Chapter 923

During the period of applying medicine, Dong Wenfeng quietly looked up at a serious and exquisite face.

He found that Linglong's facial features were still so exquisite when he observed Linglong so closely.

This is the perfect creation in God's hand.

"All right."

After a while, Linglong finally burst into a smile.

"Thank you."

Dong Wenfeng didn't mean his praise.

After treating the wound, Dong Wenfeng looked at the surrounding sea area. Now the list of ten people is determined. The joint force should appear.

"Zizizi ~"

At this time, a current sound came from Dong Wenfeng's smart watch.

Yes? Will this smart watch make its own sound?

When Tan gave it to him, he didn't speak. The smart watch still made a sound.

If this is in the ambush stage, a small sound can expose yourself.

"Hello, Dong Wenfeng, can you hear me?"

A voice of inquiry came from the smart watch.

"Tan Lao? Is that you?"

As soon as Dong Wenfeng's face changed, he immediately stuck his watch to his ear.

When connected, Yu Guang in the corner of Dong Wenfeng's eye found that other soldiers in China were looking at him.

It seems that Tan only connects his smart watch.

"It's me, Dong Wenfeng. I really didn't read you wrong." Tan said with a smile at the other end of the call.

"What the hell is this joint competition? How can there be such a strange tide?" Dong Wenfeng immediately expressed his doubts.

"I know you are confused and worried, but there are some things I can't tell you, because even I don't have the authority to know." Tan Lao's tone was helpless.

"What!" Dong Wenfeng was surprised.

You know, Tan is one of the best in the army. How high is the authority requirement.

Dong Wenfeng involuntarily thought of No. 1 and No. 2 leaders.

"But I can tell you, in fact, the end of the joint competition is also the beginning. This indicator of the survival of ten people is the result of discussions between governments of various countries. I can talk to you only when there are ten smart watches left to contact, and so can the United States." Tan explained in a dignified tone.

"What should I do?" Dong Wenfeng felt that he was sinking deeper and deeper in the vortex of struggle among countries.

"Into that crater."

"Crater?" Dong Wenfeng looked at the bottomless crater.

"Well, after going down, you may get more information."

"OK!" Dong Wenfeng agreed.

In fact, at present, Dong Wenfeng has no place to go except the crater.

"Come on, the talk time is coming soon. I believe you, Dong... Zizi..."

The smart watch lost its sound and became what it was before.

"Boss? Did you hear anything?" Tian Zhan put his smart watch in his ear and asked with a puzzled face.

Others also looked at Dong Wenfeng.

Dong Wenfeng didn't hide it and told them all about the dialogue he had just had with Tan Lao.

"What? Make complaints about what goes on."

"Iron bear, don't question the superior's instructions." silver wolf is a soldier loyal to the leader.

"Iron bear? This code is very suitable for you." Linglong said with a smile.

"Of course!" the strong man didn't think there was anything wrong with the code, but said proudly.

After some discussion on the US side, he came to Dong Wenfeng.

"You must have got the news too," asked the American soldier.

"HMM." Dong Wenfeng didn't say much, waiting for the next sentence of the American soldiers.

"According to the superiors, the struggle between us seems to be over, and there is another unknown below. We might as well unite. If we still need a different struggle for national honor at that time, we will separate." the American soldier said his own idea.

Countries have spent so much manpower on a joint competition. In the end, there are only ten people.

The competition system itself is very abnormal, coupled with the strange tide.

The whole joint competition has been covered with a layer of magic color.

At this time, it seems OK to find a partner and abandon this group of American soldiers in a major crisis.

For other international soldiers, Dong Wenfeng has no emotional tendency.

"Well, I hope everyone doesn't make any small moves behind his back."

While agreeing, Dong Wenfeng also warned the American soldier by insinuation.

"Of course, who dares to do so, I'm the first to kill him."

The American soldier said very firmly, but his eyes stared at Dong Wenfeng, as if he was warning Dong Wenfeng.

"Let's go."

Dong Wenfeng turned back and greeted his teammates.

"Boss, the crater is deep and dark. Do you really want to jump directly?" Tian Zhan swallowed a mouthful of water and said.

"Coward." Linglong said with a curl of his mouth.

"Standing and talking doesn't hurt your back. Go on." Tian Zhan also felt that he couldn't get over it on his face and directly returned to the enemy.

"Stop arguing. I'll come."

The silver wolf stood up and stopped the strong man who wanted to persuade with his eyes.

"It was my brothers who saved my life just now. Let me be the first to do this dangerous behavior." the silver wolf looked at Dong Wenfeng and said sincerely.

"Pay attention to safety." Dong Wenfeng did not persuade.

This crab must be eaten by the first person. Since someone is willing to take the initiative, it's best.

The silver wolf nodded and came to the edge of the crater.

He took a deep breath and slid down the crater.

He soon disappeared.

"Boss! Are you still there?"

The strong man lay anxiously on the edge and shouted inside.

After more than ten seconds, a sound came from the ground.

"I'm fine. You can come down directly."

It was the voice of the silver wolf.

"Let's go too," said Dong Wenfeng.

With the silver wolf's exploration, everyone's fear of the unknown is not so serious.

One by one, they slipped down.

After sliding for more than ten seconds, Dong Wenfeng felt that his feet stepped on hard objects.

Dong Wenfeng estimated that the depth must be tens of meters. At least the slope is enough, or everyone will fall to death.

But it's dark here. I can't see my fingers.

"Ba Da!"

A beam of light shone on Dong Wenfeng's face.

"You also brought a flashlight?" Dong Wenfeng blocked the dazzling light with his hand.

"This is the smart watch's own, that's the button in the upper left corner." the strong man's rough and crazy voice came from the front.

After the strong man's explanation, everyone turned on their own flashlight.

The place brightened up in an instant.

It is surrounded by pits, soil slopes, solid soil at the bottom, and a bronze gate in front.

This is obviously an artifact.