Chapter 515


Dong Wenfeng directly interrupted him before the people on the phone finished talking.

"I never accept threats from others."

Then Dong Wenfeng hung up directly.

"Hello, hello?!"

At this time, in a building next to Jingzhou International Airport, a man was putting down his phone and asked the person behind him.

"Well, did you find it? Where is the other party?"

"Sorry, team leader, the other party's mobile phone should be encrypted by experts with a special method. We can't find his current position."

Behind the man, a man in a black suit turned off his laptop and replied.

"Then check the name of Dong Wenfeng for me! Zhou Yilong is involved in a shocking case. We must find his daughter. This line is very important and must be found out for me!"

The man clenched his fist hard, hit the table and ordered his men in an almost roaring voice.

"Yes, team leader! Guarantee to complete the task!"


Dong Wenfeng did not know that Zhou Yilong's accident had involved himself in a very huge vortex.

But Dong Wenfeng has understood that Zhou Yilong entrusted Zhou Caihong to himself, which is not as simple as it seems.

Dong Wenfeng thought while sitting on the chair and knocked on the desktop with his fingers. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something. He quickly took out his laptop from his suitcase.

Dong Wenfeng turned on the computer and found the file Zhou Yilong sent him two days ago.

I always found the page of student status, and then looked carefully. There was a problem!

There is nothing wrong with Zhou Caihong's name and photos on the student status form, but all the following resumes and Zhou Caihong's kinship are completely different from the actual situation!

In the column of relatives, Zhou Caihong is not a child of a single parent family at all. Her father column is filled with Zhou Jianguo, a professional ordinary worker, while her mother column is a woman named Wang Cuiping, a farmer.

If the photos and names were not the same, Dong Wenfeng would not think that this is Zhou Yilong's daughter and Zhou Caihong's student status!

"In other words, in fact, Zhou Yilong had expected that something might happen to him, so he had already disguised his student status so that Zhou Caihong could go to school normally?"

Dong Wenfeng finally figured out why Zhou Yilong was so urgent to bring Zhou Caihong to Guangnan City, and why Zhou Yilong didn't talk to Zhou Caihong in person!

Because obviously, Zhou Yilong knows that his mobile phone has strict confidentiality measures. Even if he calls Dong Wenfeng, he will not be monitored!

But Zhou Caihong, it is likely that her mobile phone had been monitored at that time!

Dong Wenfeng continued to browse the documents sent to him by Zhou Yilong, and then found a document named "X" behind all the formalities.

Because he was in a hurry before, Dong Wenfeng didn't go to browse these things carefully. Now he found that the things that Zhou Yilong sent him actually had another heaven and earth.

Dong Wenfeng opened the mysterious "X" file, and then a short speech.

"Dong Shao, I'm sorry. If you find this, I may have fallen into their hands."

"When I called you, it was already late. I had no chance to get out of China. I just hope the disaster will not affect my family, but I can't believe what principles and bottom lines those people will have."

"I'm very sorry to drag you into this matter, but as I said before, there is a clue that Miss Zheng Meiling was killed. I really didn't lie to you."

"As far as I know, the death of Miss Zheng Meiling's master has something to do with those who want to catch me."

"Guangnan will be far away from the sphere of influence of those people, so you will have more time to prepare, Dong Shao. I believe in your character, so I entrusted my daughter to you."

"I won't reveal information about you. I hope everything goes well in Guangnan."

"Finally, please don't tell rainbow that her father loves her."

"Zhou Yilong's last pen."


Dong Wenfeng closed the document and deleted it from his computer.

Zhou Yilong's words were as clear as what he said in his ear.

In the end, Zhou Yilong didn't make it clear who the "people" were. Was it the national security bureau that called him before? Or are there other people stirring the water behind this?

As a member of the top family in China, Dong Wenfeng is well aware of these struggles at the top and the hidden rules that cannot appear on the table.

Zhou Yilong should have been a family or a high-level "white glove" before.

In other words, Zhou Yilong made money and did some business for that person or force, but obviously, Zhou Yilong should have done something to annoy the family, so there will be an accident now.

As Zhou Yilong said, "those people" had something to do with the death of sister Meiling's master. Dong Wenfeng felt that this was still credible.

Because the death of herself and Zheng Meiling's master is not an open matter. It can be said that the people who can know this matter are definitely involved in this matter.

As a pure businessman, or white glove entrepreneur, Zhou Yilong can know such things in the spiritual world, which shows that what he said before is true that master's death is related to those people.

Now, Dong Wenfeng can say that it is difficult to ride a tiger.

Zhou Caihong is sleeping soundly in the next room. Of course, he can throw Zhou Caihong to those people. After all, he has nothing to do with Zhou Yilong.

But in that case, Zhou Caihong's end may be much worse than he thought before.

Whether Zhou Yilong's words are true or false, the clue of his master's murder will be interrupted from here, and his promise to sister Meiling will not be realized.

Zhou Yilong opened the curtains of his room.

Looking at the colorful neon night outside Guangnan City, Dong Wenfeng overlooks all living beings, just like a God above.

"I'd like to see who dares to play tricks in front of me."

The innate cultivation realm not only brought Dong Wenfeng strong martial arts strength, but also strengthened his self-confidence. This is an ideological progress based on the cultivation realm, not recklessness or ignorance.

But Dong Wenfeng believes that no matter what kind of difficulties he faces, he can also fight a way with his own strength.