Chapter 2116

Tian Shuang nodded and looked at Xu Zhendong, looking very satisfied.

After eight years, it's time to go out.

He witnessed with his own eyes that Xu Zhendong had made a breakthrough from a preparatory saint to the present state, and the difficulty was conceivable.

and. Because of being in the abyss and desolation of Holy Spirit, it is more difficult to break through here. It takes a hundred years.

Xu Zhendong's potential surprised him. He didn't expect that refining and chemical absorbed the whole energy crystal, and the strength of upgrading was so great.

Ordinary world masters usually take about ten years to get rid of the lower energy.

But that's outside.

"Your current strength is enough to deal with these world masters. We really don't need to continue to hide in the lost wind cave. If we solve these World Masters earlier, we can go out earlier. "

The day frost old man said.

His eyes hesitated and looked at the tiger pattern on Xu Zhendong's wrist. He didn't know what to think.

Xu Zhendong frowned and rubbed the tiger pattern. Three intertwined tigers are vivid.

Tiger pattern with hot energy reminds him all the time.

"Master Tianshuang, there is still one thing to be solved now. Otherwise, even if we go out, we will be in danger."

Xu Zhendong look dignified, thinking said.

"If it's the tiger pattern engraved by hushanzong, I already know what you're going to say." Tian Shuang didn't feel surprised. He followed Xu Zhendong's words and continued to say:

"The tiger pattern on your wrist has no effect on you at ordinary times, but it can restrain the Shengyuan in your body and make you unable to exert your strength. And -- "

At this point, the face of Tianshuang old man is also a little more dignified, especially attention.

"If the world of hushanzong controls tiger pattern, you can control your life and death."

A tiger pattern, seemingly simple, can control the life and death of the world.

Even after the end of one hundred years of pioneering, hushanzong still had the power of life and death.

Xu Zhendong changed color and looked dignified. He didn't like hushanzong at all.

"Master Tianshuang, do you have a way to solve this tiger pattern?"

Looking expectantly at old man Tianshuang, it seems that old man Tianshuang has never let him down since he entered the FanFeng cave.

He has a mysterious background, and knows the Mifeng grottoes and the best pioneer stone very well. He even knows the forces of the outside world like the back of his hand.

Old man Tianshuang shook his head, was silent for a while, and said solemnly:

"This tiger pattern was engraved by the patriarch of Hushan sect. To solve it, we must break the power of the patriarch of Hushan sect. I do have a way to untie the tiger pattern for you, but my strength is too weak to completely uncover it. "

Xu Zhendong was excited for a while. In a twinkling of an eye, he became calm and gloomy. He heard old man Tianshuang continue to say:

"Don't worry too much. Although it can't be untied now, it can limit its power and make hushanzong unable to control you. When we get out of here, I'll be able to recover a little bit, and I'll be able to untie it. "

Xu Zhendong nodded and looked at the entrance. Through the abyss, he looked at the outside world.

"Master Tianshuang, do you know Tianmo?"

Tian Shuang's heart shakes and his eyes look at Xu Zhendong in surprise. He is shocked. How does Xu Zhendong know the news of Tian Mo?

"Why are you looking for the devil?"

Xu Zhendong looked happy and asked quickly:

"Do you know where the devil is?"

Tian Shuang looks at Xu Zhendong with a strange look. He shakes his head, hesitates, nods again and says:

"Tell me why you want to find the whereabouts of the demon first, otherwise I won't tell you in order not to let you die."

It was only by chance that he learned about the demon, but it was not easy for him to get into trouble. What's more, he didn't know when he wanted to find the demon.

Xu Zhendong immediately told the news that the two children had been abducted. Not surprisingly, Tian Shuang gazed at Xu Zhendong and said slowly:

"I know you want to save two children. You are very eager. But your strength is too weak. Even if you find Tianmo, you are not their opponent. What's more, the devil is not in the West desert. "

"Not in the West desert?"

Xu Zhendong exclaimed, "where are they?"

Tian Shuang was silent and looked at Xu Zhendong solemnly, shaking his head.

After waiting for a while, he sighed and said, "well, I'll let you die. What you just said about Tianmo is actually wrong. Tianmo is not a person, but also a group, Tianmo group. "

"The demons are very famous in the holy world. Ordinary people are afraid to contact them too much. The demons are hated by many people in the holy world because of their murderous nature. For many years, it's hard to find any trace of them. "

Then he looked at Xu Zhendong strangely, feeling incredible, and said:

"Demons generally don't attack. They only attack when they meet their favorite prey. They robbed your two children. It seems that your children's aptitude is very good, otherwise the devil will kill them directly. "

Xu Zhendong's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that the demons were so cruel in the holy world, even the existence of an ethnic group.

It's no wonder that the demons called friends and invaded Pangu world.

It is obvious that one ethnic group has more advantages than one person.

"Where are the demons?" Xu Zhendong asked.

Tian Shuang sighed, shook his head slightly and said:

"I overheard people talking about the demons more than a thousand years ago. I don't know where the demons are."

Eyes with a bit of goodwill, said with a smile: "you want to find the demons, and strive to improve their strength, when you become strong, you will naturally find the news of the demons."

Xu Zhendong nodded and knew that he couldn't be too eager. He immediately suppressed his curiosity.

Sooner or later, he wants to find the demons, but the demons are too powerful in the holy world. It's not wise to fight them alone.

The two went on their way out towards the passage.

The entrance of Mifeng Grottoes has been blocked by huge stones, so they have to find a small branch road from the side.

After searching, I found a very shallow stone wall.

Xu Zhendong hit, boulders were broken, gravel splashed, issued a roaring sound.

The light comes into the passage and lights up the darkness.

The passage and the outside are open.

"Master Tianshuang, let's go!"

Xu Zhendong walked in front, and Tian Shuang followed.

All of a sudden!

"Why! You are the master of the world of hushanzong, you are not dead? Eight years ago, I saw you break into the FanFeng cave with my own eyes. I didn't expect that you would survive. It's so lucky

A startled voice rang out, and saw a man with a shocked face looking at Xu Zhendong, as if he saw a ghost.

This man is the master of the world of tianshengmen. He was one of the people who chased Xu Zhendong.

He looked at Xu Zhendong with astonishment in his eyes. He didn't pay any attention to Xu Zhendong and sneered

"I let you escape, but now I've caught you. How can you escape this time? Even if you are the world Master of hushanzong, I will kill you. "

Xu Zhendong frowned and looked bored.

"Quack! Go to hell

As soon as the words came down, the knife flashed.

Xu Zhendong made a direct move.