Chapter 585

Night Hong kept the gun pointing at Bai Chixiong's action unchanged, turned his head and silently watched the group of people who suddenly came out.

In front of the crowd, a foreigner with blonde hair and blue eyes, is holding a silver sand eagle and aiming at Yehong.

But beside him, there were several big foreign men standing in a row.

These big men have black and white skin, but they have the same characteristic, that is, indifference in their eyes.

This is a kind of indifference to life!

This group of people, is likely to be the knife edge licking blood international mercenaries!

And this group of people, each holding AK-47 automatic rifle, aimed at night Hong's head.

I believe that as long as ye Hong has a little action, they will be merciless to shoot the bullets on the head of Yehong!

"Henry Smith, international arms dealer, see you.

Your skill is really an eye opener to me

The first foreign middle-aged man took off his hat and saluted Yehong.

His eyes were full of wonder.

Before today, he, like many foreigners, scoffed at the so-called flamboyant kungfu.

But until today I saw Yehong's ghost like skill and God's general reaction ability, I felt that he was indeed a mysterious ancient country for thousands of years, and there was a master with flamboyant Kungfu hidden in such a small county!

Night Hong facing that a AK, but not afraid, light back: "since you know my skill, you should also know that these broken guns can not stop me."

The faces of Smith and others suddenly froze.

Recalling Yehong's alien speed, they couldn't find a way to deal with it.

Sure enough, it's the world's martial arts, only fast can't break!

But Smith did not admit defeat, but silently sighed: "although we are not your opponent, you still lost."

Ye Hong's eyes narrowed slightly: "what do you mean?" 518 Chinese website

Smith grinned and snapped his fingers.

However, the group of mercenaries beside him turned their spears together, aiming at Lei Zi and others outside the Manor!

Night Hong's face, all of a sudden it looks ugly.

"Hey, you can hide bullets. I wonder if your men can hide?"

Smith took out a cigar leisurely and smoked it leisurely.

"Let go of my friends. How nice of us to make money with kindness."

Night Hong lenglenglengleng stares at white Chixiong, but will be a pistol.

Then he jumped off the outer wall and rushed back to the night blade and others.

That group of mercenaries was about to shoot Yehong's back, but was stopped by Smith's fury!

"Fool, do you want me to die?"

He is clearly aware that Yehong is only a temporary compromise.

If you take a cold gun from the back, even if you beat down the night blade group of people, you can't stand the vengeance of Yehong!

Now is the best result, but never to provoke that monster!

Leizi and others also see that they have become the burden of night Hong.

They lowered their heads in shame, gritted their teeth and said, "boss, is that all it is about?"

"The brothers can't swallow this breath!"

Yehong looks back at the white manor. On the outer wall, Smith is smiling at him.

Yehong's mind flashed over the night again, and zhinuo looked pitiful on the hospital bed. He murmured: "how could it be that way..."

he decisively took out his mobile phone and dialed a Kyoto number he had never called before!