
Dong Wen Feng and the rest took advantage of the chaos caused by the beasts and rushed in the same direction. Without a strong beast to lead them, they did not fear the beasts at all.

When they rushed out of the group of beasts, they were already exhausted. If not for the pills which Dong Wen Feng usually used to recover his True Essence, he might not have been able to escape.

"Dong Wen Feng, I think you better not walk forward. Look, all the beasts are coming from that direction, it shows that they are extremely terrifying. They are at least ten times more dangerous than this beast tide."

How could Dong Wen Feng not know of this logic? But once he promised Old Man Yi, he would at least not cower in the face of dire straits.

"Black Rose, I really appreciate you accompanying me here. If it wasn't for you, I might not have even made it past the beast tide, but I don't like to give up halfway. This matter has nothing to do with you, so you should leave first!"

After Black Rose heard Dong Wen Feng's words, she did not know how she could persuade Dong Wen Feng anymore. She gently bit her lips and said:

"Since you wholeheartedly want to investigate, then I will accompany you on your journey and see what kind of dragon lagoon or tiger cave is ahead."

From the moment Black Rose chose to leave with Dong Wen Feng, Dong Wen Feng had already known that she would not easily leave him, but he did not know the reason behind it.

"I'm not sure about the dangers ahead. You have to promise that you'll listen to my arrangements, or else you won't have to move with me."

Hearing how compulsory Dong Wen Feng's words were, Black Rose felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart. After all, she was the Sect Leader of Langya Gate, and her status was even higher than Dong Wen Feng, the Sect Leader's disciple.

But when she saw the look in Dong Wen Feng's eyes, she swallowed her retort. After all, it was not Dong Wen Feng who was begging her.

After making their agreement, the two of them continued on their journey. By this time, they were less than a kilometer away from the red dot on the map.

This meant that they were very close to the danger, so they needed to be even more careful.

"Dong Wen Feng, do you feel like you're being watched?"

Black Rose suddenly asked curiously. She looked around and didn't find anything suspicious.

"You felt it too?"

Dong Wen Feng had already sensed it, but did not say it because he did not want Black Rose to worry.

Just as the two were being suspicious, five strange people wearing armor and helmets suddenly appeared. Their destination seemed to be Dong Wen Feng's group.

"Find the target and carry out the command."

The strange man let out a robotic voice, which sounded emotionless.

The strange person did not have any Zhen Yuan on them, and Dong Wen Feng could not even find any soul Qi on them.

Since he did not know what the thing in front of him was, Dong Wen Feng chose to not change his mind.

The strange person opened his mouth, and spat out a ball of flame. The fire was extremely hot, and all the trees in front of Dong Wen Feng were instantly burnt to ashes.

"F * ck, isn't that the fxcking spitting fire baby?"

Dong Wen Feng flapped the corners of his clothes that were tainted with fire as he ridiculed. He thought that he would definitely not believe that the next time would be the same as when he was unmoving and unmoving, if not for his extraordinary speed, he would have already been roasted just now.

When the strange man spat out the fire, the black rose quickly transformed into an illusionary body, perfectly dodging the attack.

The other weirdos all locked onto Dong Wen Feng at the same time, and at the same time spat fire at Dong Wen Feng, locking down all the angles.

Dong Wen Feng immediately conjured his True Essence barrier, but before his True Essence barrier could even last two seconds, it was destroyed by the raging flames. These two seconds were enough for Dong Wen Feng to escape from the encirclement of the monsters.

"Black Rose, you two, me three."

Dong Wen Feng was infuriated by this group of weirdos, and directly assigned the tasks to Black Rose.

When the weirdo attacked again, Dong Wen Feng used the Flash Technique and body splitting technique to confuse the weirdo, and successfully circled behind him.

Dong Wen Feng raised his sword and slashed down on the weirdo's head.


The long sword was bounced back by the helmet on the strange man's head. The helmet was directly caved in by the long sword.

Before Dongguan even had the chance to be happy, they found that their helmets were rapidly recovering, as if they were in their initial state.


Dong Wen Feng could not help but taunt, the sword in his hand was a high quality treasure, even the beasts with Heavenly Stage Late Phase had all died to it.

Taking a closer look at the helmet, he realized that it wasn't a spirit treasure or anything of the sort. It was as if an ordinary helmet was placed on the ground. Why was it hanging like that?

Furthermore, he did not realise that the weirdo was using True Essence to protect his helmet, such a strange thing made Dong Wen Feng fearful in his heart.

After transforming into an illusory form, Black Rose approached the strange man. Then, she placed the Wind Lightning Whip onto the strange man's neck and fiercely pulled him. The strange man remained motionless, as steady as Mt. Tai.

Since his weapon could not break through the defense, Dong Wen Feng kept his sword and prepared to fight with the weirdo.

When the opponent's defense was too strong, he could choose to engage in close combat and use his physical strength to penetrate the defense of the object to kill it.

Dong Wen Feng punched one of the weirdos on the chest, causing him to retreat two steps, and under the force of the rebound, Dong Wen Feng was pushed back five steps.


Dong Wen Feng felt that his fist was numb, as though it had been electrocuted.

"Fuck, what the hell is this thing?"

Dong Wen Feng was depressed, the weapons and attacks were useless, even his close combat was being suppressed, what kind of fight was that.


Black Rose softly said. Her eyes were filled with shock, as if she had thought of something terrifying. Her entire body couldn't help but tremble.

"Are you kidding? Isn't the Terminator a character from a movie? How could he appear in reality?" Dong Wen Feng retorted.

Black Rose no longer attacked the weirdo and went over to Dong Wen Feng's side to explain, "The Terminator is the latest research product from a mysterious organization, the description on the materials are pretty much the same as the thing we met right now."

In the beginning, Black Rose didn't believe that someone could create such a powerful automaton like the Terminator in this century. But now that the truth was right in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but believe it.

"No, it doesn't look like the Terminator. They have the aura of humans on them."

The Terminator was a mechanical man, and naturally didn't have a soul to speak of. The people in front of him all had weak consciousnesses, and it was clear they were being suppressed.

"Do you have any information on what's the weakness of this thing?"

In truth, from the various appearances, Dong Wen Feng already believed Black Rose's words.