
Shao Xi had never felt this tired before, he was punished by the class monitor to run, his entire body was soaked, his body was almost at its limit, Liu Bing was no exception, his physical fitness was good, but running was easy, Shao Xi could already hear him panting.

"Shao Xi, I apologize, I was wrong, we are brothers of the same class, I do not want this, we will not care about this, you will forgive me, forgive me, won't you?" Shao Xi did not expect that Liu Bing would take the initiative to apologize to him. He panted heavily as he turned around to look at Shao Xi.

In fact, Shao Xi's anger had already disappeared, and he was even complaining that he was too impulsive. His heart was full of regret when he hit someone. Liu Bing, blame me, blame me, blame me for being too impulsive! " Shao also sincerely apologized.

"Then from now on, we're still good brothers!" Liu Bing nodded at Shao Xi as he ran.

Shao Xi also nodded. " We will always be good brothers on the same front, your cultural quality is not bad. I hope that if we work hard together, we will all be able to become country's special guard and become true bodyguards of Zhongnanhai! "

For some reason, after Shao Xi and Liu Bing apologized and made up with each other, running felt much easier, and the speed also increased by a whole level. Perhaps, he just couldn't bring out his level of skill due to the knot in his heart.

After what must have been an hour of running, the squad leader beckoned to them, and they breathed a sigh of relief that the punishment was coming to an end. The two of them excitedly sprinted to the side of the class monitor. The class monitor looked at them and found that their clothes were all wet. There was still steam coming from their heads and the sweat on their faces was dripping onto the ground. A large portion of them fell within a few seconds. I'll give you five minutes to go back and change your clothes, then come back and continue your handgun training! " Shao Xi looked gratefully at the class monitor, knowing that he was afraid of catching a cold with Liu Bing.

"Zhao Gang, you go with them!" The class rep looked at Zhao Gang. Zhao Gang's brain did not react fast enough, so he did not know what the class rep meant.

"Squad leader, there's no need for that. The two of us have made up while running!" Shao Xi embarrassedly said as he patted Liu Bing's shoulder and ran towards the living quarters. Halfway there, Shao saw the monitor sneaking a look back at him, and his expression changed. Perhaps he was pleased with their reconciliation.

Shao Xi and Liu Bing hastily changed their clothes and went back to the training field. The class monitor asked them to join the class, and at this time, everyone was still practicing how to take out their guns. Shao Xi could see that everyone's expression was very impatient.

"Squad leader, can we go any further? We've already taken out our guns so many times that our hands are numb!" When they were resting, Liu Bing finally couldn't help but give some advice to the class rep. The class monitor glanced at him, but did not say anything. It was only during the official training that the class monitor looked at the team from head to toe, then thoughtfully asked, "Comrades, I know you guys are tired of training your guns, but you should know why we are training."

"Report, class monitor, the purpose of training is to improve your skills!" It was unknown when Zhao Gang had learned how to answer.

"Then what's the purpose of upgrading my skills?" the monitor asked.

Zhao Gang thought for a moment before answering, "To serve our motherland and protect our homeland!"

Hou Yongdong's face turned serious. Suddenly, he slapped his holster. With a "pa" sound, the squad leader appeared out of nowhere and took out his gun. "That speed was very fast, and it did not allow for anyone to react in the slightest." Serve the motherland? Defend our home? Yes, that's right, but I can tell you clearly that the army exists for the sake of war. Maybe everyone is curious, why would I keep asking you guys to train with guns, then, I can tell you why! " The squad leader paused, then suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "When you encounter enemies, those who take out their guns quickly can live! This is why I want you to practice drawing guns! "

The soldiers seemed to be greatly shocked. It turned out that a simple action of pulling out guns could be combined with one's own life!

After hearing what the class monitor had said, the new recruits no longer disdained to simply take out their guns, because they already knew that this simple action might be able to save their own lives at a critical moment, and might even be able to ensure that the guard mission was absolutely safe!

Suddenly, a whistle sounded. Shao Xi thought that he was going to stop, but who knew that the company commander would loudly issue a command: "Take a break — stand at attention!" Then, he raised his arms and ran towards the west side of the training field. Experience told Shao Xi that there must be a leader here to inspect the training. However, the company commander personally reported that this must be a big shot!

"Bureau Chief Chang, the new recruit's sixth company is organizing a handgun shooting training. Do you wish to continue? Please give your instructions." The company commander's report was surprisingly loud. Everyone was shocked. Was it really Director Chang Haoran from the Special Security Bureau? Last time, everyone had missed out on the general's grandeur because they were looking at his daughter. Now that they heard this news, they couldn't hide the excitement in their hearts. They all wanted to see exactly what this legendary general looked like. At this time, no one dared to make the slightest move. The officials also stood straight, waiting for the director's order.

"Gather!" It was the director's voice.

Though Shao could not see the director for the moment, he could tell from his powerful words that the director was still young in temperament, even though he was in his sixties!

But Shao didn't understand why they needed to gather. Was the director going to speak to the recruits? It seemed illogical. The head of the Special Guard Bureau, a general, would he speak up for a company? It was unbelievable.

Taking advantage of the gathering, Shao Xi took a glance in that direction from the corner of his eye. It was indeed Bureau Chief Chang! Teaching a brigade commander, a brigade commissar to accompany them. Ah? There was also a girl beside him — the girl he had met after that exercise. She was still dressed in white and was staring intently at the training field, taking pictures of the soldiers with her camera. Having learned his lesson from last time, Shao Xi only stayed on the girl for a moment before he began to size up Director Chang. He was wearing a well-ironed military uniform today, and the three golden stars on his shoulders were shining brightly. Shao Xi was unable to describe the excitement in his heart.

At this time, Shao Xi heard a loud and clear sound of a horn coming from three different directions. "One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four —" Shao Xi couldn't help but be taken aback. Why was it that the other companies were also running towards the training field of the sixth company. What was going on? Was the director going to give important instructions here?