
Dong Wen Feng, this fruit plate of yours is really good to look at. Where did you buy it from?

Chen Qing's eyes were full of love, he could not let go of it, and continued to look at the surroundings of the plate.

"If you like it, you can have it, as long as you don't bother me."

With such a forged treasure, Dong Wen Feng became angry just by looking at it. If someone were to like it, he would naturally not be stingy in giving it to them.

But Chen Qing did not appreciate it, "Tsk, it's just this plate, if I want to buy it, there's a lot of it. Don't think about using it to send me away, just obediently accompany me shopping."

Dong Wen Feng said snappily: "Yes, you are right. You are the young miss of the Chen family, you are such a small thing, you can just buy it and throw it around."

"This kind of thing is worth ten million?"

Chen Qing said in shock. Her hand trembled, and her plate almost fell to the ground.

She was shocked not because of the ten million, but because the plate was not worth that much to her.

However, Chen Qing realized that the fruit plate had an aura that was unique to antiques, the kind of feeling that history left on it.

As the young miss of the Chen family, she had come into contact with many antiques and was very familiar with this smell. However, even if this plate was an antique, it would still only be worth a few million.

"I think you're crazy."

Chen Qing looked at Dong Wen Feng as if he was looking at a madman. Who would use ten million to buy a fruit plate that could only be used as fruit.

Dong Wen Feng did not explain, Chen Qing did not know about the existence of cultivators, if this plate was really a treasure, let alone 10 million, it would not even be surprising if it was sold for 200 to 300 million.


Chen Qing seemed to have discovered something, and quickly took out his phone. He placed the plate together with his phone together, comparing it to something.

"Dong Wen Feng, quickly come take a look, is this the same?" Chen Qing waved to Dong Wen Feng, his voice was filled with urgency.

Dong Wen Feng sat beside her, and realised that the picture on Chen Qing's phone was exactly the same as the pattern on the plate.

"What kind of picture is this?" Dong Wen Feng was puzzled, he felt that he had seen the drawing before, but he just could not recall where.

"I found it online, the legendary star map."

Chen Qing played with the plate, and realized that other than the pattern being a little special, there was nothing else worth paying attention to.

But Dong Wen Feng was stunned, only the words' star map 'remained in his mind, he had heard the old man mention this name before.

In ancient times, there were no humans in this world. There were only two most powerful races, the demon race and the Witch clan.

Currently, the demon beasts still had a trace of the demon clan's bloodline. If they could obtain this opportunity, they might be able to return to their ancestors and become a demon clan member.

The other big race was the Witch clan. They were born to be warriors, and they did not cultivate souls, which is to say, mental strength. They only cared about the strength of the body.

The star map was created by the ancestors of the Witch Clan to draw in the power of the stars in the sky to refine the body. However, the star map had to be used with the Star Drawing Arts, and there was no way to absorb the power of the stars without the Star Guiding Art.

The Star Drawing Arts had long disappeared from the history of the universe. People could only use the star map to draw down the power of the stars, allowing their own body to become stronger under the gradual invasion of the power of the stars.

Dong Wen Feng was wild with joy, the spirit energy he felt at the Exchange was not an illusion, it was the power of the stars, no wonder he felt that the spirit energy was strange.

Looking at Dong Wen Feng's expression, Chen Qing curled her lips, thinking that such a great beauty like her did not have the charm of a 'broken plate', he would rather kiss her than a plate.

"Is this thing a treasure?" Chen Qing did not know the usage of the star map, nor did he know what it meant.

If the Star Guiding Plate was real, then Dong Wen Feng would be able to use it to strengthen his body. At that time, even with his cultivation at the middle stage of the Profound Rank, he would be able to take the all-out attack of a Earth-Level Primary Stage cultivator.

The physical body had always been the weakest of all cultivators, except for those Buddhist disciples. If Dong Wen Feng could make up for this shortcoming, then he would become an invincible existence in the same realm, and in a whole realm.

"Of course it's a treasure. I really have to thank you for that. Otherwise, I would have let it drop its pearls before its eyes."

If it were not for Chen Qing's coincidental discovery, Dong Wen Feng would have definitely used it as a normal fruit plate, and might very well have thrown it away.

"I don't want your verbal thanks. You have to do something about it."

Chen Qing's gaze that carried ill intentions gave Dong Wen Feng a bad premonition, and sure enough, before Dong Wen Feng could say anything, Chen Qing had already said something.

"Why don't you accompany me shopping today? You're lucky." Chen Qing slightly raised his brows, revealing an expression that you understand.

When the extremely excited Dong Wen Feng heard this, it was as if he had encountered a torrential downpour in winter.

Under Chen Qing's pestering, Dong Wen Feng could not tolerate it anymore, and helplessly agreed to follow her out for a stroll.

Fortunately, Chi Bin was here and someone was taking the things. Looking at Chen Qing who had already entered the shopping mall, it was as if he had activated his Dazzling Spring mode as he continuously tried on his clothes.

Even Dong Wen Feng bought a few sets of clothes under Chen Qing's selection, but Dong Wen Feng felt that there was no need to buy them, he had not even worn all his clothes in the wardrobe once.

When they left the market, Dong Wen Feng and Chi Bin's hands were full of big bags and there was no room for them to open the door.

When Dong Wen Feng thought he was going to go back, Chen Qing told him that he was going to bring him to attend her reunion.

"What? We're still going to the reunion?" Dong Wen Feng was gloomy, seeing Chen Qing's smile, Dong Wen Feng seemed to understand something.

Originally, letting Dong Wen Feng attend her student reunion was Chen Qing's ultimate goal, shopping was just the prelude to it.

Under Chen Qing's lead, Dong Wen Feng and the others arrived at a tall building. As it was almost dusk, the entire city was covered with all kinds of lights.

The tall building in front of him was like a pillar that supported the sky. Standing in the darkness, only the faint light in the air could make out its height.

At the Heaven and Peace clubhouse.

There were two middle-aged men wearing suits and ties at the door, greeting the guests that were coming in and out. Dong Wen Feng noticed that the two of them had the strength of top special forces, it seemed that this place was not simple.

"Chen Qing, you're finally here."

A fellow that was fat like a wall appeared in front of Dong Wen Feng, the fat on his smiling face was falling, and he looked just like the reincarnation of second senior brother.

The Second Senior Brother extended his hands out to shake hands with Chen Qing, but was dodged by Chen Qing with a motion of stroking his hair. However, the Second Senior Brother did not feel awkward at all.