Chapter 614

Those separated children, at the same time, moved away from their eyes with shame.

Over the years, all their energy has been on how to make money. They have no mind to study ancient medicine.

As a result, they were ridiculed by Jiang guchan, pointing at their noses. They were speechless indeed.

However, Jiang guchen did not intend to let them go. Instead, he took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "do you all want to enter the gas house?

I can promise you, but you must promise me one condition at the same time! "

All of them raised their heads in unison and looked at Jiang guchan.

Among these lines of sight, Jiang guchen said slowly: "if you don't learn the ancient Qi therapy after entering the Qi house, you can apply to leave Jiang's house by yourself."

This is peaceful and peaceful, just like Jiang guchan usually and they smile and joke in the same tone.

But the cold meaning in the words is frightening all the separated children to be silent.

Yes, of course, they are dissatisfied with the need to devote their resources to their masters.

However, without the background support of their owners, they will not be able to get to this stage.

If they left the giant Jiang family, they could not imagine how much damage their business would suffer.

On the one hand, it is ethereal and intangible, which only lies in the legendary ancient Qi therapy. On the other hand, it is an industry visible to the naked eye and can be firmly grasped in the hand.

People are not fools, but they can tell which is more important.

Then, there was a weak voice from the crowd: "master, I still have something to deal with, so I'll leave first."

As one voice spreads like a plague, people leave for various reasons.

In the end, only Jiang Gushu and Jiang Zhong stood alone in front of the open space. Sanjiu novel network

"You, you!"

They looked at the group of "pig teammates" angrily and stamped their feet.

In this way, Jiang guchan solved the crisis without any effort.

His seemingly tepid but pointless means of dealing with things, let Night Hong eyes flash Daodao perception.

"Ding! Learning means, handling ability + 1, current progress: 110, current level: entry level. "

At this time, Jiang guchen looked at Jiang Gushu and Jiang Zhong coldly and warned, "what's your idea? Do you think I don't know?

I advise you not to think carefully, or even if one of you is my brother and the other is my son, I will destroy my family with justice! "

Jiang Gushu and Jiang Zhong looked at each other with a cold hum and left the gas house.

This time, they negotiated in advance and decided on a foolproof strategy, which encouraged those separated children to come, in order to force Jiang guchan to hand over the ancient Qi therapy.

However, Jiang is still old and spicy. Jiang's ancient Zen easily resolved the storm and even hit their prestige in the Jiang family.

The next time they want to do the same thing again, those separated children will not be so easy to trust them.

It can be said that it was a careless move and lost all the game.

Looking at their back, Jiang guchen's face suddenly appeared deep fatigue.

The face of the original spirit Yiyi, also seems to be several years old in an instant.

He suddenly waved to Jiang Zheng and Jiang Yu outside the door: "you come in and listen to it."

Jiang Zheng and Jiang Yu are both stunned. After a look at each other, they follow into the gas house.

Jiang Yu's eyes turned, but suddenly he sat by Yehong's side and pushed his body open: "violent maniac, move a seat for me!"