Chapter 615

Wang Liu swallowed for a long time before he said, "brother Dong Wenfeng, I have a shameless request. Can I ask you to agree?"

Dong Wenfeng just nodded and motioned him to go on.

"Hey, if you don't agree, it's okay. After all, it's so difficult for people. I hope you can keep calling Wentai company instead of changing the company's name. This is what my father fought all his life. I've devoted most of my life to it. I don't want to..." he said, kneeling on the ground, his body completely lying on the ground and beating the ground with his fist.

"I promise you." Dong Wenfeng said softly. Not only was Wang Liu shocked, but da Chun also opened his mouth.

The tears in Wang Liu's eyes were like a flood that burst the dike. All at once, his lips trembled constantly. The moving Adam's apple seemed to want to say something, but his big mouth didn't say anything. Suddenly, he burst into tears.

Dong Wenfeng didn't say anything. He just waited quietly for him to change his mood. After talking with him about the relevant matters and precautions of Wentai company, he took some company information with him and went out.

Wang Liu, who has received such great kindness, will not have reservations. He knows everything and says everything. He tells the details of the company. Dong Wenfeng also roughly understands the company from Wang Liu's mouth.

Although the company came to an end because of the dereliction of duty of the top and its own business, Dong Wenfeng now understands another reason.

"Moth", the company is like a fat fruit, which is covered with dense moths, devouring the benefits all the time.

A terrible look flashed in Dong Wenfeng's eyes. The storm began. The Yu can no longer count, and Mr. Nanguo will be driven out.

"Supervisor, now call all the employees to the hall and give me an employee performance form."

After hearing Dong Wenfeng's words, the supervisor looked embarrassed and secretly glanced at Wang Liu next to him.

Wang Liu naturally knew what he was worried about and shouted, "don't go quickly. You don't listen to your immediate boss, do you?"

The supervisor got up in a hurry and ran out in a hurry.

Before long, he hurried back with a dozen materials in his hand and looked at Wang Liu. Then under Wang Liu's stern eyes, the supervisor quickly turned a corner and handed it to Qin Yu.

"Come on, let's go out and clean up."


Wang Liu straightened his collar, pulled his clothes, and suddenly returned to the dignity of strangers.

But this time he always walked behind Dong Wenfeng. Even if Dong Wenfeng told him not to, he insisted on walking behind. Even Da Chun was one step faster than him.

Wentai employees who were busy with the work at hand were suddenly gathered together by their supervisors. They were all confused and whispered about the next trend of the company and their own situation.

Companies have done this, and it's not their fault to discuss this.

After a while, the whole hall became noisy.

While the discussion was in full swing, the supervisor like a mouse shouted.

"Quiet, quiet, what's it like? I don't want to do it anymore, do I?"

The red cheeks from screaming made him look like a red mouse.

When everyone was quiet, Wang Liu also stood up, cleared his throat and said, "next, let's invite a new general manager and give a round of applause."

Everyone applauded, but everyone's face was shining with doubt. Is it difficult for the company to change ownership?

Dong Wenfeng came slowly, with a faint smile on his face, and quietly introduced himself and his company to accept the fact that Wentai was accepted. During this period, no one objected except Wang Liu's expression.

Of course, Wentai's employees have nothing to say. The company has changed its owner, and it's none of their business. It's like fighting, seizing power and usurping the throne in ancient times. The people are still the people, but the emperor has changed.

Since the sales company still needs to continue, they need them. They are still afraid that no one will take over the company. What's more, from now on, the new young man is very kind, much better than the previous ferocious manager Wang Liu.

Everyone discussed in a happy voice, and the atmosphere seemed very harmonious. Only Wang Liuhe and the supervisor had a bitter smile on their faces.

If these employees saw the security guards lying in the reception room now, they would not be so happy.

These two people are demons who eat people and don't spit bones.

The supervisor couldn't help thinking so.

