Chapter 428

Jidong moment to understand the meaning of night Hong, he raised his head, eyes slightly heavy: "then set a color head."

He touched his chest and took out a book from the plain old gown.

This book uses the ancient thread binding cover, and a few seal characters are faintly flashed on the indigo cover.

"This secret collection is the general outline of Xingyi boxing of my Ji family. If I fail unfortunately, this book will be yours!"

Ji Dong said this way, his eyes flashed a touch of mystery: "if you lose, you must share the secret of your defeat Ji Er to me.

How does Mr. Ye feel about this lottery

General outline of Xingyiquan!

Night Hong's surface is ancient well, in fact, the heart has begun to beat slightly.

Since he learned the eight trigrams martial arts taught by Sima chongting, his martial arts ability began to stagnate.

On the other hand, learning Xingyi boxing from Ji Er on the same day just made the martial arts ability move a little.

Yehong estimated that to continue to improve martial arts ability, we must continue to learn ancient martial arts.

Because of this, the general outline of the Xingyi boxing in Jidong's hands has a great attraction to Yehong.

Ye Hong nodded quietly, learning from Ji er's teaching. He put his hand on Ji's hands and said in a deep voice, "Yejia Yehong, accept the challenge of jijiaji's ancient martial arts arena!"

Immediately, Li Dafa and others began to move on the beach.

Under the guidance of Jidong and others, a square area of tens of square meters has been gradually drawn out.

This area is the next challenge arena for Yehong and Jidong!

Numerous spectators gathered from all directions of the beach and gathered around the edge of the challenge arena, pointing out to several people in the arena with a smile.

And the customers in the night food shop stopped eating, picked up their mobile phones with great interest and took photos of the challenge arena.

For a moment, this arena suddenly became the most lively place on the beach. 49 e-books

But just as the contest was about to begin, a figure was crowding into the crowd.

Calm face of cold maple, is with a strong sense of war to see Jidong.

"Store manager, this guy doesn't need your help. Just give it to me!"

Leng Feng has been studying Bagua martial arts hard these days and nights, and he can't find anyone to practice.

Yes, yehongyi can solve him.

By the way, those ordinary security guards are not qualified to fight with Leng Feng.

So these days and nights, cold Maple can only face the air lonely training, not to mention how uncomfortable.

Now Ji family several people come to find trouble, not just give cold Maple a chance?

The most important thing is that he was defeated by Ji Er before. Now he can just defeat Ji family's people. He is ashamed before snow!

Night Hong understand the idea of cold maple, also did not stop him, just lightly nodded.

But he agreed, the opposite Jidong is a burst of shaking his head.

"The next challenge for me is you Yehong. No one else is qualified to fight with me."

He pointed to Leng Feng and turned to the other three Ji family members beside Ji baxiao and said indifferently: "Ji Qi, Ji 13, Ji 19, you three will meet this person."

Finally, he also explained a sentence: "pay attention to discretion, don't hurt him, or you will pay the medical expenses yourself."

These three faces are young, almost the same as Ji baxiao, and with the same type of name style as Ji Er, they must also be the outstanding young generation of Ji family.

Otherwise Ji Dong and Ji baxiao will not bring them here.

These three people hear Ji move's words, the face immediately reveals distress.

"Chief coach, this guy looks like an ordinary man."

"How can ordinary people stand the Xingyi boxing of our Ji family? It's estimated that one punch will keep him out of bed for a month. "