughter, it is impossible for her not to know how to find Thanos.

"Mr. Tiwan doesn't want to trade, so forget it, when I haven't been here."

After speaking, Russell turned around and left.

When Russell's figure completely disappeared from sight, the collector said to the red-skinned maid: "Karina, forget everything you just saw and heard, if you can't do it, think about the previous one The fate of the maid."

As soon as the collector finished speaking, Karina's expression became very complicated.

"Okay, master!"

Karina said quickly.

After hearing Karina's answer, the collector nodded in satisfaction.


Volcano Bar.

After coming out of the collector's residence, Russell did not go to Star-Lord, Gamora and others for the first time, but came to the nearby Volcano Bar.

At this time, he was sitting on the bar, tasting an unknown spirit.

The main purpose of his visit to the ignorant land this time is to find out the location of Thanos.

He originally thought that it was just a position, and collectors should be happy to trade with him.

Unexpectedly, the collector refused to even hear what the reward was.

Although in addition to collectors, Gamora can also know the specific location of Thanos.

But Gamora wasn't Russell's first choice.

The collector's abnormal performance made him wonder if he had overlooked some problems.

Otherwise, it doesn't explain why collectors are so afraid of Thanos.

After recalling all the memories related to Thanos in his mind, Russell still couldn't understand why collectors were so afraid of Thanos.

never mind!

forget about it!

Russell picked up the wine glass in front of him and drank the spirit inside.

Then, let the bartender in the bar pour another glass.

Since collectors don't want to trade, go to Gamora.

Thinking of this, he exerted his divine power and sensed the positions of Star-Lord, Gamora and others.

The last time they met, he remembered the breath of Star-Lord, Gamora and others.

As long as Star-Lord, Gamora and the others did not leave the Land of Nothingness, he could easily perceive their specific locations.

Without much effort, he locked the positions of Star-Lord and others.

After locking the positions of Star-Lord and others, he did not go there immediately, but marked them with magic marks.

Then, he continued to taste the spirits in front of him.

Although he does not have the Tiwan coins issued by the Tiwan Group, he has a lot of new star coins.

Thanks to the fame of Xandar and Nova Corps, Nova Coin is highly circulated in the universe.

Although there are differences in exchange rates, Nova can be used on most planets and places.

After drinking a whole bottle of spirits in the bar, Russell took out a thousand Nova coins from the system space, pressed these Nova notes with an empty wine glass, and left the bar.

It has been a while since Star-Lord, Gamora and others came to the Land of Nothingness.

After escaping from Qien prison, they came to the land of ignorance.

However, because the cosmic spirit ball fell into the hands of Russell, they could not trade with collectors.

What's more troublesome is that they now not only have to avoid Nova Corps' wanted, but also avoid Thanos.

Although they have not yet established a particularly deep relationship, they can be regarded as forming a small team.

Now they are discussing whether to stay in the ignorant land or go to other places in the spaceship.

They are now mainly divided into three factions.

The idea of ​​Star-Lord and Gamora was to get out of the void as soon as possible.

Although the ignorant land is a no-care zone, it gathers wanted criminals and fugitives from various planets.

But it's not a great place to stay for long.

Star-Lord, who grew up in a Marauder ship, did not reject the environment of the ignorant, but he now firmly chose to support Gamora.

The bohemian and somewhat unreliable Star-Lord, after living with Gamora for a while, involuntarily fell in love with Gamora.

Although he had confessed to many women before, he knew that he now liked Gamora differently than others.

Gamora's reasons for wanting to leave the Netherworld were much more pure.

Avoid Thanos!

Although Thanos has not sent anyone to arrest them yet, Gamora knows that when Thanos does something, it will be too late.

Therefore, she hopes to disappear completely before Thanos takes action.

Although Star-Lord did not know why Gamora was so afraid of Thanos, he had already fallen in love with Gamora, and he chose to support Gamora without thinking.

Gamora gave reasons to get out of the void as soon as possible.

But her reason was not recognized by the three Rockets.

Like Star-Lord, the Rockets didn't think Thanos was too troublesome.

Although the Rockets rejected Gamora, the reasons for their rejection were different.

Rocket and Groot are going to stay in the ignorant to pick up some bounty missions to make up for their soon-to-empty wallets.

