Chapter 466

Hearing Yehong's words, pandaton, like hearing the sounds of nature, seized Yehong's sleeve excitedly: "Mr. Ye, what is the solution?"

Yehong's face seemed to suddenly fall into memory, and said with a sense of sadness: "this method is the secret recipe handed down to me by my master.

He once told me that the herbs needed by this secret recipe are extremely precious. Even if ordinary people sell them, they can't collect them.

My master also said that if ordinary people encounter this kind of disease, they might as well wait to die. "

Yehong has a ghost master who is just fooling Pan Da.

"Ding! Swindle the top rich, cheat ability + 1! "

Pan Da loves his wife very much, but he doesn't recognize the falsehood in Yehong's words.

Hearing Yehong's words, he suddenly showed a proud look: "you can rest assured that I have a little confidence in my own financial resources.

If you need any medicine, I can get it for you

"You said it yourself Night Hong surface although still a pair of embarrassment, the heart has long been smiling flowers.

He asked someone to get the pen and paper, while facing Pan Da with a serious face: "Mrs. pan, this disease is actually a kind of poison, which is called Southern Xinjiang Gu Du!"

South Xinjiang Gu Du!

Pandaton was shocked.

None of the famous doctors he had visited before could accurately name his wife's illness.

Can be like this night Hong is so full of confidence to say export, panda for night Hong's trust and up a few points.

Meanwhile, the housekeeper Lin on one side also shivered all over, and he could not help exclaiming, "South Xinjiang... That's not..."

Pan Da's eyes widened, as if thinking of something: "Xiaozhen just got this strange disease after she came back from southern Xinjiang!" I love Chinese net

No longer doubting, he kept urging, "what about paper and pen? Give it to Mr. Yee at once

Soon, a security guard came with a pen and paper and put it respectfully in front of Yehong.

According to the plan given by the brain system, Yehong wrote out the herbs needed for the prescription on the paper.

"7 grams of Perilla... 9 grams of red ginseng... 10 grams of raw land..."

after writing more than ten kinds of essential medicinal materials in succession, Yehong's heart suddenly moved. He turned the tip of his pen, and added more than ten kinds of medicinal materials that he could not use.

After all, you can't come for nothing...

when steward Lin took over the paper, he was stunned.

Pointing to the medicinal materials on the prescription, he said: "the herbs in front of us are very easy to find, but the Millennium ginseng is 50g... And the Tianshan snow lotus is 100g...

these are very difficult to buy in the market!

What's more, the amount needs so much... "

Yehong touched his nose awkwardly, whether he suddenly opened his mouth too much.

However, Pan Da was solemnly ordered: "Lao Lin, no matter how hard it is to find, today even if the whole city of egrets is turned upside down, we have to give Mr. Ye to collect the medicinal materials!"

Even though he still had doubts in his heart, steward Lin did not dare to say anything more, so he had to arrange for someone to go out and buy Herbs.

These medicinal materials, especially those added by Yehong out of selfishness, are not so easy to obtain.

Fortunately, Bailu city is not only the provincial capital of Jiangnan Province, but also an important coastal economic city.

Many commodities are in circulation at home and abroad, among which there are many rare medicinal materials.