Chapter 1197

Three days later!

When Xu Zhendong returned, he was still seriously injured, but the injury was relatively mild compared with the previous two.

This time it will take four days.

Four days later, he entered again.

This entry is a week.

Every time I go, I will make some delicious food and drink for Chi weishallow, and let Xiao Hua accompany her.

In this way, every time Xu Zhendong came back, his injury would be lighter than last time.

When he came back safe and sound, half a year had passed since he came to the desert island.

It's a miracle that we can survive the fierce fighting with the ancient beasts.

He is now much more powerful than before.

Jindan was well consolidated by him at the beginning. He wanted to improve a cultivation, but it was too difficult.

There has been no progress for a long time.

"Go, take you in!"

Xu Zhendong holds the hand of pool not shallow, say.

"Ah?! Take me in? " The pool is not shallow a little surprised, say: "I go in also is to enter store thing magic weapon, I still wait for you here."

"No, just go in."

Xu Zhendong took her by the hand and they walked into the forest.

The primitive atmosphere in the forest is constantly diffused. As soon as I go in, I see several huge fierce beasts. The pool is not shallow, and I am afraid to hold his hand tightly.

Who knows, those giant beasts see Xu Zhendong just like the devil. They turn around and run away. The thief is fast.

"You, that's you, don't run!"

Xu Zhendong points to the giant beast that has been planning to escape. He looks a bit like an elk. He waves and says:

"Come here. It's your turn today. Come here."

According to the book of mountains and seas, the first of the three Sutras in the East is called the mountain of Shenhu, where there are beasts. It looks like a Milu but has fish eyes. It's called Fuhu, whose sound comes from Fuhu.

What Xu Zhendong called is Hu.

Hearing Xu Zhendong's wave, although he was reluctant, he came over after all.

He won't forget to be beaten by this villain for countless times, and dare not provoke him again.

I don't know when this man came into the forest and let these ancient fierce beasts carry him deeper into the forest and use them as mounts.

Both the sky and the earth became his mount.

How many times do they think that this human can't come out again after entering the forest, but they can come out again every time.

Once upon a time, they saw him coming back from the deep forest with serious injuries. They wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to kill him, but they didn't expect to be patted away by this man. They also caught him and became a mount all the time.

They've never seen this human mount, and that's how it started.

Xu Zhendong embraces the pool, jumps up and sits on his seat.

"Inside, go! Slow down

Xu Zhendong ordered.

He carried two people inside.

The pool wasn't shallow. I was a little scared at first, but later I thought it was fun.

After walking for more than an hour, he did not dare to move forward.

It's very deep. There are more ancient trees and fierce beasts here. Fierce beasts see that he is basically in a state of retreat, but some pretend not to see.

Two people come down, Xu Zhendong embraces her, continues to go inside quickly.

Come to a place where no other fierce animals are found and walk on the grass.

Before long, I saw a Titan ape more than 30 meters high.

Titan ape saw Xu Zhendong, beat his chest with both hands excitedly, and walked over. The ground was shaken by him.

Xu Zhendong waved his hand, looked up and said, "stop, brother giant ape, I'm not here to fight with you. I just want to take my girlfriend to meet you."

After that, Xu Zhendong took her in his arms and jumped to the shoulder of Titan ape, looking at its huge head.

Titan turned to look at the two men on his shoulders.

Neither of them stood as tall as his head.

Chi weishallow was still very scared at the beginning. He grasped his hand tightly and gradually relaxed.

Titan ape's exhalation is a strong air flow for the pool. Its huge facial features are huge.

However, Titan ape grinned and looked at it from such a close distance, which was a little scary.

"Don't scare her."

Xu Zhendong stares at it and says, "brother giant ape, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm going to go out. Although I don't know how to go out, I'll find a way to go out from today on."

Titan ape no longer laugh, and some stunned, from the huge eyes, can see that it does not give up.

Xu Zhendong has been fighting with him for nearly five months. From enemy to friend, they have formed friendship in the war.

It belongs to the king of this circle, according to its news, into the deeper, there will be more fierce beast than it, it does not recommend Xu Zhendong in the past.

Xu Zhendong doesn't plan to go either.

I've been away for a long time. I should go back.

It's time for the family to worry.

"Send us out!" Xu Zhendong said.

The great ape walked out with great strides.

The fierce beasts nearby saw it and retreated.

Soon, send them to empty city in front of Titan ape elder brother does not go in.

It has high intelligence and can communicate with Xu Zhendong simply. He tells Xu Zhendong that the empty city used to belong to human beings, and there is an agreement between human beings and their animals. Animals are not allowed to enter the city, and human beings are not allowed to enter the forest.

This is also the reason why Xu Zhendong will be attacked by all animals when he enters the forest.

But the reason why the city is empty is that there was a big war a long time ago. At that time, the Titan ape was not born. It was handed down from generation to generation by its grandfather's grandfather's grandfather.

At that time, the war was not only a battle between human beings, but also their beasts helped the human beings in the city. In the end, they failed and all the human beings died.

They were able to survive only when they hid in the depths of the forest. Later, they gradually multiplied, and so many of them appeared, but human beings never appeared again.

However, mammals consciously abide by the agreement and never step into the city. This is their contractual spirit.

Xu Zhendong bid farewell to Titan ape. He said he wanted to go around the city and have a look at the city.

Xu Zhendong directly holds the pool is not shallow, flying in the air, wandering the whole city.

Where they are is just the tip of the iceberg.

I can't visit this city for three days and nights. It seems that it is still a country.

I also went down to investigate and found many bones and some words, which recorded ancient events. There was nothing useful.

On the fourth day, Xu Zhendong didn't plan to go shopping.

Go back to where you live.

Titan is still here waiting for him.

"Nothing special. It's an empty city. I'd better leave early. My family is still waiting for me."

Xu Zhendong stood on the shoulder of Titan ape and said in his ear.

The Titan ape took them to the beach and roared at the sea.

After a while, I saw a fierce animal like a turtle appeared in front of them. The fierce animal was very huge, with a full area of 200 square meters on its back.

Titan reached for his shoulder, and they went to the palm of his hand, and they put them on the back of the huge beast.

It waves gently.

The fierce beast in the sea left with two men.

Titan has been watching from the shore.

Looking at the long sea, night is coming.

But still not to the end, Xu Zhendong believe Titan ape will let this beast send them out.