Chapter 900

Shen Bingyan has indeed changed. She can be warm to a person or cold to a person. Although her eyes are not sharp and wise enough, there is a crisis that can not be ignored.

"Baimei hall leader, I'll leave it to you."

Shen Bingyan then attacked Zhuan suntanghua, saying that their gratitude and resentment had been feuding for a long time, and they were all friends of Zhu Rongfeng for a hundred years.

The ancestors of zhuansun family produced a peerless genius more than 100 years ago, but this man was competitive and boasted that he would be the overlord of Zhu Rongfeng. Therefore, the Miao tribe in the West vein was the first to be destroyed.

In that battle, Miao was almost destroyed, so zhuansun tribe became the first enemy of Miao. After miaojiang regrouped and recuperated, hundreds of battles took place between the two ethnic groups, large and small. However, zhuansun tribe did not have that genius, and naturally did not have the absolute assurance to defeat miaojiang.

However, the feud between the two ethnic groups was completely settled and spread to the first generation of Shen Qingqiu. The decline of Miao forces and the internal strife of the tribe gave zhuansun tribe a chance.

After that, miaojiang was no longer able to challenge zhuansun tribe. After Shen Bingyan was saved by rongmu tribe three years ago, he returned to miaojiang to avenge his family, regrouped and sneaked an attack on zhuansun tribe once or twice. Although they were all successful, the effect was not very significant.

Today, if Shen Bingyan can defeat the leader of zhuansun tribe here, she will completely avenge the family and comfort the mother of the spirit in heaven.

Therefore, Shen Bingyan totally took a fancy to the contest. Her martial arts were fierce and vicious, but she had some control during the one month meditation of huangpizi Taoist temple. At this time, her claws were deeply embedded with five fingers, and a black wind hit. It was really strange. Zhuan suntanghua was shocked and used the bamboo whip, but it was cast by the Millennium Arctic cold iron. At this moment, the daozhumen formed the Kung Fu to restrain Shen Bingyan's claws.

The first time the two people competed, no one knew the details of each other, but there was also an act of mutual temptation. The Taoist priest Baimei here has made a move to capture the shoulders of the 100 disabled Taoist priest. The 100 disabled Taoist priest was really disgusted. He took out a dagger and stabbed him in the palm of his hand.

Taoist priest Baimei saw a cloud of black gas, dog and Japanese. Unexpectedly, this bastard was so despicable and shameless. He immediately blocked the acupoints to avoid the surge of toxic gas.

Seeing that Taoist priest Baimei was resisting poison, the hundred disabled Taoist priest wanted to take this great opportunity to send him a move so that he could go directly to the West.

When the hundred disabled Taoist priest was about to hit Taoist priest Baimei, he only felt that a stronger force in his palm oppressed him. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Dong Wenfeng. The smelly boy was clearly hit by his magic Yin palm just now. I didn't expect that he was still safe at the moment, but he was even worse. Could it be that the smelly boy took some panacea.

At the thought of a panacea, Taoist baican was a little surprised. He touched his body. Darling, the sandalwood mirror box was gone. It contained his lifelong treasures. The hundred disabled Taoist priest was almost dizzy in this place. He only needed to eat one of these Qu Lingdan, which could be worth ten years of skill. He only had twelve in total. He ate one himself and gave the injured Gu Jianbai one just now. Unexpectedly, the remaining ten were stolen by Dong Wenfeng.

"Smelly boy, give me back quickly." Taoist baican was almost stunned. These Qu Lingdan were very precious, so he took them with him all the time. Unexpectedly, Dong Wenfeng was the smelly boy. If he was not afraid that Dong Wenfeng would threaten with these panacea, he should really kill Dong Wenfeng to vent his anger.

In fact, when Shen Bingyan and Zhuan suntanghua were competing, Dong Wenfeng had entered the state of self-regulation of breath. I don't know why one Yin, one Yang, one heat and one cold resisted each other. From the lower abdomen to the throat and nose, Dong Wenfeng once again recited the mental formula of the nine gods' body protection divine skill: "Yin and Yang open and close heaven, earth and people, and the five zang organs generate Qi and blood. One Zang organ and one meridians generate Qi and righteousness, and there is a wonderful reason." it's really evil. I just think it's better not to read this formula. After reading it, I feel even more uncomfortable.

Dong Wenfeng knew that the nine gods' body protection divine skill was an excellent healing method, but he was afraid that it did not use the right place, so he continued to open up his own Fengfu, Baihui, shenting, three single points and Fengchi, chengling, Touwei and three double points, a total of nine points.

It doesn't matter at this moment. He just feels that the mixed gas in his body is about to break out. Dong Wenfeng thinks of the Yurong pot mentioned by Taoist Baimei just now. Is it because he is eager for success that he will go crazy? It seems that his deadline is coming.

Dong Wenfeng is a little cranky. In fact, he is a pure Yang body, but he is hit by the magic Yin palm of the extreme Yin in the world. These two strands of one Yin and one Yang will naturally have a violent reaction, which just makes up for Dong Wenfeng's lack of Yin moistening gas and hides Dong Wenfeng's all masculine side. It's just a good thing.

Dong Wenfeng didn't understand. Looking at Taoist priest Baimei being attacked by Taoist priest 100, he thought that he was already a dying man anyway. He slapped Taoist priest 100 with the heart of death. It doesn't matter if it's wrong. It's like getting through the two veins of Ren Du. Dong Wenfeng was in great spirits. He just felt that there was something bulging on Taoist priest 100. Dong Wenfeng just looked at it Seeing that he just took out a wooden box and there seemed to be something like a pill in it, he gave Gu Jian one for nothing. It must be a good medicine for curing the injury.

Dong Wenfeng sneaked into the clothes bag of the hundred disabled Taoist priest and took out the sandalwood box. Unexpectedly, the hundred disabled Taoist priest didn't notice it.

Dong Wenfeng didn't bother to bird him. Since he would ask himself like this at the moment, it shows that there must be good things in this box. Now that his apprentice has eaten it, I believe he is not afraid of poison.

Looking at the poison in Taoist priest Baimei's palm, it must be the same poison as that in Gu Jianbai. The person who poisoned it is a teacher apprentice relationship, so the formula of the poison should be little different.

Dong Wenfeng handed Taoist Baimei a Qu Lingdan. Taoist baican felt heartache when he saw it, but he now had severe chest pain. With the loss of a Qu Lingdan, he felt even worse, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help vomiting.

"Qu Lingdan, this is a good thing!" Taoist Baimei took Qu Lingdan and swallowed it, slowly exhaling and meditating.

After hearing this, the hundred disabled Taoist thought: nonsense, this is not a good thing! I didn't expect to be in your mouth, but it's a pity that I can't move at the moment, otherwise I will burn with these qulingdan jade and stone after fighting this old life