Drax the Destroyer had no objection to leaving the Land of Nothingness, but he objected to Gamora's disappearance.

He wants to find the accuser Ronan and avenge his wife, children and clan.

Thus, differences arose.

This is not the first time they have discussed the issue, but previous discussions have not yielded unanimous results.

There are five people in total, one wants to avoid Thanos, one wants to seek revenge on Ronan, two want to stay and do tasks to make money, and one has no opinion.

If it were on other teams, the five would have parted ways long ago.

But now it's not the average team that's facing this problem, it's the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.

The Guardians of the Galaxy haven't made a name for themselves, but just look at the five members of the team to see that this is not your average serious team.

Just as Gamora and Rocket and others were arguing with each other and trying to convince each other, Russell's voice suddenly sounded inside the spacecraft.

"You might as well guess who will win or lose. Whoever wins is up to whoever wins."

"Makes sense!"

As soon as Russell's voice sounded, Star-Lord clapped his hands suddenly and said in agreement.

As soon as he finished speaking, the other four looked at him with idiot eyes.

It was only at this moment that Star-Lord realized that the words just now were not said by the four of Gamora.

"I'm numbing him to let his guard down."

As Star-Lord said, he pulled out the energy pistol on his waist, and pretended to scan the spaceship.

"Don't look for it, I'm not here yet."

Russell's voice sounded again.

He really hasn't arrived yet, he just used sound transmission magic to transmit his voice.

"Don't think I'll believe you if you say that!"

Star-Lord said with disdain on his face, and at the same time motioned Rocket and others to look for other places with his eyes.

However, the Rockets and others ignored him.

After seeing the actions of Rocket and others, Star-Lord's expression became a little embarrassed.

Although he claims to be the captain of the Guardians of the Galaxy and captain of the ship, it is clear that he does not have much prestige within the team.

After about a minute, Star-Lord saw Russell outside the spacecraft's cabin door on the surveillance screen of the spacecraft.

Seeing Russell standing outside the cabin door with a calm face, Star-Lord couldn't help frowning.

Although he had only met Russell once or twice, he had already left a deep impression on him.

In his opinion, if it wasn't for Russell, they would not have been imprisoned in Qien Prison, and they would not have lost the cosmic sphere.

If things end here, Star-Lord will hate Russell for a while at most.

He didn't know that the power gem was inside the cosmic sphere.

Not only he didn't know, Gamora didn't know either.

What really caused his hatred for Russell was that Russell prevented their escape.

Although Russell just sent a divine power clone at that time, Star Lord and others could not tell whether it was a divine power clone or the deity.

He didn't know why Russell wanted to prevent their escape, he only knew that because of Russell's obstruction, they had to stay in Qien prison for a long time.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't beat Russell, he would definitely take revenge on Russell as soon as he escaped from prison.

"Open the door, you don't think a hatch can stop me, right?"

Russell looked at the surveillance camera outside the hatch and said.

Although he can directly cast divine power or magic to teleport in, he does not intend to do so.

Star-Lord turned his head and glanced at Gamora and the others. After seeing the tangled expressions on everyone's faces, he sighed helplessly and opened the hatch.

After the hatch opened, Russell walked in without any hesitation.

Gamora and the others, who had disagreements just now, showed the same attitude of hatred and looked at Russell who walked into the cabin with a serious look.

"Don't look at me like that, I'm not here to trouble you."

Russell said calmly, while scanning the environment inside the spacecraft.


This was his first feeling after seeing the interior of the spaceship.

"Are you here to catch us?"

Star-Lord's right hand was holding an energy pistol, and UU reading said to Russell.

"of course not!"

"You are wanted by Nova Corps, I'm not from Nova Corps."

Russell said slowly.

"Then what are you doing with us?"

Star-Lord continued to ask.

"Correct you, I'm not here to find you, I'm here to find her."

Russell pointed at Gamora and said calmly.

Find me?

Gamora showed a puzzled expression and frowned slightly.

Although she knew of Russell's existence earlier than Star-Lord and others, she did not have much dealings with Russell.

She had met Russell in Warnerheim.

It's just that Russell cast shape-shifting magic at the time, so she didn't recognize Russell.