A brave man also happily took up his family routine with Dachun, which made Wang Liu tremble.

"Everyone is very happy, but the next thing will make some people unhappy. Next, the person I read my name will stand on my left, and the one I didn't read will stand in place," he said and began to call his name.

Although the people were confused, since the new general manager said so, they did it one after another. Soon, the crowd was separated like a diversion stream.

In this way, everyone will be nervous when his partner working day and night is forcibly divided into two parts.

They began to be afraid of their own situation. Did they do something bad, or did they have any advantages over others.

The uneasiness spread between the two groups.

Of course, some people are calm and self-determined. They are either very confident in themselves or feel that they can hide their strength.

But in Dong Wenfeng's next words, everyone took off their masks and precautions.

"Zhang Wen, who has been working for a long time, has failed to meet several performance standards and has to leave."

A seemingly white male employee just had a big mouth, then lowered his head and silently accepted the cruel facts.

"Jiang Wei, misappropriate public funds..."

The employees standing in front were pointed one by one, and the slightly sad mood was rendered in the crowd.

When they were ordered, they stood dejected. Those who were not ordered were still waiting in fear. They also knew that they were doomed this time.

The voice of the supervisor is like a sickle of death, constantly harvesting their powers. Whether you are a small employee or a high-ranking supervisor, you will be punished by leaving.

Of course, some people did not make a big mistake. They were given a warning. Those who were warned were relieved as if they had been pardoned for their crimes.

Such an atmosphere of oppression must also breed many signs of rebellion.

I saw people gathered in twos and threes, and the most was a small group of more than a dozen people. The leader of the small group was an old man in his 60s wearing a Zhongshan suit. From the flattering expression of the people, it seemed that his official position was definitely not low.

He is also a person who was appropriated by Qin Yu for misappropriating the company's public funds and establishing a small group.

But he didn't have the sad expression of those who were dismissed. Instead, he was red and crossed his legs.

Before the supervisor finished reading, a man with a big oil head under the old man interrupted arrogantly.

"As a supervisor, how dare you say such words? And what's your little boy? The sixth brother hasn't spoken yet."

The watchers could not help sighing. Even if the old man was dazed, his men were still so stupid. From Wang Liu's respectful attitude towards the young man and always standing behind him, they knew that the young man was definitely not simple. They were provoking themselves. They were really stupid.

And people as foolish as them will think that this is not the Savior? All cheered up.

Seeing such a scene, Wang Liu could not help but frown. It seemed that he could not keep his cousin.

Wang Liu, who can't protect himself from such negative waves, let alone keep him.

The young man with a big greasy head looked at Dong Wenfeng and thought he had counselled, so he continued to shout with the appreciation of the old man.

Dong Wenfeng looked at him with a smile. His eyes were like watching a clown constantly perform.

"You want to die. Jump up and down in front of the general manager. Wang Qiang, if you don't want to do it, get out!"

Wang Liu tore his heart and lungs and roared. After roaring, it was like draining the strength of his body, and his hands hung down soft.

The oil head young man was roared with horror, and the old man behind him was also full of disbelief.

Wang Liu used to be respectful to himself all the time. Otherwise, how could he embezzle such things.

Wang Liu is famous for his filial piety. Now he yells at his elders' names and asks him to go away. Of course, people can't believe it.

"Wang Liu, what are you talking about?" Wang Qiang's old lips trembled.

The poor look was like an old man at dusk. Wang Liu lowered his head and dared not look into his eyes. He said in a low voice, biting his teeth.

"Don't you understand me?"

If you can see Wang Liu's face, you can see his tears.

Wang Qiang's dry fingers trembled a few times and then hung down. His wrinkled face was filled with a lonely look. He immediately walked out slowly. His staggering walking posture gave him the appearance of an old man.

Wang Liu wanted to raise his arm several times, but he was unwilling to fall slowly. He could only beat his chest in frustration and vent his depression.