Chapter 247

A wisp of Qi enters Gu Yumeng's body. Although she doesn't know what it is, it makes her feel that doctor Xu is not simple.

Thinking of Dr. Xu's amazing medical skills before, it's probably related to this thing. This warm current makes her feel very comfortable in her body.

Looking at doctor Xu in surprise for a while, he finally felt relieved.

"Do you have any objection, Dr. Xu?" As a judge, President Hua is also very helpless. Of course, he knows that this will be unfair to Dr. Xu, but there is no way.

"I don't mind!" Xu Zhendong said, very calm back to the seat.

"Dr. Xu, it's not fair to us!" Luo Xiaoyu is very unhappy.

"What about unfairness? How can there be so much fairness in this world?" Xu Zhendong seemed to be an old man who had seen the world. He said faintly and glanced at the doctors in Longhua Hospital.

The doctors in Longhua Hospital were very excited. This is the opportunity. As long as they cure the disease, they will win. Shennongtang will be out of the competition.

They were talking to each other about how to perform the operation.

Five minutes later, Longhua Hospital said that it was ready for surgery, and there was no need to enter the confined space for surgery. He said that in order to let everyone witness the whole process of patients being treated, the surgery should be performed in front of everyone.

But we need to keep quiet, not to disturb the doctor's concentration!

"Isn't that good? Doctors have to be very careful when they operate. If they are not careful, they will hurt the lives of the patients. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong? " Luo Xiaoyu said worried.

"Ha ha, it's too irresponsible. Who does the operation is not carried out in a confined space? It's easy to be affected by the light of heaven. The risk is too great. Longhua Hospital doesn't take human life seriously!"

"I strongly disagree with Longhua Hospital's operation here. I don't know what the jury thinks, but I agree."

"Everyone stop quarreling, quiet, quiet is the greatest respect for patients."

Everyone is quiet, dare not speak, the doctor also put on the clothes for surgery, dare not have a word, looks very rigorous.

In this case, Longhua Hospital is the first one to dare so much. If it is successful, it will add a beautiful feather to this year's competition.

"Dr. Xu, what should we do? If they have a problem, we will accept it. " Qiu Longqing is very clear about the current situation, quite worried about that, but also worried about the patient.

"Surgery is easily affected by the outside world. Although I don't know western medicine, many things are interlinked in medicine." Xu Zhendong said, very dignified, life is bigger than the day, so children's play, only Longhua Hospital so play.

But I don't have the right, I can only feel sorry for the patients.

In other words, Longhua Hospital has started operations, and doctors are very focused on operations.

A few little nurses were fighting on the side.

Everyone saw the scene of breaking his stomach and dripping with blood.

Some timid girls do not dare to look and cover their eyes.

But we are very quiet, this is a kind of respect!

Xu Zhendong also looked at the operation process very carefully. Seeing now, he was very curious, because the chief surgeon kept wiping it with blood sucking paper, and then took it out and put it in the small plate held by the nurse.

The whole small plate has been filled with bloody tissue, but the chief surgeon is still adding.

Finally, a Western doctor came over and took a look. He was shocked!

"The artery is broken! Are you going to kill people? "

Exclaimed the doctor!

This exclamation, many people are curious to step forward to see.

There was a continuous gushing of blood in the bloody viscera, like a small fountain. It was obvious that the main artery was ruptured and the blood was raging.

Doctors have been trying to remedy, but still did not see the effect!

Xu Zhendong naturally also went up to have a look, immediately worried, the big artery ruptured, can't stop bleeding in time, but it will cause human life.

"Longhua Hospital quickly back down, a small body to take the living things of the operation have been you make a big artery rupture, really don't know what you are doing!"

President Hua is very angry to see, he has put on a white coat, intend to remedy.

Although I haven't had surgery for a long time, I still have strength.

In the face of such a situation, other members of the jury are not good enough to help Longhua Hospital. They have already won the operation for you, and you have failed, so it's not my fault.

"Dean Hua, let me do it!" Xu Zhendong stepped forward and said in a hurry.

"Now half of the operation, the living things in the body are still to be taken out. Are you sure you want to come?" President Hua also hesitated.

"Yes Xu Zhendong said firmly.

"Well, you come!" President Hua immediately stepped back and watched. If there were any problems, he had to make up for them immediately.

"Uncle Qiu, Xiao Yu, come and help!" Xu Zhendong said very quickly, the real Qi in his body has been boiling up, and the whole person's temperament has changed.

Between the invisible, the aura between heaven and earth has been attracted, and the true Qi in the body is also gathered into the fingers, pointing to the essence of the silver needle filling the true Qi.

The first stitch is very important. Take the book of shaking heaven as the starting point, and go down with one stitch.

The blood vessel just sprayed stopped bleeding.

Many people look strange and can't see why.

However, some experienced old Chinese medicine doctors still see it.

"You can control the meridians to stop bleeding. Dr. Xu's needling method is not simple!" An old Chinese medicine doctor looked at it and nodded.

"One shot can stop the bleeding. Dr. Xu is really different, but how to repair the big artery next! Can traditional Chinese medicine do this? "

Indeed, many people have the impression that traditional Chinese medicine is acupuncture and herbal medicine, which is only a superficial way of traditional Chinese medicine. What Xu Zhendong learned is the way of traditional Chinese medicine of the ancestors of Shennong, accompanied by the way of cultivating immortals,

Pharmacology is interlinked with medicine. Naturally, this little thing can't defeat him.


Luo Xiaoyu took the thread to sew the knife edge. Xu Zhendong was very dedicated to mending the knife edge. The big artery was very small, but he also mended it.

"This... Is this still traditional Chinese medicine? Isn't this the operation of Western medicine? "

"Who told you that doctors of traditional Chinese medicine can't sew a knife edge?"

"Such a small artery has been mended? It's amazing. "

Naturally, Xu Zhendong didn't pay attention to these people's problems. He focused on treating the disease. He used the blood sucking paper to clean up the blood stains left behind. He clearly saw the internal organs inside, and the patient's stomach had been operated on.

Xu Zhendong didn't dare to be careless. There were three silver needles in his hand. The real Qi was running. The whole person's temperament was different. The full real Qi constantly crossed through the silver needle, making the patients bathed in the rich real Qi. The aura of heaven and earth attracted by him made the patients feel very comfortable from the outside.

Totally unaware of Xu Zhendong's slight pain during the operation.

"Dr. Xu's acupuncture points are very taboo. Many Chinese medicine scholars dare not touch them easily, because they need a very strong control force. It is said that they need a certain metaphysical foundation in them."