Chapter 834

"Master Dong, I'm here to save Mr. Green Mao's life. If you can trust me, you might as well let me try!"

Dong Wenfeng's reputation was in the past, his thin face was dark, and his charitable eyes were bright under his light eyebrows.

It's hard for him to believe what the old man said at the moment. It seems that Dong Wenfeng resents what he did before.

At this time, in the dark of the night, the hand on the old man's stick seemed to be shaking, but he still narrowed his eyes and faced Dong Wenfeng with God.

Let Dong Wenfeng's firm eyes sprinkle wantonly on the "gully" that has experienced many vicissitudes. The thin figure seems to emphasize the unbearable load of the crutch, but because of the old clothes, it adds a quiet and silence to the dusk.

It turned out that at the beginning, Dong Wenfeng and them entered the ghost crying stream in Hechuan for a dispensable adventure, but the purpose of their trip was also for the bronze giant coffin of the ghost crying stream.

However, as the guardian of the bronze giant coffin, Taoist Baimei can't make other outsiders think about this treasure.

In order to let them retreat by themselves, Taoist Baimei made a Dharma to make them feel fear, and then left alone. The Taoist priest was kind-hearted and didn't want to hurt the innocent, so he didn't hurt their lives. Unexpectedly, Dong Wenfeng was also very capable. He was surprised to get out of his dream.

Since Dong Wenfeng encountered this trouble, he put the responsibility on Taoist Bai Mei.

Therefore, as soon as he heard the memory of ghost crying stream in Hechuan, he immediately thought that the old man had done a good deed. Naturally, it was impossible to believe him any more.

What's more, he suddenly showed up here for no reason without climbing the three treasures hall, which made Dong Wenfeng believe that he came to save people. He was determined not to believe it.

"I know young master Dong is prejudiced against me, but human life is vital. I hope young master Dong will think it over!" Taoist priest Bai Mei spoke sincerely, which didn't seem like a lie, but the more he did, the more he couldn't be careful.

"How do you make me believe you?"

Dong Wenfeng did talk about the point. After all, there was a misunderstanding between them. Only by solving the misunderstanding, they can naturally dispel their past grievances.

"I tell you the whereabouts of Miss Murong. I wonder if master Dong can satisfy you?"

Taoist priest Baimei really has some skills, and Dong Wenfeng knows it. If they were not them, but ordinary people in the ghost crying stream that day, I don't know if I can escape. I believe that if he wants to deal with green hair, Dong Wenfeng can't compete with him alone.

Dong Wenfeng weighed the pros and cons and still planned to be a living horse doctor. What's more, he had seen that green Mao had lost too much blood and it was difficult to go to the hospital.

Dong Wenfeng nodded slowly, and the Taoist priest Bai Mei nodded. His pale face has condensed a blood color. It seems that this is caused by thinking.

When he saw that green hair was covered with blood, the body of white eyebrow Taoist priest trembled obviously. Then he personally took the green hair out of the car and gently put it on the plain in the wilderness.

Then the white eyebrow Taoist priest gently touched the green hair, and the unconscious green hair shook and trembled.

Dong Wenfeng and Xiaomeng were surprised. Sure enough, they marveled at Taoist Baimei's skill.

Previously, Xiaomeng saw that Dong Wenfeng had brought an old man. She just knew that the enemy was coming. Why would Dong Wenfeng be with him. After understanding, she knew that the old man was not someone else, but Taoist Baimei, the leader of huangpizi Taoist temple in ghost crying stream. Xiaomeng also scolded Dong Wenfeng for this, saying that he had forgotten his resentment a few days ago.

Dong Wenfeng told Xiaomeng that Taoist priest Baimei was the guardian of the bronze giant coffin, and Taoist priest Baimei worked hard to save our lives. Xiaomeng still believes this, but when she sees green Mao's painful look, she simply asks Taoist Baimei to have a try.

At this time, Taoist Baimei didn't know what secret method he had used, so he drew a blood hole on green Mao.

"No, he's going to murder green hair!" Xiaomeng saw that Taoist Baimei actually pierced green hair's wound, which is undoubtedly not adding fuel to the fire.

At this time, Dong Wenfeng didn't know to be on guard. Although he said one side, no one knew whether it was true or false. It seems that even Dong Wenfeng has been fooled.

Dong Wenfeng immediately used the palm technique of fire and rage, and the wind came into being. There was an abnormal scene around him. The angry wind swept in like a big storm. Dong Wenfeng's palm strength and the power of the big storm hit Taoist priest Baimei who was still being treated.

Unexpectedly, Taoist priest Baimei didn't know that he was still concentrating on letting the blood on green hair flow down.

Dong Wenfeng's palm power hit Taoist Baimei without flaw. Dong Wenfeng didn't expect that he didn't escape.

The Taoist priest Bai Mei's body trembled. Good boy, he actually practiced such power. He saw that the palm power poured into the injured back of green hair like running water. Green hair puffed, and a pool of blood came out. It was black blood.

Where did Dong Wenfeng want Taoist priest Baimei to use to stimulate Dong Wenfeng to get angry and use genuine Qi to heal green Mao? If he really hesitated, believing Taoist priest Baimei would harm green Mao.

I saw that the poison was bleeding out, and green Mao's face was red and gradually returned to normal.

It seems that there are many strange things in the world. It's the first time to meet such a coincidence.

Dong Wenfeng lost his face slightly. It seems that he also made mistakes, and Xiao Meng's casual suspicion also made Dong Wenfeng lose his judgment. Dong Wenfeng blushed and said hesitantly, "Taoist Baimei, I really misunderstood you. Your adult doesn't remember villains."

Taoist priest Bai Mei is also an adult. How could he lose his temper because of this small matter? What's more, Dong Wenfeng has such power when he is young. It seems that there are talented people in the country and there are successors in the Jianghu. When he saw another batch of talents in China, he was naturally very proud.

"Young master Dong, I don't know anything about you, but your angry temper can be changed. If someone else is standing here, wouldn't it add another life today?" Bai Mei frowned, but it wasn't as comfortable as he just said. It seems that he has known that Dong Wenfeng killed 23 ninjas. The people of cultivation are kind, No matter which country's creatures are, they can't hurt them casually.

But Taoist Bai Mei didn't point it out. It seems that he didn't come to him for theory.

Dong Wenfeng could only lower his head and say vaguely in his mouth, "Taoist priest Baimei taught me that the younger generation must change. But Taoist priest Baimei told me not to be so polite. Just call Wenfeng. I'm not used to it."