Chapter 543

The sky is a little gray, which always makes people feel depressed. It can ease their mood and look out at the hazy fog.

Xu Zhendong and others go all the way to Secretary Chen's home, which has been fried on the Internet. In the domestic professional medical forum, someone published a paper, which said that it was written by a graduate of Jiangnan Medical University, and also after a lot of investigation.

The most important thing is that the protagonist of his thesis is a young Chinese medicine, who is said to be in his early twenties, but has the same calmness and talent as an ancient monster. He is accomplished in medicine and has crushed all the traditional Chinese medicine in Jiangnan province. He also crushed the president of the provincial hospital at the Provincial TCM seminar, winning a historic moment for traditional Chinese medicine.

This man's surname is Xu, and others call him Doctor Xu. It's a legend that one person knows three kinds of ancient needling techniques, which is unprecedented. In the future, traditional Chinese medicine will crush western medicine. It's not far away for traditional Chinese medicine to go abroad and enjoy international reputation.

These are the views written by the author of the paper. I don't know who uploaded this paper to the domestic professional medical forum with the nature of bragging and free of charge.

In a flash, many doctors in China saw it and said that this graduate student did not go through the brain when he wrote his thesis.

"Wocao, are all the papers written by graduate students now so boastful? I feel totally unscientific. "

"In her early twenties, she has the calmness and talent of an ancient monster. The three-year-old Niema said doesn't believe it. When she meets such a hand, she itches and wants to beat it up."

"Is this doctor Xu? I blushed at his boasting after reading this paper. It's totally impossible to crush TCM in the future. I have the ability to PK with the intern nurses in our hospital, ha ha ha. "

"Traditional Chinese medicine has been abandoned since the introduction of Western medicine. Although there are several big families of traditional Chinese medicine who have real talents, most of them are deceitful. This is even more ridiculous. In their early twenties, they are invincible in the province. According to this, in a few years, they will dominate our country? Nonsense. "

"Xu, come out. I want to fight with you alone. I really don't want the navy to blush."

"It's also known as knowing the ancient needling method, lying trough method, real ox force method, and three kinds of ancient needling methods. This ox is not only blowing into the sky, but directly blowing out of the solar system."

"Dr. Xu, you are here to hurt each other. Who will not invite the Navy? It's just that you can invite graduate students to be the Navy. But who knows if your graduate students are fake?"

"We strongly urge the master of the forum to ban this kind of rumor making and boasting posts. Our whole medical field is in a mess. It's because people who boast and don't have to spend money are bragging all day here."

"I suggest that the master should find out the truth. If this is false, this post must be banned."

"Do you still need to check? This kind of post is fake. In his twenties, he knows three ancient stitches and is invincible in the province? chinese medicine? Do you think it's possible? Directly block such posts. "

The original silence of the forum, because this paper came out, instantly aroused countless divers, these people reflect very strongly.

One after another, they said that they would block this post and brag instead of making a draft.

This is because what this paper says is too outrageous. No one has ever dared to boast such a big bull. Nowadays, the water army is too terrible.

Since last night, the post has been uploaded to now, and the whole forum has never stopped. There are new posts constantly coming out to show that this paper is made up and rumored.

As the protagonist of this paper, Dr. Xu Zhendong himself has come to the door of secretary Chen's house. Instead of living in a villa, he lives in a building with exquisite scenery in the community. The decoration is very exquisite and beautiful.

Xu Zhendong has already thrown away the trackers. For the time being, he doesn't want to pay any attention to them. He follows the driver in. Secretary Chen comes to meet him personally. To Xu Zhendong's surprise, Chen Guixiu is also here, and Huo Dongjun is also here.

"Dr. Xu, you're here. Come on, please come inside." Chen Guixiu is very hot.

"Mr. Huo, are you here?" Xu Zhendong was a little surprised. He walked in, glanced at the child that Chen Guixiu was holding, and said, "is it OK to still hold me?"

"Yes, yes, of course!" Chen Guixiu is very enthusiastic to pass the child over, Xu Zhendong pick up.

Now the child has finally become a little innocent. His eyes are innocent and full of curiosity about the outside world. He turns his eyes and looks at some of them. He is held by Xu Zhendong. He seems very excited and curious.

"Dr. Xu, my son seems to like you very much." Chen Guixiu said, very happy to ask Dr. Xu and others to go in.

"Hehe, maybe he knows me!" Xu Zhendong holding the child that moment, the body running Qi, has swam away from the child's body, check the child's physical condition, but let Xu Zhendong gratified that the child is more normal.

Walking in, Huo Dongjun is very diligent in pouring tea for Xu Zhendong and others. He is warm-hearted and doesn't dare to be slighted.

"Mr. Huo, what's going on over there on Hong Kong Island?" Xu Zhendong gave the child to Chen Guixiu and asked casually.

"The Duan family have been looking for someone, and they seem to have known the master of the technique." Huo Dongjun said, glancing at Liu Ruoxiang and others. Xu Zhendong said that it's OK, but he went on to say: "Fang Zhenchuan seems to have noticed recently, but he hasn't suspected coming here. He also came to check my family's array, but now we have sold the villa."

"Sold it?" Xu Zhendong was really surprised.

"Doctor Xu, don't worry. I found a very reasonable excuse to sell it. No one will doubt it. Hehe!" Huo Dongjun immediately knew what Dr. Xu was worried about, and suddenly sold the villa he had lived in for many years, which would certainly make people suspicious.

"Yes, Mr. Huo. I can rest assured." Xu Zhendong didn't say much. He looked at the child and said, "your son has nothing to do for the time being. He is relatively healthy. He has been occupied by people for nearly a year. He may be a little slower than ordinary people in terms of psychology and intelligence for a year, but these can be supplemented by the next day."

"It's OK. It's easy. It's easy." Huo Dongjun said gratefully.

"Dr. Xu is very good at medicine. I saw it yesterday. Dr. Xu, we haven't eaten yet. If we don't eat first, I've already asked someone to do it. We can eat it now." Secretary Chen said and poured tea for Dr. Xu himself.

Even if Dr. Xu can't treat his father, it's a great kindness to help his sister hold his son.

"In that case, I'm not welcome." Xu Zhendong said, looking at the people around him, said: "you introduce yourself or I'll help you say."

"Let's do it ourselves, master." Luo Xiaoyu didn't have stage fright at all. He looked at Secretary Chen and others and said, "Hello, everyone. My name is Luo Xiaoyu, an apprentice of Dr. Xu. The biggest one. "

"My name is Liu Ruoxiang. I'm Dr. Xu's apprentice and Luo Xiaoyu's girlfriend."

"My name is Pang Qifeng. I'm Dr. Xu's apprentice, but I'm ashamed that Dr. Xu didn't let me call him master."

"My name is Gou Qiang. I'm from Dr. Xu... I'm from Shennong Hospital..."

"Half of my apprentice!" Xu Zhendong grabbed his words, put his hand on his shoulder and said it with a smile to relieve his embarrassment.

Gou Qiang looks at doctor Xu gratefully, and his heart is very excited.