Chapter 154

The new year's party is a tradition of aspiring talents. To be fair, it is to welcome the freshmen of senior one. However, we all know the actual nature of the party. It is nothing more than a large stage show for school leaders.

It is said that this year's Party school has provided several awards, among which the grand prize is a huge prize of 3000 yuan.

But even so, Ye Hong still wants to refuse.

He's very busy now. Night food has to wait for him to deal with every day. Those enterprises that want to cooperate with Yeshi, such as xuefenghuang, have almost filled Yehong's mailbox with appointment information.

So he didn't have an air traffic control party. What's more, he didn't care about the 3000 yuan bonus.

However, Wen Ruojun put on a pathetic look: "Yehong, if you don't help the teacher, the teacher will not find anyone.

If the teacher can't find anyone, he will be scolded by the leaders.

If the teacher is scolded...

"stop stop!" Ye Hong has a headache, and quickly stops Wen Ruojun from going on, "I promise. I'll just perform a show. I'll do whatever I want to do."

Wen Ruoyun immediately stopped selling miserably, showed a smile, and triumphantly compared a "V" character.

Ye Hong's heart sighs: it's true that he graduated from the Department of performing arts. As expected, his acting skills are exquisite!

However, the fact is not as simple as Yehong thought.

Wen Ruoyun announced a chorus project to Yehong!

Therefore, in addition to Yehong, there are three other people performing together in the whole program.

The four students come from different classes. According to Wen's request, after school every evening, the four of them will practice their choral repertoire in the school music activity room.

However, Yehong put the other three pigeons on the first day.

He made an appointment with LAN Yan of xuefenghuang to carry out a certain cooperation.

Snow Phoenix as a well-known women's clothing brand, and its effect of cooperation, in fact, with the cold Biquan almost. 100 literature

But at the beginning, hanbiquan saw the great potential of night food and seized the opportunity. He was the first to catch the bus of night food and won many cooperation projects at a relatively easy price.

And snow Phoenix this kind of back comes to drink soup, night Hong does not take the opportunity to kill a pen, still wait until when?

Therefore, he decided to talk with LAN Yan in person and prepare to open his mouth with a lion.

So as soon as school was over in the evening, Yehong rushed back to the store to meet with LAN Yan. He had already forgotten about the chorus.

In the next few days, Yehong had urgent delays every day.

Either business negotiation, shop decoration, staff training, or customer communication...

in short, Yehong hardly had a good day off.

In this case, there is no time to think about the chorus.

Finally, the night before the party, after school on Friday, three figures angrily blocked the door of class 18!

"Eh? Who are the three looking for

Ye Hong looked at the three students in front of her eyes with suspicion.

When did you offend people again?

Among the three, there was a man and two women.

The man is quite honest, black and strong, some flinch behind the two girls.

Among the two girls, the higher one has long hair and looks ordinary, but it is only relative to Yehong, who has seen more beautiful women.

Relatively short girl, not to night Hong chest, but left a head of domineering short hair, character is also domineering exposed!

She put her hands on the waist of xiaomanyao and said angrily, "Yehong, are you going to join the party? You can't even find a personal shadow by standing us up all day!"