Chapter 178

The next step is to decorate the hospital and purchase some necessary goods. Many old things need to be replaced.

In the renovation of the hospital, Xu Zhendong has never been stingy. He bought top-notch equipment, some of which were sent by Gou Kuangyi as gifts, and Yang Wanxiang as gifts.

On the other hand, director Bai GONGTING will also help.

Xu Zhendong is also very busy in this period of time, decoration, layout, are in accordance with his ideas.

Chi Weiqian also gave him a lot of advice in this regard. In terms of operation, Chi Weiqian also has some experience.

Before the decoration was finished, Zhou Shenbo and his wife came to see Xu Zhendong every day. Xu Zhendong asked them to stay in Yingtian hospital. They just went to see it by themselves. Anyway, there are more cars.

But they insist on coming, and Zhou Shenbo will often go to Beiliu's home to deal with some company affairs. Leaving Chi Qiuhua here, she will often tell Xu Zhendong what to prepare.

"Mr. Chi, I said, you can't be tired. It's not good for your health. You can stay in the hospital and take good care of yourself." Xu Zhendong said helplessly.

"Dr. Xu, it's boring for me to stay in the hospital alone. I've come here to have a chat with you. I feel like I've met you at first sight. I feel like I want to see you very late. I always feel very kind." Chi Qiuhua said, holding the hand of the pool is not shallow, sweet said.

"Anyway, you can't participate in my affairs. I know you want to help me, but I can't affect your recovery for my own sake." Xu Zhendong said, some helpless, said: "why don't you two go to the medicated food shop to have a rest, about learning the way of management, I'm very simple here, there are patients to see a doctor, no patients to rest."

"Dr. Xu, if you really want to promote traditional Chinese medicine, then your attitude is not desirable. You need to really manage it." Chi Qiuhua said, very serious, see Xu Zhendong's eyes, can only helplessly said: "well, I don't say, I go with weishallow medicated food Square, let's go, weishallow!"

Two talents are willing to leave!

Xu Zhendong thinks that they have really left and they don't care about him. As a result, he finds that this time Chi weishallow is in charge of teaching him how to operate. As soon as Xu Zhendong hears about the operation mode, he knows that Chi Qiuhua taught her.

In this regard, Xu Zhendong is really helpless, can only specially open a tranquilizing prescription to her, I hope it does not have such a big impact on her.

At the same time, Chi Weiqian is also preparing for the company's affairs.

These two things can be said to be carried out at the same time!

Xu Zhendong mainly manages the progress of the hospital and Chi Weiqian mainly manages the progress of the company. They occasionally interpenetrate with each other, but on the whole, Xu Zhendong only went to the company twice, and Chi Weiqian called him to sign.

The name of the company is not the idea of Xu Zhendong before, but the comprehensive consideration from Chi weishallow, changed to: Qingcheng international!

In the aspect of the company, Yang Wanxiang and Zhou Shenbo helped with a lot of things. Chi Weiqian also dug a lot of people over during this period, many of whom were colleagues he knew before.

Looking at her business, the poisoning incident some time ago did not cause any disturbance. It seemed that it had not happened in those days.

But there has been some progress.

No, the team leader is looking for Xu Zhendong again.

"Dr. Xu, today is a great harvest!" The captain came over with the victim and said, "repeat what you said before."

The victim was somewhat helpless and said: "in fact, I took a traditional Chinese medicine that can treat kidney before. I bought it from yongshengtang. They said it was just developed. It's not a problem to take one pill five or six times a night."

"Eternal life hall?" Xu Zhendong was stunned for a moment. Yongshengtang was in the street next door. He looked at the team leader and said, "did you go to find someone?"

"No, we're worried that we'll scare the snake, so let him buy it again." The captain said, took out a small brocade box from his pocket, handed it to Xu Zhendong, and said, "this is it. Have a look!"

Xu Zhendong took it over, opened it and saw that a faint fragrance came. It was really the taste of traditional Chinese medicine, but it was pungent.

"Wait for me here!"

As Xu Zhendong said, he went inside and ground the pill until it was smashed and soaked in water. Then he made a noise, like the sound of charcoal soaking in water. He also heard the smell of burning, accompanied by a strong pungent smell.

"Cover your nose! Don't breathe

Xu Zhendong was shocked and said in a hurry.

The team leader and others covered their noses one after another, looked at the soaked pills, and looked at Xu Zhendong puzzledly.

"This thing is as I expected. It's a new type of poison. It can enhance the kidney function, but it has a lot of side effects. There are a lot of heavy metals and radiation in it. It's very harmful to the human body. It's as toxic as he is, or even fatal."

"Death? It's human life The team leader exclaimed, "there has been a homicide recently. Dr. Xu, what are the symptoms if a person dies?"

"The most obvious is that there are many small holes in the kidney, which are radiated out, and the tissue inside has been penetrated." Xu Zhendong said, in the heart quite palpitation, this also too ruthless.

"Thank you, Dr. Xu. I'll go to deal with the corpse immediately. Autopsy!" The captain left in a hurry and took away the victim.

Xu Zhendong doesn't care about this kind of investigation. He will continue to pay attention to this incident. He wants to know who is the one who is trying to harm him.

"Dr. Xu, it was the druggist in that shop who asked me to go to your place to have a medicated meal. It has nothing to do with me."

"I know it's none of your business. You're just a dowry. Don't tell anyone about it." Xu Zhendong said.

"No, I won't. the police told me that they would get justice back for me. I'll keep it a secret."

Next time, Xu Zhendong continued to decorate the hospital.

Time flies, because there are many assists and the time is not long, mainly waiting for some certificates to come down.

Ten days passed like this.

The decoration is finished.

Xu Zhendong made a good choice and planned to open up, although there are only two people, Xu Zhendong and Qiu Longqing.

The work may be busy, but it doesn't matter.

Originally, she was going to call Su Yike back, but she said that she was sorry that the family affairs had not been finished.

"Tomorrow we'll open Daji!" Xu Zhendong said with a satisfied smile, looking at this period of time the renovation of the hospital has taken on a new look.

"Dr. Xu, there are three people coming to see you for treatment!" Qiu Longqing said.

"Is it serious?"

"Some of the legs are lame, but they all look good. It shouldn't be a big problem." Qiu Longqing hesitated for a while and said, "it's not good for the hospital that we open tomorrow and open ahead of time today, or I'll let them come back tomorrow?"

"Dr. Xu, here we are!"

Without waiting for Xu Zhendong to speak, three people from outside have already come in.

Xu Zhendong stood up in a daze.