Chapter 523

This is a seminar in the province. Most of them come from doctors in the province. Of course, one or two from other provinces will come here. However, the main purpose of those from other provinces is to appreciate and learn from each other.

There are not many famous TCM doctors in the province. There are more than a dozen doctors. If each doctor works with two doctors, there will be dozens of people, but only one vote.

Xu Zhendong got the note, thought about it for a moment, and voted for Bian Deyuan.

In the voting process, everyone is familiar with the rules, so it will be finished soon.

Bian Deyuan and other people announced the number of votes, and each one was announced. The final number of votes was Bian Deyuan 5, he Zhaoxiang 5 and Xu Zhendong 4.

It is convincing to say that Bian Deyuan and he Zhaoxiang can be in the front row, but Xu Zhendong is actually the third, which makes some people unconvinced, especially those of the younger generation.

Although Dr. Xu is famous in the province, he is still unconvinced to see that he is on the list. After all, Dr. Xu is so young, but they can only follow their elders to visit the seminar. Xu Zhendong is the most direct participant.

"The result of the vote has come out. Do you have any opinions? Or the unconvinced can challenge, the top three must accept the challenge, otherwise it will be regarded as abstention. "

Bian Deyuan said, looking at everyone, looking around for a week, some people are talking, Bian Deyuan also heard that it is related to Dr. Xu, they are not convinced with Dr. Xu.

Bian Deyuan and he Zhaoxiang are both famous doctors of the East and the West. Their strength is obvious to all, so they will not be questioned, but doctor Xu is hard to say.

"I'm going to challenge Dr. Xu!" A middle-aged man stood up and said in a loud voice. His voice rang throughout the hall and said, "Dr. Xu is a new star in Jiangnan province. He is very dazzling, but I think Dr. Xu's medical skills are very good, but his understanding of traditional Chinese medicine is not thorough enough in some practice, and he is not qualified to represent us."

Xu Zhendong looked at this man and saw him. He met him when he was challenged by Ren's family in Beiliu. His name seems to be Wan Xinyi. He won one vote in this vote.

"I accept your challenge!" Xu Zhendong said casually.

"Rich, in that case, let's come!" Wan Xinyi was also straightforward. He looked at Bian Deyuan and said, "I hope Bian Shenyi will preside over it for us."

"Well, I'll host with you. Since I think Dr. Xu's understanding of traditional Chinese medicine may not be thorough enough, how about we compare our understanding of traditional Chinese medicine now?" Bian Deyuan looked at Wan Xinyi with a smile on his face.

"Good! As long as Dr. Xu wins, I will vote for Dr. Xu. " Wan Xinyi said quickly.

Bian Deyuan thought for a while, and said: "our traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the balance of the body, the balance of yin and Yang of the human body's various meridians. If it's excessive, it needs to be relieved, if it's insufficient, it needs to be supplemented. Our most common method is acupuncture to relieve and supplement."

"When the sun's meridians are too strong, what should we do?"

This is the first question raised by Bian Deyuan, the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine.

Xu Zhendong and WAN Xinyi look at each other. Xu Zhendong makes a little gesture to ask him to answer first.

"Then I'm welcome." Wan Xinyi thought for a while, and solemnly said: "this is the rise of deficiency Qi, shortness of breath, yin deficiency and Yang excess. We should apply acupuncture at Shugu point, Xiaxi point and Fenglong point. The acupuncture method combined with our Wanjia's ten thousand needle therapy is the best."

After that, he looked at Dr. Xu, waiting for him to praise himself with confidence. He has been practicing medicine for many years, but he still has some understanding of TCM.

After he finished, people around him also whispered their opinions.

Xu Zhendong hesitated a little and said calmly: "my opinion is different from that of doctor Wan. The sun's meridians are too strong, and the empty Qi rises, wheezes, and there is not enough Yin, but more yang. We should take Shugu point of the sun's meridians and Taixi point of Shaoyin meridians."

As soon as Xu Zhendong finished speaking, everyone's discussion became louder, and his eyes glanced at Xu Zhendong and WAN Xinyi from time to time.

"Be quiet, everyone!" Bian Deyuan also glanced at them, then waved his hand to make them quiet and said, "I think everyone has an answer in mind. The question I asked is not difficult. As long as we have a thorough understanding of Huangdi Neijing, we can answer it naturally. In this way, you can judge who is closer to the correct answer."

"I want to express my opinion!" Ren stopped, looked at them and said, "this question is about the Yin and Yang in our body. The human body is the balance of yin and Yang. If we don't understand the theory of yin and Yang, we are not Chinese medicine people."

At this point, looking at Wan Xinyi, he continued: "in fact, both of them are right, but doctor Wan's method will be slightly tortuous, adding unnecessary trouble. Doctor Xu is simpler and easier to operate, so I support doctor Xu."

"I want to talk about my own opinion, too!" Another man stood up and said faintly, "it's the most basic requirement of our TCM people to read the Yellow Emperor's Canon of internal medicine, and it's also a precious heritage left by our ancestors. I'm the same as Ren. Both of them can solve the problem, but doctor Wan adds a little bit to it."

Several people have come forward to express their views. This kind of internal exchange of traditional Chinese medicine, learning from each other, has also expressed their views on traditional Chinese medicine.

The end of the last words is on WAN Xinyi's side.

"Thank you for your comments. I lost. I misunderstood Dr. Xu before. I hope Dr. Xu doesn't mind." Wan Xinyi is also a good man who can stretch and bend. He immediately admits defeat.

"Doctor Wan, you're welcome. I'm just lucky." Xu Zhendong said modestly that there is nothing wrong with doctor Wan's questioning himself. He is a younger generation and should be questioned and criticized.

Bian Deyuan looked at the crowd and said, "this competition is over. Does anyone have any comments next?"

All of a sudden, everyone was quiet.

"I have an opinion!" At this time, a middle-aged man came out. He didn't speak much before. Xu Zhendong didn't know him, and he had never seen him.

Bian Deyuan seemed to see Dr. Xu's puzzled and strange eyes and said: "Dr. Xu, this is Dr. Cui Mingze from Yunnan and Guizhou Province. Dr. Cui is also a famous TCM doctor in China. He has won the gold medal in many influential competitions..."

"Doctor Bian, come on, come on, it's all a thing of the past. My broken things are not worth mentioning." Cui Mingze waved his hand to interrupt, a little embarrassed, but saw the secret joy and pride in his heart from his eyes.

"Ha ha ha, Dr. Cui blushed." Bian Deyuan joked and said, "what's the opinion of Dr. Cui

Cui Mingze looked at Xu Zhendong, some can't believe it, said: "traditional Chinese medicine is the quintessence of our country. It should be a very serious thing for you to hold a seminar on Chinese and Western medicine. You actually have four votes for such a young man. I'm very puzzled. His medical skills are very good?"

Doctors in other provinces seldom hear Dr. Xu's name, and even if they do, they don't know Dr. Xu himself.

"So to speak. At the beginning, we doubted Dr. Xu's skill as much as you, but we all failed. " Bian Deyuan said calmly that failure is not a shame.

"Are you all defeated?" Dr. Cui couldn't believe it. If it wasn't for Bian Deyuan himself, he would never believe it. Even if it was Bian Deyuan himself, he was dubious. He looked at Dr. Xu again and said, "I want to compare with Dr. Xu!"

Xu Zhendong calmly said: "then come!"